
The King of Ice Cream

in reference to recent Biden comments here.

The current White House resident
Is more than just the President.

He’s King! The King of Ice Cream!
A freezer-full of ice cream!

A tragic shooting in Tennessee?
He’ll get those guns away, you’ll see.

In the meantime, watch him flip
The script back to chocolate chip,

His favorite kind of ice cream.
(God wake me from this bad dream.)

A real comedian, he works the crowd;
He thinks he’s funny, for which he’s proud.

He smirks and tells some stupid jokes;
a-duh … a-duh … That’s All, Folks!



Cheryl Corey is a Connecticut poet. She is also an author of short stories, a novella, and recently completed a novel.

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9 Responses

  1. Joshua C. Frank

    Well done, Cheryl; you’ve encapsulated everything that’s wrong with Biden in a single short poem, and with humor at that.

    I was horrified by this. (For reference, here’s the incident: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/us-president-joe-biden-makes-bizarre-ice-cream-joke-before-first-statement-on-us-school-shooting-3898694 ). Now, it’s entirely possible that Biden has gone senile and so none of this is free will. But what I notice more than anything is how apathetic many, especially on the left, are about this.

    Recall that just weeks before the murder of teachers and students at a Christian school in Tennessee, Jane Fonda called for the murder of pro-life people. At least the Left is consistent.

    Murder is apparently their solution to every problem. Don’t want to take care of the child you conceived by having sex? Murder it. Someone objects? Murder him too. Trans people don’t have enough power? Murder Christians, they’re to blame.

    Leftists are actually blaming Christians for the Nashville shooting. Imagine the outcry if a white person blamed black people for anti-black racism. Do you think anyone’s going to say, “Christian lives matter?” (Not that the Left actually believes any lives matter given how they push abortion.) If anyone needs any more proof that the United States is officially anti-Christian, there it is.

    • Cheryl Corey

      Still waiting for that manifesto, Joshua. How much do you want to bet they’ll try to memory hole it?

      • Joshua C. Frank

        Actually, you might say my poetry here pretty much is a manifesto. I’m not trying to overthrow the powers that be, but to help my readers decolonize their own minds. I’m under no illusions that I can stop or reverse the decline, any more than I can cure cancer, but if I can change a few lives for the better while the ship sinks, I will have done what I set out to do.

        Although it might be interesting to write a manifesto in verse, something like Alexander Pope’s Essay on Man… thanks for the idea.

  2. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Cheryl, this would be hilarious if it wasn’t so depressingly true. I believe our governments are now mocking us… they’re letting us know with the chocolate-ice-cream-smeared face of lunacy that they’re in control and we can do sod all about it.

    • Cheryl Corey

      Sod? Is this your invention or a Brit expression? Is it by chance a play on another S word? Whatever, I love it. The regime provides us with just too much fodder. Every day it’s something new…

  3. Geoffrey S.

    If Joe Biden is the King of ice cream, Nancy Pelosi is the Queen.

  4. Patricia Allred

    Quite well written , Cheryl~humorous and for me?has pathos, too. A brainless twit, harming not only the USA but leading the world into war, as he slurps ice cream. Needs a job as a stand-up comedian…in a nursing home.,or a lockward..Your last two lines are a pefect ending. PatriciaAllred

  5. Margaret Coats

    Cheryl, you have such a balanced approach! I understand the discourse your poem covers could be just one of numerous gaffes and misstatements made over a long period of time, or it could be evidence of senility. You do tend toward the senility explanation at the end of your poem, but you allow full play to the careless rudeness explanation as well. Either way, it’s a bad dream.


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