
This inaugural episode features an interview with Society of Classical Poets’ co-founder and editor Evan Mantyk who talks about the founding of the SCP and its growth. He also discusses the FoFG Poetry Competition, which has a quickly approaching April 30 deadline and no submission fee.

Audio version available here:




NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

16 Responses

  1. James Sale

    Happy birthday 40 tomorrow ABB!!! Nice and friendly chat and good root around various aspects of classic poetry – Ben Jonson was a bricklayer indeed! Good there is no hard sell – just join us!

  2. Paul Freeman

    Happy birthday for tomorrow, Andrew, and thanks for the informative interview with Evan, the best editor of poetry I’ve come across. Many’s the improvement from his perusal.

    How about a catchphrase competition for when you sign off?

    ‘Keep your verse rhythmic and your couplets iambic’.

    On second thoughts…

    • ABB

      Thanks for listening, Paul. You’re right, I do need to work on a signature closing phrase. Will definitely take your suggestion into consideration!

  3. Joshua C. Frank

    Happy birthday Andrew!

    I enjoyed the video and learning more about the Society and about poetry in general. Please keep on making more of these!

    Incidentally, my 40th birthday will be this year, too.

    • ABB

      Thanks Joshua, glad you enjoyed. Yes, hoping to continue with this thing and promote the SCP’s mission of truth, beauty, and goodness to counteract the dominant woke narrative.

      While officially being among The Middle-Aged, we can hopefully maintain a youthful spirit and be old souls at the same time!

  4. Damian Robin

    Please continue with your urbane and great urn of persona poet confidence, ABB.

    I hope you make many more podcasts and poems and birthday celebrations.

    You had a great talking torso to start off with in Evan Mantyk, President of SCP, the fine, upstanding, outstanding Society of Classical Poets, a community of learning and creating unparalleled in our day.

    Shine on for 40 more, and more, years and as many years of podcasts if they are all as gentle, proficient, and interesting as this launch.

    • ABB

      Thanks, Damian. Yes planning on continuing this with many more episodes, and hopefully the coming years will be kind.

  5. Margaret Coats

    Happy birthday, Andrew, and best wishes for many more! I’ll be back to comment on your material when I can hear or view it without disturbing a traveling companion. Having learned multi-track recording in theory, I can sympathize with your editing tasks. Just like a poem, it’s not over when it’s over, but when you see diminishing returns on making it better.

    • ABB

      Look forward to your astute observations, Margaret. I think the editing will get easier as I get into more of a routine and the learning curve levels off.

  6. jd

    Hello Andrew,
    I just watched the podcast and enjoyed it. It was good to get to know Evan better and I thought you did a very good job.

    Best of wishes for your 40th year!

    • ABB

      Thank you, jd. Am sure will have Evan back on at some point. One thing I’m going to start incorporating is having guests read their work, and I regret not doing that with him. Doesn’t make much sense to have a poetry podcast where nobody reads any poetry!

  7. Mark Stellinga

    Great job, Andrew, on a rather complicated undertaking. After doing 250 audio files of my better pieces, I know how intimidating a digital project can be at times. It was nice that you launched with Evan, touting the SCP is worth your every hour of frustration. Any idea when we can expect pod-cast #2?

    • ABB

      Appreciate your viewership, Mark. My plan for right now is to release a new episode every two weeks. I already have three more guests queued up, and for episode 2 it will be none other than Susan Jarvis Bryant! Expect that to drop end of next week.

      • Mark Stellinga

        ABB – An interview with Susan will be tough to beat, my friend, I consider her one of the SCP’s most intuitive and talented members. Great choice, and thanks for what you’re doing…Mark

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