“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
__are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
__whose quiver is full of them.”
—Psalm 127
My quiver’s full, as David said,
With children sharp as arrowheads,
I’ve taught to aim at Truth and seek,
To pierce the flesh, and kill what’s weak,
That what is strong might live instead.
Our world wants them as dull as lead,
In hopes they’ll miss, and live in dread,
I hit my mark, though it’s not chic,
__My quiver’s full.
The devil hopes we’ll be misled,
And that our core beliefs won’t spread,
Yet I don’t think things look too bleak,
When I reach back, I turn my cheek,
And send forth arrows I have bred;
__My quiver’s full.
We Ran
I think its grand that I’m your man,
I’ll give you everything I can,
I’ll work until I’m drenched in sweat,
Cause you’re the sweetest girl I’ve met,
With you my future has a plan.
And so, I’ll toil until I’m tan,
And with your love we’ll plant our clan,
We might be broke and crazy, yet,
__I think it’s grand!
One day I’ll think how we began,
And all the love in our lifespan,
With all our children we beget,
The daily grind we did not fret,
And won the race just ‘cause we ran;
__I think it’s grand!
Gregory Ross is an emerging poet and a pilot who lives in Stafford, Virginia.
Gregory, you are, without a doubt, “a man after my own heart!” These poems are great, very good use of the rondeau form. It’s really nice to see poems praising being fruitful and multiplying—we need more of these!
“Jägermeister” is a wonderful meditation on the verse quoted in the epigraph, encapsulating it perfectly in poetic form. “We Ran” is especially beautiful in this day and age, when for a man even to speak of wanting to have children with the woman he loves is seen as wanting to force her into some kind of reproductive chattel slavery—but in reality, it’s the greatest possible form of love he can have for her.
I’ve written some poems on this very theme myself, published right here at the SCP.
Congratulaions, Gregory, on your able rondeaux, your quiverful of able children, and the lady you are so well able to sustain in the greater joys of love and life!
Gregory, I like the way you’ve made use of this favorite form of mine to get a wonderful message across in your rondeaux in two songs of love and life. I love your outlook and your grand plan… a plan that is sneered at in a world that blames overpopulation and the excesses of humankind for all the ills of the globe. Your words are words of truth and beauty and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading them.
Thank you all! I enjoy reading your poems too and appreciate your feedback!
A very martial “turning of the other cheek.” This is the way
I was hoping people would pick up on that line! That’s exactly it!