"The Nightmare" by John Henry Fuseli‘Troll’: A Poem by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 18, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé, Satire 52 Comments . Troll “Be like seeds; do not see dirt thrown at you as your enemy, but as ground to grow.” —Matshona Dhliwayo A witch! A witch! Let’s hush the wicked witch! His spleen slid through the ether like a snake. He hissed his pissy, pietistic pitch. This carper had a vicious thirst to slake. This odious, goading toad, this fork-tongued flake, This keyboard cretin out to scratch an itch, Slammed with damning slurs that knaves once spake— A witch! A witch! Let’s hush the wicked witch! This mega-vexing, hi-tech-hexing snitch Was born to snipe and sneer and bellyache. With slews of bombast spewed to blast and bitch, His spleen slid through the ether like a snake. It slithered through the web and in its wake A name was hauled through mud without a hitch. Spitting gobs of gossip—foul and fake— He hissed his pissy, pietistic pitch… And all because a witch refused to switch To stands those sound of mind found hard to take This hyper-griper dished dirt from his ditch. This carper had a vicious thirst to slake. He ached to drive a scathing cyber-stake Through truths that made his Twitter finger twitch. But bile-flecked bouts of bleating failed to break The spirit of the soul he called a witch… a witch… a witch. . . Susan Jarvis Bryant has poetry published on Lighten Up Online, Snakeskin, Light, Sparks of Calliope, and Expansive Poetry Online. She also has poetry published in TRINACRIA, Beth Houston’s Extreme Formal Poems anthology, and in Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets in the UK). Susan is the winner of the 2020 International SCP Poetry Competition, and has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 52 Responses Paul Buchheit February 18, 2023 Very clever, Susan. You’re such a great wordsmith! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Thank you, Paul. I thoroughly appreciate such a wonderful comment from a poet as fine as yourself. Reply Cynthia Erlandson February 18, 2023 I agree with Paul — “Twitter finger,” indeed! Who else would have thought of that? Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Cynthia, I laughed as I wrote this, and I’m thrilled you spotted it and got a kick out of it. 🙂 Reply Brian A Yapko February 18, 2023 Susan, this is, of course, a brilliantly-wrought riot of words, images and poetic devices – a tour-de-force with all of your customary flare. There is great truth in the witch-hunt you describe. Will it be appreciated by your supporters? Of course. Will it be denigrated, disparaged and mocked by those who troll you? Also, of course. It’s so easy for the trolls to be dismissive not just of you but of all of the social and political things you stand for, most of which – a mere 15 years ago – would have made you the toast of San Francisco and Greenwich Village. Things like not erasing feminism, things like standing up against a child-abuse so insidious that it encourages young gay children to actually think they were born in the wrong bodies because it is easier to explain away their sexual orientation as transgenderism the way they do it in homophobic Iran. Women are being erased. Gays are being erased. And we’re supposed to shut up because, you know, compassion. Your poem is wonderful and accurate and cathartic. But I predict it will change very few people’s minds. It’s much as Thomas Aquinas said: “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith no explanation is possible.” Since I am one of your unhinged fans, anything I say will be discounted despite some pretty phenomenal liberal cred that I developed through the years and a long, honorable legal career. But, unhinged or not, I must say this. I think it is wrong when people denigrate you because they refuse to concede that the points you make have some domain of validity. Let’s even say you’re wrong about some of the social issues you write about (you’re not, but let’s say it just for kicks.) What level of arrogance and smug self-satisfaction gives a troll who thinks of you as mindlessly anti-trans the chutzpah to assume that you haven’t thought about these issues with great care and that you may actually have some valid points? For example, the fact that men identifying as trans have muscle development, bone structure and other advantages over biological women? They can’t concede that? Seriously? Or how about this: Do they ever wonder why transgender people never seem to transition into gay people of their target gender? If this were really about bodies, don’t you think just once a woman transitioning to be a man would transition into a GAY man? Or a man transitioning into a woman would transition into a LESBIAN? Don’t they see the inherent homophobia in invoking transgenderism as a go-to diagnosis? That this has the potential to mess up children more than it helps? Especially when sterilization is on the table? These things should make thinking people lose sleep at night. But not the trolls. Nothing penetrates. What will it take to give them sufficient pause to reconsider their own smug “we-know-so-much-more-than-you-neanderthal-religious nutter hicks” arrogance? Or let’s take the issue of abortion. Remove words like murder, sin and souls just for the sake of argument. Even from an atheist’s standpoint, can’t they at least concede that it’s a gross practice that, if it exists at all, should be an act of last resort? Can’t they concede that some expectant parents actually get emotionally attached to the fetus growing in the mother’s belly? Can’t they admit that abortion’s worse than pulling a tooth and has psychological ramifications? Apparently not. These oh-so-careful-and-compassionate people seem to be constitutionally incapable of seeing that there is a realm of validity in other positions which they simply mock in a dazzling display of contempt before investigation. As I’ve said before, such trolls seem frighteningly similar to 17 year-olds screaming at their parents. Trolls. It’s so much easier to mock and denigrate than to actually look in the mirror. It’s so much easier to destroy than to create. Like I’ve said before, Susan. “Let the barking dogs bark.” As I conclude my mindlessly devoted and obviously unhinged rant, let me conclude with this thought. Continue to state the truth, Susan. You will be vindicated. Twenty years from now you will be recognized as having done your duty by acting like the adult in the room even when it was uncomfortable, and we’ll know who, in contrast, acted with dereliction of duty by refusing to think things to their logical, foreseeably-destructive conclusions because it was more satisfying to simply join the smug shouts of the popular mob. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Brian, you have an admirable knack of diving into the depths of my poems, reading between the lines, and uncovering the heart that beats beneath the bells and whistles. This poem was prompted by my own personal experiences, yet it reaches out to all those who are the butt of spite for speaking the Truth… not their own version of the truth, but the immutable truth… the truth outlined in every single one of your concerns – the truth that men cannot be women and vice versa – the truth that sex and sexuality are not fully realized until puberty and beyond . These truths are truths that everyone has known for generations. They are truths that have fallen to the propaganda of the times – propaganda that is killing morality… the results are devastating. You mention the results of following these wicked lies and my poetry is in keeping with every single worry you mention… no troll will stop me in my tracks because I know I’m on the right track. Brian, thank you for joining me on my journey. It means the world. Reply Joshua C. Frank February 25, 2023 Brian, I keep thinking of this part of your comment: “It’s so easy for the trolls to be dismissive not just of you but of all of the social and political things you stand for, most of which – a mere 15 years ago – would have made you the toast of San Francisco and Greenwich Village. Things like not erasing feminism, things like standing up against a child-abuse so insidious that it encourages young gay children to actually think they were born in the wrong bodies because it is easier to explain away their sexual orientation as transgenderism the way they do it in homophobic Iran. Women are being erased. Gays are being erased. And we’re supposed to shut up because, you know, compassion.” It’s shocking when I think about how the left of 15 years ago would have lauded what the left of today hates. I remember hearing in 2002 that the Republican Party then was the Democratic Party of 20 years earlier. I find that this still holds true more than 20 years later. Many of today’s conservatives are merely the liberals I knew in my late teens. (Thank God many of the people here are actual conservatives!) The scary thing is, unless something stops our decline dead in its tracks, ideas the left lauds today will be deemed too conservative in 15 years… or even less! Reply Mike Bryant February 25, 2023 Joe and Brian and Josh, I shudder to think what will be happening in fifteen years. I was thinking of a short poem challenge… a description of what is openly accepted and practiced here in fifteen years, but then I decided that Evan would never publish the kind of filth that would be expressed. Joshua C. Frank February 25, 2023 I think Susan already wrote one such example last year: “Argh, Jim Lad.” There’s already a “trans-able” movement, and I can see it gaining as much power as the transgender movement already has today. But to explore the full idea, you’re right, we’d have to include things none of us even want to think about. The point is, if we want to see the future, we only have to look at far-left fringe movements today. Mike Bryant February 25, 2023 Where is this going? https://www.breitbart.com/health/2023/01/23/lancet-urges-shift-away-from-human-centered-health-care-all-life-is-equal/ One of the commenters said this: FutureUser: If all life is truly Equal, then when will those cretins implement: 1. Dark, satanic abortion mills for giraffes? 2. Lancet board of directors slots reserved for a cockroach and an earthworm? 3. Homeless shelters for feral pigs? 4. Pediatric rehab for crushed pinecones? 5. And most importantly — Nuremberg trials for makers of antibiotics, causing the deaths of unknown trillions of bacteria?? Joshua C. Frank February 25, 2023 “All life is equal.” Sure, except the unborn, the elderly, and Christians. Everything the left says, without exception, is just cover for an evil agenda to make us all easier to control. Russel Winick February 18, 2023 Susan – Troll is immensely witty and poignant, and of course only you could have written it. Great work, again! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Thank you very much, Russel – I have plenty of Susanisms in me bursting to get out! It would seem the trolls inspire them. Reply Joseph S. Salemi February 18, 2023 The Hibernian troll who most likely prompted this poem came to the SCP primarily as a wrecker — he simply could not accept the fact that this was a safe space for conservative and rightist persons, although anyone who writes what the editor considers a good poem is welcome to participate. But the troll was baffled by the fact that some of us said things in both poems and in the comments sections that struck him as unacceptable, immoral, and offensive. In short, he was a True Believer in the Left-Liberal Religion, and we were heretics who had to be suppressed. When we showed him we had not the slightest intention of changing our views or apologizing for them, he became truculent and nasty; and when we blew him out of the water forensically, he went and sought out another venue to attack us viciously. Well, Susan — who cares? We’re here, were sincere, and we have no fear… especially not of two-bit leftist trolls from a foreign country who have a problem with the concept of free speech. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Joe, as someone who has kept a keen eye on my poetry and been involved in the debates in the comments section of many of my poems, you are spot on with your observations. The thing that saddens me is when one stands by personal views that aren’t in keeping with trolling opposers, the punishment meted out is beyond all sane proportion – which is why my poem alludes to the Salem Witch Trials. My character has been slighted, slated and slammed in an attempt to stamp out my views, and my poetry has been hurled onto the literary trash heap of mockable doggerel all because my satirical poetic viewpoint (a genre of poetry that used to be revered) is not in lockstep with the bullies that wield today’s sword of division. Where has fair debate gone? Where has agreeing to disagree gone? I will always refuse to buy the pronoun lie. I will always refuse to believe that immutable characteristics are indicative of character. I will always refuse to believe babies’ brains and not chromosomes hold the key to a newborn’s sex. Does that mean my credentials as a poet need to be crushed under the boot of people who think differently? The answer should be NO, an emphatic NO… and no troll will stop me in my poetic tracks. I simply love “We’re here, were sincere, and we have no fear” – it’s my new mantra! That is why I have every respect for the SCP – it embodies the words of my new mantra and enables all to have a voice. The Hibernian troll decided to flout the rule of not adopting fake identities, which is why he was banned… his speech was allowed to flow freely as it should have been. Reply Jeff Eardley February 18, 2023 Susan, my mind is boggling reading this. I am guessing you have been subject to Internet abuse. Never mind that, your astonishing wordplay leaves one quite breathless. I hope you keep on ploughing that mesmerising poetic furrow of yours for years to come. This is brilliant. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Thank you, Jeff – this poem speaks for me and many others, which is why I wrote it in the third person. I just love the term “ploughing that mesmerising poetic furrow”, and it’s people like your good self that encourage me to continue to plough for all eternity. With much gratitude. Reply Paul Buchheit February 18, 2023 Susan, however you may have intended this, I think one of the appeals of your poem is that it could be taken either way — trolls come from both the left and the right. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Paul, I agree with you wholeheartedly – trolls can come from the left and they can come from the right. I’m talking about those who drag another’s name through the mud because they aren’t “thinking right.” Your comment brings to mind the quote: “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” – the mudslinging trolls don’t do that… they don’t believe in free speech. They want to shut down and ruin anyone with a different opinion. Paul, I know you and I differ in some of our opinions, but I respect you, your poetry, and your words… I am always willing to learn, and I am always interested in what you have to say. Reply Paul Buchheit February 18, 2023 Thanks, Susan. You’re one of the reasons I love the SCP site. Joshua C. Frank February 22, 2023 One group’s troll is the toast of another. I’ve found that most of the Internet is hyper-woke and calls anyone who dares to express an opinion contrary to wokeism a troll. I’ve actually been kicked off online groups (ostensibly Christian ones, to boot) for my poetry. Then liberals come and try to argue us out of our beliefs and play the victim when we call them out for their behavior. Reply Shaun C. Duncan February 18, 2023 Delightfully pungent, Susan, and the repetitions demanded by the form work well to convey the obsessive quality of the permanently outraged. You’ve done well to evoke the kind of diseased thinking that drives people like this. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Shaun, I thoroughly appreciate your comment and I’m glad I’ve hit the right note with this. It was inspired by a particular troll, but it speaks of every troll out there. I hope it encourages all those whose words don’t meet with a troll’s expectations to carry on regardless of the ensuing Rumpelstiltskin rants! Thank you. Reply Mike Bryant February 18, 2023 Susan, I’m not just saying this because you’re my beautiful wife… your poetry is really amazing. You are so bright and so right and so fearless. Your voice blazes. “Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.” ― Andrew Breitbart You are a voice in the wilderness. I consider myself blessed to have found you. Reply Joseph S. Salemi February 18, 2023 Those words from Breitbart are pure gold. And they should remind us here at the SCP that our enemies hate our guts precisely because they are terrified of our candid speech and our widening influence. Reply Mike Bryant February 18, 2023 Joe, I have followed a site called wattsupwiththat.com for years. Even though I am just a plumber, I found many engineers, scientists and meteorologists at the site who were more than skeptical of the Global Warming/Climate Catastrophe narrative. The doomsayers have never really tried that hard to cover up their true motives. In fact, they assert that mankind’s every problem can be solved by communism/totalitarianism/Marxism or one of the many isms that amount to the same thing. Anthony Watts is a hero that has taken that site to the number one position of all climate sites because he will NOT be kept from telling the truth. As you can imagine, his attackers have been relentless. When it became almost too much for the beleaguered Mr. Watt, he took courage from that important quote of Andrew Breitbart. A brief story of that episode is here: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/10/04/quote-of-the-week-anonymous-cowards-please-take-note/ When we stop speaking up then we have truly become slaves rather than the free men and women that our Lord meant us to be. I am thrilled to be part of SCP because the tried and true remains to be held up in spite of the insanity of the current forgetfulness. God Bless SCP, Evan Mantyk, and all those who can see the light of truth. Joshua C. Frank February 18, 2023 Susan, I keep saying about each new poem that it’s among your best, but it’s true. This one is no exception. I love it all: the images, the form, the alliterations and internal rhymes, and the subtle references to the one we all know this is about (as Joe Salemi said) but dare not speak his name. If he reads this poem and our comments, one thing’s for sure: the mega-vexing, high-tech-hexing hyper-griper will be a hyper-vexed viper hexed by the “witch” who didn’t itch to switch to the snitch’s rich pitch. Leftists make their agenda clear: they want every last one of us assimilated into their Borg collective. That’s because there can be no common ground between us and them, any more than between Jesus and Satan. St. Louis de Montfort said it well: “God has set enmities, antipathies, and secret hatreds between the true children and the servants of Mary, and the children and servants of the devil. They do not love each other mutually. They have no inward correspondence with each other.” We want God, family, and community; they want power, status, and pleasure of the senses. They see our very existence as somehow interfering with their pursuit of these things. If they can’t assimilate us, then the next best thing for them is to take away any power we have to live in a manner contrary to their beliefs. So, many of us have to live in the closet in order to maintain our livelihoods and support our families, as gays once did. If the SCP didn’t exist, we couldn’t get our controversial poetry published anywhere, which is exactly what leftists want. So, naturally, they’re going to try to destroy us. Since they can’t silence Evan or us, they do the next best thing: they try to wear us down so we won’t write what we really think. That’s why you (and now Brian and I) get trolled by the liberals. They think they can bully us into changing our minds, or at least writing only about inoffensive topics. Never stop writing! As the world runs pell-mell to Hell (now you’ve got me on the internal rhyme track!), it needs your voice more and more. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Josh, I thoroughly appreciate your astute and creative comment… my Muse is tapping into your poetic observations and stealing blazing ideas for a few new poems. You make valid and significant points. The troll who inspired my poem is left leaning by his own admission, but I feel this type of bullying goes way beyond political stance. We are now in the full throes of a cultural war, a war that is based on good versus evil, and anyone who can’t see that castrating and mutilating minors, judging people on immutable characteristics, emasculating men, eradicating women and homosexuals, and murdering those with no voice and choice (regardless of political persuasion) is the enemy. I believe the government is dividing us on political grounds, but this goes far beyond that. I have friends and family from all over the world that might identify as left or right – the “left” of yesteryear is now considered to be “far right.” If we leave politics to one side, we are left with our consciences only… I can and will answer to mine in poetry and in private and no troll will stop me. I wonder if these foul-mouthed, lying trolls can answer to theirs. Josh, thank you for your voice and for your support! Reply Mike Bryant February 18, 2023 Susan, it really is good vs. evil. Tellingly, a well-known liberal is beginning to see the problem: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2023/02/04/maher-woke-revolution-is-a-lot-like-maos-cultural-revolution/ Mark F. Stone February 18, 2023 Susan, I don’t know who the troll is, or what he or she has been saying about you. But I have four thoughts. (1) You have immense talent as a poet, and, as long as you continue to believe that, what others say is irrelevant. (2) There is an old saying: the only opinions that matter are the opinions of people who matter to you. (3) You always get the most anti-aircraft fire when you are right over the target. (4) Thomas Jefferson once said, “One man with courage is a majority.” Or, as in this case, one woman. Mark Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Mark, thank you very much for your wonderful comment. The four points you make have given me the courage and confidence to forge on fearlessly with my poetry. I love point 2 and you are one of those beautiful, principled people who matter – your opinions count for everything. Thank you very much for imparting with them. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson February 19, 2023 I love the thought of “Susanisms,” as in your comment, Indeed, you always display unique mind-bending words and phrases that enhance, entrance, and dance in our perceptions of what you are saying. I am not on Twitter but loved the words “Twitter finger!” All of us are subject to “witch-hunts,” when we go against the powers that be. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Roy, thank you very much for your alliterative and astute comment. You are spot on when you “All of us are subject to “witch-hunts,” when we go against the powers that be.” – what a sad, bad world we’re living in. All the more reason for all of us stand up and speak out before it’s too late. Those trolls with itchy Twitter fingers better be on their guard. 😉 Reply Mark Stellinga February 19, 2023 Hi Susan, Troll is another enviously creative piece in every respect (no surprise), and SO wonderfully on-target with virtually every conservative person’s cultural perspectives. Perusing the SCP – particularly checking out your and Mike’s politically succinct pieces – has given me the nudge I’d been searching for to nervously share a bunch of MY political rants. Consequently, I sent 22 of my unmistakably right-leaning diddies in to Evan a few days ago, right after joining the SCP. The outstanding talent on this site is incredibly refreshing, and to every poet/member whose insights are in lockstep with mine, bless your heart. 🙂 Reply Mark Stellinga February 19, 2023 …and please thank Mike for me for posting the YouTube link to Bill Maher’s bit – love your work, Mark S. – “the blue jeans bard” – Reply Mike Bryant February 20, 2023 Hey Mark, WELCOME TO SCP!!! I am the moderator here, so I saw your comment when you posted it! We are all about rhyme, rhythm and rapture here. You can say just about anything you want as long as you follow the comment guidelines. I’ve read a couple of your poems online, and listened on YouTube. Your poems definitely connected with me. Maybe Evan will post one soon. Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Mark, thank you. I’m heartened to hear you’ve been inspired to send in your work and look forward to reading your poetic rants. Reply Mark Stellinga February 21, 2023 It’s so cool that U 2 R a highly talented poet-&- poetess-duo! My specialty is definitely narratives. Many are very poignant, many wet-your-pants-funny, and, as one of my favorite hobbies is manufacturing ‘smiles’, it’s gonna be tough to choose which pieces to submit at this only 5/month rate. Evan did write to say he’d be publishing a couple soon! Whoopie… Joshua C. Frank February 26, 2023 Welcome, Mark. We all look forward to reading your poetry. Reply Norma Pain February 19, 2023 Absolutely brilliant again Susan. A favorite quote of mine by Dr. Seuss: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Thank you Susan. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Norma, thank you very much indeed, and I just love that Dr. Seuss quotation – it’s an inspiration to all those independent thinkers out there who don’t want to bleat the virtues of the “current thing”. Reply Priscilla King February 19, 2023 There is so much truth in this poem. Reading, I *think* it’s about something you wrote about COVID vaccines, but it could be about any of the women in Glyphosate Awareness or allied groups, about Laura Ingraham or even Laura Bush. Sexist hatespeech just spews up when they know we’re right. There’s a forum where people (some of whose screen names recall their liberal and/or Democrat identity and/or past) express moderately conservative views, and they take their surnames from the ugliest thing they’ve been called. Jane Ultra MAGA, Joe Domestic Terrorist, etc. I could be Priscilla Hateful B*h, commemorating the way a hater employed by Twitter picked a flame out of two other people’s private flamewar to throw into my Notifications. I’ve considered starting a Twitter account under that name! (Well, I used to use Twitter to connect with friends and share cute jokes, book reviews, and pictures, but the corporate bullies squelched that, so now I use Twitter mainly to complain to/about corporations.) No matter how cold-prickly it feels…in real life I’ve just been to a supermarket where I aroused open displays of hate by watching to make sure I wasn’t cheated…we have to bear in mind that being hated by some people is better than being liked by them! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Priscilla, thank you so much for reading ‘Troll’ and for your informative comment… in this age of hate speech and thought crime, curious brains are becoming rarer and rarer… perhaps it will qualify those of us who think independently to find their way to a “protected class” list… oops, what a silly thing to say… I think my neurons are misfiring. Maybe my synapses need rewiring. Reply Joseph S. Salemi February 19, 2023 There’s an old saying: “Wear your enemies as badges of honor on your chest.” But an American Indian friend of mine added this: “Sure, but also wear them as scalps on your belt if you can.” The Left doesn’t take prisoners. Neither should we. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Joe, I fully appreciate your friend’s feisty words of American Indian wisdom. Reply Yael February 19, 2023 Wow Susan, what a cauldron of alliterative troll stew you cooked up with this one. An impressively rhymed steaming witch’s brew of verbal stew. I remember that hyper-ventilating hyper-vexed professional troll who haunted your comments section recently. Since you don’t get paid to converse with him while he probably gets remunerated well for his trolling, it’s very charitable of you to pay attention to him at all. If it were me I would simply just shadow ban him quietly and let him stew on his own dime, because I consider personal conversation time and verbal responsiveness to be a privilege which has to be earned, not a right. This is especially effective when dealing with professional trolls who get paid for piecework. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Yael – you are a poet as well as a musician. Your “a cauldron of alliterative troll stew you cooked up” has the ring of creative wonder about it, and I love it! You also have a fine eye for online skullduggery and the solution to this trolling behavior – “personal conversation time and verbal responsiveness to be a privilege which has to be earned, not a right” is a golden nugget of wisdom that I am latching on to. Thank you, my learned friend. Reply Robert Zimmerman March 14, 2023 Hello Susan. This is an outstanding narrative of the most undesirable creature who walks among us. You start out with some alliteration to grab the reader’s attention. You continue with what I refer to as “brute force” descriptive narrative. The words are clear and dauntless. You do an outstanding job of pinning the tail on the donkey. My favorite phrase is “cyber-stake.” the graphic image could not be clearer for the reader. Very well done and memorable. Robert Reply Mike Bryant March 14, 2023 Susan, this is the perfect fictive artifact. Why do I say that? Because there are droves of trolls all over the internet claiming that you are referring to THEM!!! It’s absolutely hilarious that anyone would read this beautiful poem about pompous little nothings and then scream to the world that you are talking about them! I really feel a little sorry for these deluded losers that have nothing better to do than to cry victim. These same butt hurt jerks probably think you’re referring to them in your “Jerks Who Gossip” poems. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. No… I take it back… it is even funnier because they’re so sad. The mark of genius… write fictive poems about idiots and then random idiots everywhere claim them as their own. Reply Joshua C. Frank March 16, 2023 Wow, droves? I’d heard of a couple of people, but not that many! It’s funny that people are clamoring for the “honor” of being the idiots named in Susan’s poem… in this way, they’re acknowledging what a great poet she is by wanting the “honor” of being the target of her satires. Reply Russel Winick March 16, 2023 Droves of people are driven to be honored by Susan. Mike Bryant March 16, 2023 Exactly! Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Thank you, Paul. I thoroughly appreciate such a wonderful comment from a poet as fine as yourself. Reply
Cynthia Erlandson February 18, 2023 I agree with Paul — “Twitter finger,” indeed! Who else would have thought of that? Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Cynthia, I laughed as I wrote this, and I’m thrilled you spotted it and got a kick out of it. 🙂 Reply
Brian A Yapko February 18, 2023 Susan, this is, of course, a brilliantly-wrought riot of words, images and poetic devices – a tour-de-force with all of your customary flare. There is great truth in the witch-hunt you describe. Will it be appreciated by your supporters? Of course. Will it be denigrated, disparaged and mocked by those who troll you? Also, of course. It’s so easy for the trolls to be dismissive not just of you but of all of the social and political things you stand for, most of which – a mere 15 years ago – would have made you the toast of San Francisco and Greenwich Village. Things like not erasing feminism, things like standing up against a child-abuse so insidious that it encourages young gay children to actually think they were born in the wrong bodies because it is easier to explain away their sexual orientation as transgenderism the way they do it in homophobic Iran. Women are being erased. Gays are being erased. And we’re supposed to shut up because, you know, compassion. Your poem is wonderful and accurate and cathartic. But I predict it will change very few people’s minds. It’s much as Thomas Aquinas said: “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith no explanation is possible.” Since I am one of your unhinged fans, anything I say will be discounted despite some pretty phenomenal liberal cred that I developed through the years and a long, honorable legal career. But, unhinged or not, I must say this. I think it is wrong when people denigrate you because they refuse to concede that the points you make have some domain of validity. Let’s even say you’re wrong about some of the social issues you write about (you’re not, but let’s say it just for kicks.) What level of arrogance and smug self-satisfaction gives a troll who thinks of you as mindlessly anti-trans the chutzpah to assume that you haven’t thought about these issues with great care and that you may actually have some valid points? For example, the fact that men identifying as trans have muscle development, bone structure and other advantages over biological women? They can’t concede that? Seriously? Or how about this: Do they ever wonder why transgender people never seem to transition into gay people of their target gender? If this were really about bodies, don’t you think just once a woman transitioning to be a man would transition into a GAY man? Or a man transitioning into a woman would transition into a LESBIAN? Don’t they see the inherent homophobia in invoking transgenderism as a go-to diagnosis? That this has the potential to mess up children more than it helps? Especially when sterilization is on the table? These things should make thinking people lose sleep at night. But not the trolls. Nothing penetrates. What will it take to give them sufficient pause to reconsider their own smug “we-know-so-much-more-than-you-neanderthal-religious nutter hicks” arrogance? Or let’s take the issue of abortion. Remove words like murder, sin and souls just for the sake of argument. Even from an atheist’s standpoint, can’t they at least concede that it’s a gross practice that, if it exists at all, should be an act of last resort? Can’t they concede that some expectant parents actually get emotionally attached to the fetus growing in the mother’s belly? Can’t they admit that abortion’s worse than pulling a tooth and has psychological ramifications? Apparently not. These oh-so-careful-and-compassionate people seem to be constitutionally incapable of seeing that there is a realm of validity in other positions which they simply mock in a dazzling display of contempt before investigation. As I’ve said before, such trolls seem frighteningly similar to 17 year-olds screaming at their parents. Trolls. It’s so much easier to mock and denigrate than to actually look in the mirror. It’s so much easier to destroy than to create. Like I’ve said before, Susan. “Let the barking dogs bark.” As I conclude my mindlessly devoted and obviously unhinged rant, let me conclude with this thought. Continue to state the truth, Susan. You will be vindicated. Twenty years from now you will be recognized as having done your duty by acting like the adult in the room even when it was uncomfortable, and we’ll know who, in contrast, acted with dereliction of duty by refusing to think things to their logical, foreseeably-destructive conclusions because it was more satisfying to simply join the smug shouts of the popular mob. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Brian, you have an admirable knack of diving into the depths of my poems, reading between the lines, and uncovering the heart that beats beneath the bells and whistles. This poem was prompted by my own personal experiences, yet it reaches out to all those who are the butt of spite for speaking the Truth… not their own version of the truth, but the immutable truth… the truth outlined in every single one of your concerns – the truth that men cannot be women and vice versa – the truth that sex and sexuality are not fully realized until puberty and beyond . These truths are truths that everyone has known for generations. They are truths that have fallen to the propaganda of the times – propaganda that is killing morality… the results are devastating. You mention the results of following these wicked lies and my poetry is in keeping with every single worry you mention… no troll will stop me in my tracks because I know I’m on the right track. Brian, thank you for joining me on my journey. It means the world. Reply
Joshua C. Frank February 25, 2023 Brian, I keep thinking of this part of your comment: “It’s so easy for the trolls to be dismissive not just of you but of all of the social and political things you stand for, most of which – a mere 15 years ago – would have made you the toast of San Francisco and Greenwich Village. Things like not erasing feminism, things like standing up against a child-abuse so insidious that it encourages young gay children to actually think they were born in the wrong bodies because it is easier to explain away their sexual orientation as transgenderism the way they do it in homophobic Iran. Women are being erased. Gays are being erased. And we’re supposed to shut up because, you know, compassion.” It’s shocking when I think about how the left of 15 years ago would have lauded what the left of today hates. I remember hearing in 2002 that the Republican Party then was the Democratic Party of 20 years earlier. I find that this still holds true more than 20 years later. Many of today’s conservatives are merely the liberals I knew in my late teens. (Thank God many of the people here are actual conservatives!) The scary thing is, unless something stops our decline dead in its tracks, ideas the left lauds today will be deemed too conservative in 15 years… or even less! Reply
Mike Bryant February 25, 2023 Joe and Brian and Josh, I shudder to think what will be happening in fifteen years. I was thinking of a short poem challenge… a description of what is openly accepted and practiced here in fifteen years, but then I decided that Evan would never publish the kind of filth that would be expressed.
Joshua C. Frank February 25, 2023 I think Susan already wrote one such example last year: “Argh, Jim Lad.” There’s already a “trans-able” movement, and I can see it gaining as much power as the transgender movement already has today. But to explore the full idea, you’re right, we’d have to include things none of us even want to think about. The point is, if we want to see the future, we only have to look at far-left fringe movements today.
Mike Bryant February 25, 2023 Where is this going? https://www.breitbart.com/health/2023/01/23/lancet-urges-shift-away-from-human-centered-health-care-all-life-is-equal/ One of the commenters said this: FutureUser: If all life is truly Equal, then when will those cretins implement: 1. Dark, satanic abortion mills for giraffes? 2. Lancet board of directors slots reserved for a cockroach and an earthworm? 3. Homeless shelters for feral pigs? 4. Pediatric rehab for crushed pinecones? 5. And most importantly — Nuremberg trials for makers of antibiotics, causing the deaths of unknown trillions of bacteria??
Joshua C. Frank February 25, 2023 “All life is equal.” Sure, except the unborn, the elderly, and Christians. Everything the left says, without exception, is just cover for an evil agenda to make us all easier to control.
Russel Winick February 18, 2023 Susan – Troll is immensely witty and poignant, and of course only you could have written it. Great work, again! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Thank you very much, Russel – I have plenty of Susanisms in me bursting to get out! It would seem the trolls inspire them. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi February 18, 2023 The Hibernian troll who most likely prompted this poem came to the SCP primarily as a wrecker — he simply could not accept the fact that this was a safe space for conservative and rightist persons, although anyone who writes what the editor considers a good poem is welcome to participate. But the troll was baffled by the fact that some of us said things in both poems and in the comments sections that struck him as unacceptable, immoral, and offensive. In short, he was a True Believer in the Left-Liberal Religion, and we were heretics who had to be suppressed. When we showed him we had not the slightest intention of changing our views or apologizing for them, he became truculent and nasty; and when we blew him out of the water forensically, he went and sought out another venue to attack us viciously. Well, Susan — who cares? We’re here, were sincere, and we have no fear… especially not of two-bit leftist trolls from a foreign country who have a problem with the concept of free speech. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Joe, as someone who has kept a keen eye on my poetry and been involved in the debates in the comments section of many of my poems, you are spot on with your observations. The thing that saddens me is when one stands by personal views that aren’t in keeping with trolling opposers, the punishment meted out is beyond all sane proportion – which is why my poem alludes to the Salem Witch Trials. My character has been slighted, slated and slammed in an attempt to stamp out my views, and my poetry has been hurled onto the literary trash heap of mockable doggerel all because my satirical poetic viewpoint (a genre of poetry that used to be revered) is not in lockstep with the bullies that wield today’s sword of division. Where has fair debate gone? Where has agreeing to disagree gone? I will always refuse to buy the pronoun lie. I will always refuse to believe that immutable characteristics are indicative of character. I will always refuse to believe babies’ brains and not chromosomes hold the key to a newborn’s sex. Does that mean my credentials as a poet need to be crushed under the boot of people who think differently? The answer should be NO, an emphatic NO… and no troll will stop me in my poetic tracks. I simply love “We’re here, were sincere, and we have no fear” – it’s my new mantra! That is why I have every respect for the SCP – it embodies the words of my new mantra and enables all to have a voice. The Hibernian troll decided to flout the rule of not adopting fake identities, which is why he was banned… his speech was allowed to flow freely as it should have been. Reply
Jeff Eardley February 18, 2023 Susan, my mind is boggling reading this. I am guessing you have been subject to Internet abuse. Never mind that, your astonishing wordplay leaves one quite breathless. I hope you keep on ploughing that mesmerising poetic furrow of yours for years to come. This is brilliant. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Thank you, Jeff – this poem speaks for me and many others, which is why I wrote it in the third person. I just love the term “ploughing that mesmerising poetic furrow”, and it’s people like your good self that encourage me to continue to plough for all eternity. With much gratitude. Reply
Paul Buchheit February 18, 2023 Susan, however you may have intended this, I think one of the appeals of your poem is that it could be taken either way — trolls come from both the left and the right. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Paul, I agree with you wholeheartedly – trolls can come from the left and they can come from the right. I’m talking about those who drag another’s name through the mud because they aren’t “thinking right.” Your comment brings to mind the quote: “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” – the mudslinging trolls don’t do that… they don’t believe in free speech. They want to shut down and ruin anyone with a different opinion. Paul, I know you and I differ in some of our opinions, but I respect you, your poetry, and your words… I am always willing to learn, and I am always interested in what you have to say. Reply
Joshua C. Frank February 22, 2023 One group’s troll is the toast of another. I’ve found that most of the Internet is hyper-woke and calls anyone who dares to express an opinion contrary to wokeism a troll. I’ve actually been kicked off online groups (ostensibly Christian ones, to boot) for my poetry. Then liberals come and try to argue us out of our beliefs and play the victim when we call them out for their behavior. Reply
Shaun C. Duncan February 18, 2023 Delightfully pungent, Susan, and the repetitions demanded by the form work well to convey the obsessive quality of the permanently outraged. You’ve done well to evoke the kind of diseased thinking that drives people like this. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Shaun, I thoroughly appreciate your comment and I’m glad I’ve hit the right note with this. It was inspired by a particular troll, but it speaks of every troll out there. I hope it encourages all those whose words don’t meet with a troll’s expectations to carry on regardless of the ensuing Rumpelstiltskin rants! Thank you. Reply
Mike Bryant February 18, 2023 Susan, I’m not just saying this because you’re my beautiful wife… your poetry is really amazing. You are so bright and so right and so fearless. Your voice blazes. “Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.” ― Andrew Breitbart You are a voice in the wilderness. I consider myself blessed to have found you. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi February 18, 2023 Those words from Breitbart are pure gold. And they should remind us here at the SCP that our enemies hate our guts precisely because they are terrified of our candid speech and our widening influence. Reply
Mike Bryant February 18, 2023 Joe, I have followed a site called wattsupwiththat.com for years. Even though I am just a plumber, I found many engineers, scientists and meteorologists at the site who were more than skeptical of the Global Warming/Climate Catastrophe narrative. The doomsayers have never really tried that hard to cover up their true motives. In fact, they assert that mankind’s every problem can be solved by communism/totalitarianism/Marxism or one of the many isms that amount to the same thing. Anthony Watts is a hero that has taken that site to the number one position of all climate sites because he will NOT be kept from telling the truth. As you can imagine, his attackers have been relentless. When it became almost too much for the beleaguered Mr. Watt, he took courage from that important quote of Andrew Breitbart. A brief story of that episode is here: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/10/04/quote-of-the-week-anonymous-cowards-please-take-note/ When we stop speaking up then we have truly become slaves rather than the free men and women that our Lord meant us to be. I am thrilled to be part of SCP because the tried and true remains to be held up in spite of the insanity of the current forgetfulness. God Bless SCP, Evan Mantyk, and all those who can see the light of truth.
Joshua C. Frank February 18, 2023 Susan, I keep saying about each new poem that it’s among your best, but it’s true. This one is no exception. I love it all: the images, the form, the alliterations and internal rhymes, and the subtle references to the one we all know this is about (as Joe Salemi said) but dare not speak his name. If he reads this poem and our comments, one thing’s for sure: the mega-vexing, high-tech-hexing hyper-griper will be a hyper-vexed viper hexed by the “witch” who didn’t itch to switch to the snitch’s rich pitch. Leftists make their agenda clear: they want every last one of us assimilated into their Borg collective. That’s because there can be no common ground between us and them, any more than between Jesus and Satan. St. Louis de Montfort said it well: “God has set enmities, antipathies, and secret hatreds between the true children and the servants of Mary, and the children and servants of the devil. They do not love each other mutually. They have no inward correspondence with each other.” We want God, family, and community; they want power, status, and pleasure of the senses. They see our very existence as somehow interfering with their pursuit of these things. If they can’t assimilate us, then the next best thing for them is to take away any power we have to live in a manner contrary to their beliefs. So, many of us have to live in the closet in order to maintain our livelihoods and support our families, as gays once did. If the SCP didn’t exist, we couldn’t get our controversial poetry published anywhere, which is exactly what leftists want. So, naturally, they’re going to try to destroy us. Since they can’t silence Evan or us, they do the next best thing: they try to wear us down so we won’t write what we really think. That’s why you (and now Brian and I) get trolled by the liberals. They think they can bully us into changing our minds, or at least writing only about inoffensive topics. Never stop writing! As the world runs pell-mell to Hell (now you’ve got me on the internal rhyme track!), it needs your voice more and more. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Josh, I thoroughly appreciate your astute and creative comment… my Muse is tapping into your poetic observations and stealing blazing ideas for a few new poems. You make valid and significant points. The troll who inspired my poem is left leaning by his own admission, but I feel this type of bullying goes way beyond political stance. We are now in the full throes of a cultural war, a war that is based on good versus evil, and anyone who can’t see that castrating and mutilating minors, judging people on immutable characteristics, emasculating men, eradicating women and homosexuals, and murdering those with no voice and choice (regardless of political persuasion) is the enemy. I believe the government is dividing us on political grounds, but this goes far beyond that. I have friends and family from all over the world that might identify as left or right – the “left” of yesteryear is now considered to be “far right.” If we leave politics to one side, we are left with our consciences only… I can and will answer to mine in poetry and in private and no troll will stop me. I wonder if these foul-mouthed, lying trolls can answer to theirs. Josh, thank you for your voice and for your support! Reply
Mike Bryant February 18, 2023 Susan, it really is good vs. evil. Tellingly, a well-known liberal is beginning to see the problem: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2023/02/04/maher-woke-revolution-is-a-lot-like-maos-cultural-revolution/
Mark F. Stone February 18, 2023 Susan, I don’t know who the troll is, or what he or she has been saying about you. But I have four thoughts. (1) You have immense talent as a poet, and, as long as you continue to believe that, what others say is irrelevant. (2) There is an old saying: the only opinions that matter are the opinions of people who matter to you. (3) You always get the most anti-aircraft fire when you are right over the target. (4) Thomas Jefferson once said, “One man with courage is a majority.” Or, as in this case, one woman. Mark Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 18, 2023 Mark, thank you very much for your wonderful comment. The four points you make have given me the courage and confidence to forge on fearlessly with my poetry. I love point 2 and you are one of those beautiful, principled people who matter – your opinions count for everything. Thank you very much for imparting with them. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson February 19, 2023 I love the thought of “Susanisms,” as in your comment, Indeed, you always display unique mind-bending words and phrases that enhance, entrance, and dance in our perceptions of what you are saying. I am not on Twitter but loved the words “Twitter finger!” All of us are subject to “witch-hunts,” when we go against the powers that be. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Roy, thank you very much for your alliterative and astute comment. You are spot on when you “All of us are subject to “witch-hunts,” when we go against the powers that be.” – what a sad, bad world we’re living in. All the more reason for all of us stand up and speak out before it’s too late. Those trolls with itchy Twitter fingers better be on their guard. 😉 Reply
Mark Stellinga February 19, 2023 Hi Susan, Troll is another enviously creative piece in every respect (no surprise), and SO wonderfully on-target with virtually every conservative person’s cultural perspectives. Perusing the SCP – particularly checking out your and Mike’s politically succinct pieces – has given me the nudge I’d been searching for to nervously share a bunch of MY political rants. Consequently, I sent 22 of my unmistakably right-leaning diddies in to Evan a few days ago, right after joining the SCP. The outstanding talent on this site is incredibly refreshing, and to every poet/member whose insights are in lockstep with mine, bless your heart. 🙂 Reply
Mark Stellinga February 19, 2023 …and please thank Mike for me for posting the YouTube link to Bill Maher’s bit – love your work, Mark S. – “the blue jeans bard” – Reply
Mike Bryant February 20, 2023 Hey Mark, WELCOME TO SCP!!! I am the moderator here, so I saw your comment when you posted it! We are all about rhyme, rhythm and rapture here. You can say just about anything you want as long as you follow the comment guidelines. I’ve read a couple of your poems online, and listened on YouTube. Your poems definitely connected with me. Maybe Evan will post one soon.
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Mark, thank you. I’m heartened to hear you’ve been inspired to send in your work and look forward to reading your poetic rants. Reply
Mark Stellinga February 21, 2023 It’s so cool that U 2 R a highly talented poet-&- poetess-duo! My specialty is definitely narratives. Many are very poignant, many wet-your-pants-funny, and, as one of my favorite hobbies is manufacturing ‘smiles’, it’s gonna be tough to choose which pieces to submit at this only 5/month rate. Evan did write to say he’d be publishing a couple soon! Whoopie…
Norma Pain February 19, 2023 Absolutely brilliant again Susan. A favorite quote of mine by Dr. Seuss: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Thank you Susan. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Norma, thank you very much indeed, and I just love that Dr. Seuss quotation – it’s an inspiration to all those independent thinkers out there who don’t want to bleat the virtues of the “current thing”. Reply
Priscilla King February 19, 2023 There is so much truth in this poem. Reading, I *think* it’s about something you wrote about COVID vaccines, but it could be about any of the women in Glyphosate Awareness or allied groups, about Laura Ingraham or even Laura Bush. Sexist hatespeech just spews up when they know we’re right. There’s a forum where people (some of whose screen names recall their liberal and/or Democrat identity and/or past) express moderately conservative views, and they take their surnames from the ugliest thing they’ve been called. Jane Ultra MAGA, Joe Domestic Terrorist, etc. I could be Priscilla Hateful B*h, commemorating the way a hater employed by Twitter picked a flame out of two other people’s private flamewar to throw into my Notifications. I’ve considered starting a Twitter account under that name! (Well, I used to use Twitter to connect with friends and share cute jokes, book reviews, and pictures, but the corporate bullies squelched that, so now I use Twitter mainly to complain to/about corporations.) No matter how cold-prickly it feels…in real life I’ve just been to a supermarket where I aroused open displays of hate by watching to make sure I wasn’t cheated…we have to bear in mind that being hated by some people is better than being liked by them! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Priscilla, thank you so much for reading ‘Troll’ and for your informative comment… in this age of hate speech and thought crime, curious brains are becoming rarer and rarer… perhaps it will qualify those of us who think independently to find their way to a “protected class” list… oops, what a silly thing to say… I think my neurons are misfiring. Maybe my synapses need rewiring. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi February 19, 2023 There’s an old saying: “Wear your enemies as badges of honor on your chest.” But an American Indian friend of mine added this: “Sure, but also wear them as scalps on your belt if you can.” The Left doesn’t take prisoners. Neither should we. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Joe, I fully appreciate your friend’s feisty words of American Indian wisdom. Reply
Yael February 19, 2023 Wow Susan, what a cauldron of alliterative troll stew you cooked up with this one. An impressively rhymed steaming witch’s brew of verbal stew. I remember that hyper-ventilating hyper-vexed professional troll who haunted your comments section recently. Since you don’t get paid to converse with him while he probably gets remunerated well for his trolling, it’s very charitable of you to pay attention to him at all. If it were me I would simply just shadow ban him quietly and let him stew on his own dime, because I consider personal conversation time and verbal responsiveness to be a privilege which has to be earned, not a right. This is especially effective when dealing with professional trolls who get paid for piecework. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 20, 2023 Yael – you are a poet as well as a musician. Your “a cauldron of alliterative troll stew you cooked up” has the ring of creative wonder about it, and I love it! You also have a fine eye for online skullduggery and the solution to this trolling behavior – “personal conversation time and verbal responsiveness to be a privilege which has to be earned, not a right” is a golden nugget of wisdom that I am latching on to. Thank you, my learned friend. Reply
Robert Zimmerman March 14, 2023 Hello Susan. This is an outstanding narrative of the most undesirable creature who walks among us. You start out with some alliteration to grab the reader’s attention. You continue with what I refer to as “brute force” descriptive narrative. The words are clear and dauntless. You do an outstanding job of pinning the tail on the donkey. My favorite phrase is “cyber-stake.” the graphic image could not be clearer for the reader. Very well done and memorable. Robert Reply
Mike Bryant March 14, 2023 Susan, this is the perfect fictive artifact. Why do I say that? Because there are droves of trolls all over the internet claiming that you are referring to THEM!!! It’s absolutely hilarious that anyone would read this beautiful poem about pompous little nothings and then scream to the world that you are talking about them! I really feel a little sorry for these deluded losers that have nothing better to do than to cry victim. These same butt hurt jerks probably think you’re referring to them in your “Jerks Who Gossip” poems. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. No… I take it back… it is even funnier because they’re so sad. The mark of genius… write fictive poems about idiots and then random idiots everywhere claim them as their own. Reply
Joshua C. Frank March 16, 2023 Wow, droves? I’d heard of a couple of people, but not that many! It’s funny that people are clamoring for the “honor” of being the idiots named in Susan’s poem… in this way, they’re acknowledging what a great poet she is by wanting the “honor” of being the target of her satires. Reply