
The 2022 State Dinner

Elites come to Washington and dine
On lobster harvested in Maine. (They plan
To regulate the catch, create a ban,
Because enviros claim the fishing line
Is killing whales.) Also on the menu:
Filet of beef, potatoes, roasted pears,
Champagne and caviar, affected airs.
Only the best for this prestigious venue.

For lobstermen, there’s Chicken of the Sea,
Or an eight-ounce tin of Chef-Boy-R-Dee.



Cheryl Corey is a Connecticut poet. She is also an author of short stories, a novella, and recently completed a novel.

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17 Responses

  1. jd

    Love it, Cheryl, especially “affected airs” on the menu. I’m waiting for someone to write
    one about the Boston Celtics coach’s answer to the media’s question about the “royals”.

      • jd

        I tried sending the clip -https://youtu.be/KoN2mPBDFn8 – 3times with no success. Hopefully this time it will work. It’s worth the effort.

  2. Cynthia Erlandson

    You’ve written the truth about such hypocrites, in a way that made me smile. (Venues/menus is perfect!)

    • Cheryl Corey

      So true, David. Look at John Kerry jetting all over the globe. My understanding is that we haven’t killed any whales since around 2010 and that more are killed by Canadians. If the Greens have their way, it will be devastating for lobstermen and the industry.

  3. C.B. Anderson

    Talk about subtle irony, Cheryl! This poem took many nice turns. Do you realize that many people do not like lobster and such? Mostly, they grew up in the Midwest. If you promise me such a dinner, I’ll put up with “affected airs.”

    • Cheryl Corey

      I’ve only been to Maine once in my life. I had a lobster and it was delectable. Alas! I’m unable to provide you such a meal, but if I could, I can assure you that my airs would be anything but affected.

  4. Joseph S. Salemi

    You can boil down all the propaganda that left-liberals throw at us to this simple sentence: DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO.

    That has been the mantra of every Mandarin-class elite since the beginning of human society.

  5. Russel Winick

    I’ll bet most of those elites ordered extra helpings of those affected airs.

  6. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Oh, the hypocrisy! Dealt with beautifully in your powerful poem, Cheryl – so powerful, it makes me bristle.

  7. Pippa Kay

    I had to google Chef-Boy-R-Dee (Chef Boyardee?). We don’t have that in Australia. I think I’ll have the lobster please. Your poem was delicious, but sounds expensive.


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