Today Australia has announced that it will roll out a fifth
dose of the Covid shot later this month.


Fat Cats and Lab Rats 

The fat cats began with a scam of a plan
To shame every pestilent spreader—
Lab rats galore are jabbed sore and then more.
The boosted get sicker and deader.

A share in Moderna’s a nice little earner
For grinning quacks cheesy as Cheddar.
The tsars of Big-Pharma pay healers to harm ya.
The boosted get sicker and deader.

The Kaiser of Pfizer (a lying conniver)
Has hands growing redder and redder
With clot-glutted blood and hearts robbed of a thud.
The boosted get sicker and deader.

Many now query conspiracy theory—
That sly culpability shredder.
As rumors come true, truth is shifting the view.
The boosted get sicker and deader.

Fomenters of fear aim to spike cells each year
With their hellishly devilish threader
Of perilous strains of destruction through veins.
The boosted get sicker and deader.

Experimentation will end in damnation
For rich poison-peddlers who led a
Duped world to dark ends for their vast dividends.
The boosted get sicker and deader.




The top dogs came with shots to stop the virus—
A fat-cat funded, planned and manmade plague.
The shunners of these shots were branded biased
With scrambled minds so selfish and so vague,
They’d wipe out kin within a brain-crazed second
With feckless, gag-free, reckless, jab-free ways.
All those who bit the latex hand that beckoned
Were named and shamed and blamed for deadly days.
The questioners of experts’ shifty views
Were poo upon these schmoozing gurus’ shoes.

And now, above the jeers and sneers and sniggers,
(Beyond the drone of Pfizer-sponsored news)
Are myriads of flabbergasting figures—
A soaring spike that points towards a ruse.
The government statistics state the death
Of multitudes of unsuspecting souls,
In sums so vast it takes away one’s breath
To see in glaring truth the gruesome goals
Of tricksters weaving wily words of care
To lure the trusting to their wicked lair.

Now facts are out—what will the fraudsters do?
Put right the heinous wrong of fiendish deed?
No! Injured kith and grieving kin can’t sue
These greedy ghouls who’ve left raw hearts to bleed.
Experimental medicine allows
Pure poison to be pumped in every arm.
A herd of federally funded sacred cows
Have trampled on the oath to do no harm.
That’s how the rich grim reapers pushing fear
Can recommend this killer shot each year.



Susan Jarvis Bryant has poetry published on Lighten Up Online, Snakeskin, Light, Sparks of Calliope, and Expansive Poetry Online. She also has poetry published in TRINACRIA, Beth Houston’s Extreme Formal Poems anthology, and in Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets in the UK). Susan is the winner of the 2020 International SCP Poetry Competition, and has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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77 Responses

  1. Shaun C. Duncan

    Fantastic as always, Susan. “Fat Cats And Labs Rats” is a particularly fine piece – strong in musicality and even stronger in sentiment. I’m glad people like yourself are still maintaining the rage when it comes to covid. I also love the line “All those who bit the latex hand that beckoned” in “Spike” – I’m proud to have been one of them.

    Here in Australia you still see plenty of people walking about on a hot, hot summer’s day wearing a face nappy – some elderly, but most in their teens and 20s. It’s criminal what our rulers have done to young peoples’ minds. There have been less ambulances passing my shop with sirens blaring though, so maybe my fellow countrymen are starting to wise up to the booster scam.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Shaun, I thoroughly appreciate your comment – thank you! I know this subject is becoming tedious for some, but for others it’s at the forefront of their lives every day – because their lives have been ruined by this evil experiment. I am speaking out for them and for the propagandized who might be persuaded to do a little personal research before they decide to go the way Big-Pharma and all those at the cash-cow trough are pushing them.

    • Mike Bryant

      Shaun, I have a feeling that you are a news junkie like me. When you saw that the jab is experimental… that it contains mRNA, that the companies would never be held liable for injuries and deaths, that it was “free,” I’m sure that your well tuned bullshit detector was going off like crazy. Susan and I went through all that and made the only decision we could given the knowns and the unknowns.
      I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I read your comment. You are a real hero. You and your wife acted quickly and selflessly to save your family and I am humbled and delighted that there are people, families, like you and yours in this teetering world. I am thrilled you found SCP.

  2. R M Zimmerman

    Hello Susan.

    Your words in both works capture the result of the aftermath and continuing anxieties of the first and only political disease in world history. The CDC and Fauci have managed to corrode the trust of Americans and the public health system in here. I would not expect this in Australia, but it appears the side effects of Covid are ubiquitous.


    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Hello Robert, you are so right when you say Covid is a “political disease”… that term alone explains exactly why we are suffering at the hands of those who are politicizing everything to do with this virus… including the gain of function research that brought it into existence in the first place. Why anyone would trust these charlatans is beyond me. I believe (as you say) trust in the healthcare system has been damaged… horribly. Thank you very much for your wise words and your appreciation of my work.

  3. Joseph S. Salemi

    Australia became so insane during this manufactured Covid hysteria that the country would not accept foreign mail! Issues of TRINACRIA to Australian addresses had to sit in my office for months before Aussie bureaucrats would change the postal policy.

    Perhaps “Down Under” refers to the IQ scores of Australian leftist politicians.

    Susan, these are two great poems. It takes immense courage on your part to sign them and put them out in public. Lady, you’ve got more testosterone than the 82nd Airborne.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Joe, thank you for your appreciation of my poems. I simply had to write them. It’s too late to assume anonymity – I’ve sullied my reputation so often, I might as well continue in the same vein. I’m so sad to hear the plight of Australia. I fear the UK is going the same way… just as we will here if we don’t keep speaking the truth – actual, factual truth, not our personal version of the truth. I know I sound foolish, but I’m still hopeful, and it’s all down to this site… a place where the dissenting voice is still free.

    • C.B. Anderson

      I’ve had zero shots, J.C. and no ill effects. Are you sure you ain’t dead yet? Of mind, at least?

      • Paul Freeman

        These careless insults are what chases poets away. Yesterday Theresa, today John.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        C.B., your comment makes an excellent point. Five shots with permanent alteration to cells, no ill effects but no knowledge of the long-term effects because these shots are experimental – OR no shots with no ill effects? Having been told the shots don’t prevent you getting or spreading covid… why, oh why take a risk?

        This brings me to choice – many who didn’t want to take part in this experiment weren’t given a choice.

      • Joshua C. Frank

        Mike, where have you been? Liberals are the keepers of the truth. They get to say whatever they want because they’ve defined it to be true, while anyone who won’t kowtow to their holy truth is a hateful, lying bigot who must be silenced, publicly humiliated, and severely punished for life. Somehow, this makes them kinder than we ignorant conservatives could ever hope to be.

      • Mike Bryant

        You’re right, Josh. The problem today is each person’s bedrock foundation. You either believe that your rights are God-given or State-allowed. Most of those who are inviting tyranny fall into the latter camp. These people are not stupid. But when you stop believing in God, then you will believe in anything… men can become pregnant and “chest feed,” it’s fair for men to compete in women’s sports, children are “assigned” gender at birth (not observed) and that “THE” science is settled. It’s really pretty sad. These poor, misled people want everyone to believe that they hold the flame of morality.
        Paul has arrived at a conservative poetry site (the only one?) and has become a kind of Godless moderator. He thinks it is his job to make this poetry site the same as all the others. When you offend his world view, he hurls insults. Some of his favorites are: “conspiracy theorist,” “lunatic,” and “clot” which is apparently British for “stupid person.” Those insults were all hurled at my wife, Susan, on her pages.
        He really is a crusader for the fairy tales of the new “morality.”

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        To Paul Freeman —

        Neither Theresa nor John Creekmore has been insulted. This is simply the robust debate style of free speech. Got that?

        If they are so sensitive that they can’t endure it, then let them take the proverbial advice — “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

      • Joshua C. Frank

        It seems that the liberals have been trolling comments sections more and more, especially for Susan’s poems. I wonder what’s brought about this increase?

    • Shaun C. Duncan

      Count yourself lucky, John. I know people who’ve had no ill effects either, but I also know plenty who’ve suffered from shots they were FORCED to take, including a couple who have grave and ongoing illnesses as a result and another who’s likely dead by now. I also know a bunch of people here in Australia who lost jobs and endured all sorts of government-sanctioned persecution simply because they didn’t want to take it. My wife and I shut down two successful businesses, uprooted the kids, and fled to another state (passing military checkpoints and undergoing two weeks in police custody on arrival) just to get away from the bullshit our government was inflicting on us. We were lucky enough to have that option, but millions of others weren’t.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Shaun, I am so glad you were able to escape the horrors of the shocking draconian measures iron-fisted tyrants forced upon those who should have been free to make their own choices. I’ve witnessed loss of life and horrific injuries as a result of Covid protocol, which is why I wrote these poems… I believe we need to remind ourselves and others of who we are dealing with.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      John, I am very pleased to hear you’re okay and hope it stays that way. An awful lot aren’t, however, which is why I wrote my poems.

    • Joshua C. Frank

      Some people can smoke a lot and still live to their 90s. Doesn’t mean cigarettes are good for you.

      My uncle had the shot, and his health declined right away: eczema, psoriasis, loss of energy, depression (he had always been hale and hearty, very active and positive), allergies, pains all over, and autoimmune issues. He’s in intensive care with difficulty breathing and a severe drop in oxygen levels (into the 60s!). You may say it’s one isolated case, but he didn’t have these problems before the shot, and he got them right after. He “ain’t dead yet” either, but that’s expected to change soon.

      So, don’t pontificate about matters beyond your knowledge. It can be harmful to others. I bring this up not to criticize you personally, but to show others that there are two sides to this coin.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Josh, I am so sorry to hear this news on your uncle and hope and pray he does recover. These words haunt me:

        You may say it’s one isolated case, but he didn’t have these problems before the shot, and he got them right after.

        I’ve heard those very same words many times since these experimental shots were rolled out. I’ve even said them myself. That is precisely why we must never forget the devastation those claiming to care have caused. Always research before trusting “expert” opinions forced on us by the government and MSM. It’s the independent voices that have no vested interest in these shots that hold the most weight. There are also plenty of scientific studies using reliable scientific method out there that are well worth reading.

      • Joshua C. Frank

        Thank you, Susan. We’ve been praying for him too.

      • Joshua C. Frank

        My uncle died on February 9. Please pray for his soul.

    • Katy E Fojt

      Check back with us in a couple of years and let us know if you can still say the same. Many doctors around the world predicted what would happen and many said we will not truly see the full effects for a few years. Good luck!

    • drewtho

      You are in the majority then John. Most of the people who have had the death jab have had no ill effects, and are not dead. Sadly, an unacceptable percentage of them have. Not “most” (yet), but a lot. Too many.

    • Adam Wasem

      Congratulations–you “won” at Russian Roulette 5 times in a row; tens of millions of others around the world haven’t been so lucky. But who cares about them when you’re on a winning streak, eh? Tell you what, come brag to us again after your sixth jab–if you can–and we’ll all give you a nice Bronx cheer.

  4. Joshua C. Frank

    Susan, these are great! I hope everyone thinking about another shot gets to see them. Then maybe they’ll research to see what you mean and decide against it. I’ve done a lot of research on it: it doesn’t help stop COVID (in fact, it increases the chances of COVID-related fatalities), and lots of people, even young people, are dropping dead from it. I pray that this saves even one life.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Josh, thank you very much for your wise words. It’s great to hear that you’ve done some independent research and come to the same conclusion as those who didn’t rely on the mockingbird media and the bought and paid for “experts” with their own personal wealth in mind when pushing these shots. I am sick to the back teeth with this subject… but I’m also sick to the pit of my stomach with the amount of lives this lucrative, unethical scam has ruined. I really do hope my poems saves at least one life… that’s the very reason I wrote these poems. I thoroughly appreciate your spot-on take.

      • Joshua C. Frank

        “Sick to the back teeth” … I like it! I feel exactly the same way as you do.

      • Patricia Allred

        Susan~ I do hope your poetry saves a life.
        Perchance your words can snuff out the media from hell!
        They remind me of Goebbels, and his pernicious propaganda and the mandates we had in the USA, THIS COUNTRY gets more like the CCP daily. It’s been a horror show here. God help Australians and all of us. Thanks, Susan.

  5. Mike Bryant

    Recent headline:

    Bill Gates suddenly slams mRNA shots after selling BioNTech stock with 10X gains


    Bill Gates certainly knows how to play the stock market.
    First, invest heavily in companies that are developing vaccines.
    Then, invest in Fauci and other well-placed traitors.
    Then make sure the world knows how great your companies are.
    With gain of function research create the potential demand.
    Now release the whirlwind and watch your investments grow!
    Finally, since you know the wheels are coming off the scam…
    Dump the shares… make billions in profits…
    Then, since you’re out now, slam the damned mRNA jabs…
    Now, start pumping the NEW company that you’ve invested in.

    It’s the classic “pump and dump”… he’s been doing it for years.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      The two biggest moral scumbags in the world today are Bill Gates and George Soros — the first for creating and then profiting obscenely from a manufactured epidemic; and the second for installing pro-criminal District Attorneys in American cities, and for deliberately stoking the flames of war in the Ukraine.

      • Mike Bryant

        Don’t forget Klaus Schwab! The sad part is that so many have been recruited to help the monsters into supremacy while ensuring serfdom for themselves… and us.

  6. James Sale

    As always with you, Susan, a riot of brilliant language. I think my favourite line has to be the ingenious:
    The Kaiser of Pfizer (a lying conniver) – that is just so good! Fabulous work, well done.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      James, thank you so much… when those words began swimming on the periphery of my mind, I reeled them in as quickly as I could… they describe this heartless hustler perfectly. I’m so glad you covered the pain these people have caused in Stairwell. Such dastardly deeds must never be forgotten.

    • Joshua C. Frank

      Yeah, funny thing: dead people don’t get COVID!

      But even if it were an effective vaccine, there are still many health problems associated with all vaccines. There’s really no such thing as a safe vaccine. People really have suffered the ill effects dismissed in the article from “standard” vaccines (such as autism—I once read that a survey showed that 50% of parents of autistic children say they became a lot worse after getting the MMR vaccine). There’s a lot of research out there if you’re willing to look at it. My doctor recommended this website to me, and it has a lot of useful links: https://www.westonaprice.org/vaccinations/

      Please show that site to anyone who’s considering having his children vaccinated.

      I used to get flu shots, and then I stopped because they always gave me the flu. After I stopped, I didn’t get the flu for years. My grandfather had the exact same problem with them; he stopped getting them for the same reason.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Thank you for this, Paul. I’ve read the report. I’ve read many reports from all over the world. I’ve heard people’s personal experiences, and I’ve just read the comments from members of this site together with the links they’ve posted. This is where I stand:

      1. The mRNA shot is experimental. We do not know the full implications of taking it yet… but things don’t look promising.
      2. A vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting a virus. This is not a vaccine. The dictionary definitions have been altered to include this experimental shot. It does not prevent you getting Covid or spreading Covid.
      3. Government statistics show there were greater figures of hospitalization from those who took the shot.
      4. According to Bill Gates, his own experiment has not proved to be effective – he has said so himself. This is the first time I’ve taken Bill Gates, who earned billions from this business venture, seriously.

      The main problem I have with this shot is that people have not been given the chance to make an informed decision. Every doctor and scientist who has an alternative viewpoint to the government and Big Pharma has been shut down and many have lost their livelihoods. The only thing they gained from speaking out against this experiment is that they could sleep easily at night. Please follow the money and there’s one helluva lot to follow.

      Please look at the comments section again, especially Shaun Duncan’s comments. When someone has to flee their state because of a government health “care” push… care is not involved. We are lab rats and the government and Big Pharma are the fat cats. I want people to know that they are agreeing to be lab rats when they take the shot. Many aren’t told.

      • Paul Buchheit

        Thanks for your response, Susan. What do you think about the vaccines for polio, smallpox, measles, hepatitis, etc., which have virtually eradicated life-threatening diseases? Beyond this, the World Health Organization says, “an estimated 51 million deaths are expected to be averted due to vaccinations administered between the years 2021 and 2030.”


      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Paul, you are most welcome. I am all for a discussion on this subject… a privilege that is rarely afforded elsewhere.

        My parents had me vaccinated against every childhood disease. I had the tuberculosis vaccine in my teens, and I had a shingles vaccine just before Covid hit us. I had to have all my childhood vaccines again to become a citizen of the USA. I had my son vaccinated. I hope that answers your question.

        Covid 19 is nowhere near as deadly as smallpox. Out of every 100,000 infected, smallpox killed 30,000. Covid 19 killed 828 out of every 100,000 infected, and those were mostly people with co-morbidities. These figures were noted in a year when NO flu deaths were reported. For the healthy, there is over a 99.9% recovery rate from Covid 19. Why are we worried? More importantly, why are we being forced to take part in an experiment?

        So, yes, I used to trust the medical industry. I trusted them with my son’s life. I don’t anymore, and that is through no fault of my own. The World Health Organization is not a prime example of integrity when it comes to healthcare. They have torn up the Nuremberg Code and made us slaves to their agenda… a money-making agenda that is based on a fearmongering lie.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      The “conservative” National Review? Are you kidding, Paul? NR is a neoconservative rag that hasn’t taken a serious rightist position since the 1990s! As it is edited now by the gutless Rich Lowry, it is nothing but a mouthpiece for RINO temporizing and the money-grubbing fund raising of mainstream fake conservatism. Have you forgotten that it was fiercely anti-Trump?

      We on the hard right have a name for the kind of wimpish, compromising, middle-of-the-road, profit-conscious polite conservatism of National Review. It’s “emergency-brake” conservatism. That means this: When the left takes five steps forward, hit the emergency brake and make them go back two steps. Then tell Americans that you have won a great battle for Western culture, and ask for more donations. And then wait for the left to take another five steps forward, and repeat the procedure ad infinitum.

      NR will NEVER take a serious, effective, hard-right position! This was true even under the editorship of William Buckley, who consciously excluded anyone from the magazine who didn’t fit the pattern of an obedient and content controlled opposition to activist leftism. Willi Schlamm, Revilo P. Oliver, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Joseph Sobran, Patrick Buchanan… they all got the boot at NR as soon as they began to attack the left in a really serious manner.

      You clearly don’t know the history of American conservatism if you can call National Review “very conservative.” They would never take a position that challenges the authority of Big Pharma.

  7. Roy Eugene Peterson

    As with James Sale, I was attracted immediately to the “Kaiser of Pfizer.” Not only did that have a fantastic ring to it, it also was an apropos description. Great repetitive line, “The boosted get sicker and deader.” House Representative Nancy Mace (SC) reported she now has permanent asthma as a result of the shots. Your meticulous use of rhyme and meter with shades of alliteration are just two of the reasons I always read and love your poetry. Your messages, brilliantly portrayed, stick in the mind.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Roy, thank you very much for your encouraging comment and enlightening observations. More and more people are seeing the egregious consequences of listening to those who claim to care. If I’m able to prevent others from permanent asthma, or much, much worse, I will do my best. Roy, I appreciate your support.

  8. Brian A Yapko

    Susan, both of these poems are wonderful — full of hard truths presented with tongue-twisting verve and barely concealed rage. Your use of internal rhyme and alliteration is often directly proportional to your contempt for the manipulative schemes of our continually shape-shifting overlords. Here you out-do yourself in a frenzy of poetic devices which matches and then drowns the sputterings of those who demand that we jump left, jump right, jump back, forever at their beck and call. With language as scathing as yours, you chew them up and spit them out for breakfast.

    The rotten truth is that there is an entire industry and economy that has been built around covid — careers and profits now depend upon keeping this thing going for as long as the profiteers can get away with it. They want to keep people in a state of perpetual dependence and fear so that they can keep the gravy train going. Think of them as the cigarette industry doing everything possible to get people addicted and keep them that way. I imagine the manufacturers of bomb shelters in the 1950s and 60s were pretty upset when fears of nuclear war diminished.

    • Mike Bryant

      Brian, Japan has declared that Covid 19 is now to be treated as a simple seasonal flu… that’s gotta hurt the jab drives…

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Brian, as ever, you have hit the nail on the head with a comment that not only supports what I’m saying – it gives us plenty more to think about. Your closing paragraph says it all. That’s exactly where we’re at with those cashing in on Covid. My initial rage has turned to utter despair. Who on earth would still trust the fat cats? Brian – thank you for your support and for your sanity.

  9. Mike Bryant

    C. S. Lewis has it just right. Gates and many others are the robber barons while many, many others are only demanding we conform for our own good…

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ― C. S. Lewis

    • Anna J. Arredondo

      This brief comment of yours, paired with this excellent and most relevant quote of C.S. Lewis, is the best and most succinct summary I have seen of the political and social climate that surrounds us.

    • Cheryl Corey

      My God! Quotes like this make me want to read more of his work. Can you recommend anything in particular?

    • Mike Bryant

      Anna and Cheryl,
      C. S. Lewis had an amazing life. There are plenty of his quotes available online. The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis is a great movie that is the perfect introduction to his books. It’s available on disc or streaming. Susan will tell you which books she recommends… she’s the reader!

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        I thoroughly recommend the Narnia series for all the family and Screwtape Letters for adults… this blew my mind with its creativity and timeless observations from the perspective of the devil himself… mwah-ha-ha. There is a Lewis quotations book out there which provides plenty to mull over and to set one on the path of sunshine and sanity… much needed in today’s world of insidious idiocy.

  10. Jan

    All strong and truthful words, given with great skill. These especially stood out to me: “A herd of federally funded sacred cows Have trampled on the oath to do no harm.” It’s an oath many physicians never abandoned but so many have.

    I tuned out the propaganda decades ago and switched to alternative news sources that I continually screen, so haven’t been bothered much by the fear mongering. I think the vaxed have a couple of problems they’re facing. Deep down, they’re afraid their trust was misplaced, and they wish they could reverse the situation. So, they often react angrily or defensively to expressions of truth.

    Susan, I hope you keep your brave work coming. The truth sets people free.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Jan, I thoroughly appreciate your encouragement. I will not stop… I simply can’t. I feel sorry for all those honest physicians out there who have tried to do the right thing and been crushed by their draconian overlords. It’s wonderful to hear you tuned out the propaganda decades ago. It’s a recent move for me, and the benefits are incredible. I have much sympathy for those that chose the wrong path for the right reasons – to keep a roof over their family’s head. But the long-term effects of these short-term decisions will bring us all down in the end. I hope people are seeing the light. If we stand together to protect and preserve our freedoms, the world will be a much better place. Jan, thank you! The truth really does set people free… we just need to make sure it’s not the mad, mutable “truth” of those who wish to impose their wicked views on everyone else.

  11. Cheryl Corey

    Nice wordplay with “grinning quacks cheesy as Cheddar” and “hellishly devilish threader”. I got a kick of out how you used “poo”. As for the commentary, I concur with your sentiment. I recently saw a VAERS graph that clearly demonstrated huge, and I mean huge, spikes in vaccine-related deaths over the past two years. Any other product would’ve been pulled from the market long ago.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Cheryl, the VAERS graph was one of the reasons for writing my poems. When I learned that only a fraction of adverse effects are reported, my heart sunk. People in hospitals and clinics are often forbidden to report problems and deaths. More and more of us are seeing the horrific outcome of this experiment, and it is shocking. I only hope my words go towards keeping the truth alive.

  12. Cynthia Erlandson

    All of the praise above — and you are still the queen of internal rhyme!

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Cynthia, you have made me smile. Thank you, my talented friend in poetry!

  13. Mike Bryant

    On 23 January 2023, Bill Gates changed his tune on mRNA vaccines that only two years before he had described as 90% effective.

    “They are not infection-blocking.” – Bill Gates

    Like Susan said, “…experts’ shifty views”

  14. Norma Pain

    You have hit it out of the park with these amazing poems Susan. Thank you for your awe-inspiring abilities with words, rhyme and meter.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Norma and Anna, I thoroughly appreciate your wonderful words of encouragement. They mean a lot!

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      And will these self-confessed murderers ever face the slightest penalty for those pilot deaths?

      Don’t hold your breath waiting.

      • Mike Bryant

        Of course they won’t pay… that’s the deal in a fascist country – the corporations and the government work together against the rest of us. Why do they have immunity? Because all the connected in corporations and government are making raking in the cash!
        When you are playing poker and you can’t figure out who the mark is… it’s YOU!
        I bet the publicized jabs of the powerful were only saline solution.

    • Cheryl Corey

      Which is why they’re trying to fly under the radar (pun intended) and change long-held standards required for pilots to fly.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mary, thank you very much indeed. It’s words like yours that encourage me to pick up my pen again and again.

  15. Mike Bryant

    Yahoo News has published an article that carefully explains that the increase in heart problems, especially in the 25 to 44 year old group, is most certainly attributable to Covid 19… NOT to the jabs!
    The interesting thing though is the comments section. You have to applaud Yahoo News because even though they are publishing the propaganda, they are allowing free speech in the comments.
    The comments are running at least 3 to 5 times AGAINST the peddled story of safe “vaccines.”

    Here is an especially revealing example of what people are really thinking:

    15 hours ago
    They forgot to add that the research was funded by Pfizer
    62 people voted thumb UP 3 voted thumb DOWN


    • Mike Bryant

      There are over three thousand comments on Yahoo’s less than truthful article. To see the overwhelming numbers of comments against Yahoo’s fawning editorializing, you better check it out quickly. They will likely have to do something about this outbreak of truth.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mike, thank you for all your thorough research and for bringing your finds to my page. I know you had to dig long and hard to get important nuggets of information… the information those who have a vested interest in making money from duping us want eradicated. An informed decision is the best decision. That right has been suffocated by propaganda… thank you for giving the alternative viewpoint – the one that isn’t lucrative for the fat cats.

    • Joshua C. Frank

      Mike, thank you so much for giving us all these links and getting them to a wider audience!

      • Mike Bryant

        You are quite welcome. Anything I can do to thwart the mockingbird media and help get the truth in front of people with good hearts… I will do.

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