"The Gemeenlandshuis and the Old Church, Delft" by Cornelis SpringerFour Poems of a Theological Nature, by C.B. Anderson The Society April 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . The Faithful Who Have Chosen Not to Wait He rose and told us He would come again To supervise a world of righteous men And women who believed in what He’d said, That both the living and the wakened dead Should nevermore of chrism be bereft. But what of those who say He never left? . . A Thought for Today Profound theology, Our souls’ geography, Is with us yet, Though we forget This simple canon: Obey the Lord And let His word Be your companion. . . Caricaturing the Infinite Theology is like a thought balloon Above the figures in the land of Nod, Where characters in some absurd cartoon Attempt to explicate the mind of God. Our predilection is to board a train To hidden meanings of the universe, That we might minimize our toil and pain And at the pap of sacred knowledge nurse. However gladly we applaud the moon Arising brightly over frozen sod, Perfected understanding comes not soon Enough to spoil the child or spare the rod. . . Apologia As I walk down the straight and narrow, Exempt from Hell’s repentant moans, I feel a longing in the marrow That fills the hollows of my bones For something perpendicular To what best threads the needle’s eye. There’s nothing in particular I need to do before I die, But just for once I’d like the feeling I’ve done that which was asked of me— Without the crossing and the kneeling. Forgive my pride, for piety Is not what I am best at. You, Who let your offspring pay a price As steep as any other Jew Has ever paid, may not think twice Before assigning this old goy To decades on a rocky hill Or centuries below. Your boy And I are friends these days, your will The central topic of our long Exploratory colloquies. I trust You’ll never deem it wrong For us to ponder how to please A father such as You. I’d hate To start another controversy Because the hour is growing late. As always, I am at your mercy. . . C.B. Anderson was the longtime gardener for the PBS television series, The Victory Garden. Hundreds of his poems have appeared in scores of print and electronic journals out of North America, Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Australia and India. His collection, Mortal Soup and the Blue Yonder was published in 2013 by White Violet Press. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 27 Responses Mike Bryant April 7, 2023 Mannnnn CB… who knew you were a theologian, and a damn fine one at that! Absolutely perfect poetry, minimized by the hard won philosophy. Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 I’m not a theologian, Mike. I just like to dabble in speculative theology Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 7, 2023 C.B., I must say, you have turned my head and touched my heart with these ‘Four Poems of a Theological Nature’. The older I get the less I know, and the more I study, the more confused I become. Your honest musings on an unfathomable subject speak to me in words that connect with my soul. My favorite is ‘ The Faithful Who Have Chosen Not to Wait’, but the one I most admire is ‘ Apologia’ for ‘Exploratory colloquies’ – perfect! But, most importantly, for its message. The last two stanzas brought a tear to my eye. C.B. – thank you very much indeed! Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 It’s always good to learn that one has touched someone’s heart in the right way, Susan. And I always try to be honest, even when I deal with subjects I don’t know enough about. As it happens, the idea for “The Faithful …” came from an answer given by Hazrat Inayat Khan, once the leader of The Sufi Order of the West (a position his grandson now holds), when he was asked what he thought about the second coming of Christ. He said, “For me, he has never left. My relationship with God is complicated, as you can well understand, but did you know that there is a high-end Irish whiskey called Writers’ Tears? It touches my own heart to learn that I have brought one of these to you. Reply Joseph S. Salemi April 7, 2023 Remember my invented acronym: K.A.N.D. Kip Anderson Never Disappoints. Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 Just wait, Joseph. Someday I will disappoint you, and you will shrug it off. Reply Margaret Coats April 7, 2023 Are you Augustine or the cherub? With these poems featuring fine use of scriptural and doctrinal snippets, I’m sure you know the story, but I’ll repeat it anyway. The great Father and Doctor of the Church was walking on the seashore pondering the mystery of the Trinity, when he came upon a child digging a hole. The child said he planned to put the ocean in it. When the master theologian explained that the task was impossible, the cherub pointed out that so was Augustine’s. You end up with a comparable and perceptive line, “As always, I am at your mercy.” Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 Only you and a few others here, Margaret, would have been capable of sniffing out the allusions peppered through these poems. I didn’t know the story, but I am glad to have read it at last, and I think it is very likely that I am more the child (cherub) than I am Augustine. And yes, I am rather happy with the controversy/mercy rhyme. Reply Brian A Yapko April 7, 2023 C.B., I never fail to be enriched by your poetry and I almost always am inspired to read through them multiple times. “The Faithful” and “Thought for Today” are both short and deceptively simple for poems — they carry deep theological implications. “Caricaturing the Infinite” (brilliant title) sets forth a difficult yet necessary truth. Mere mortal men cannot “explicate the mind of God.” I love the unexpected rhymes here and am especially pleased by your ability to rhyme God so deftly. But even more, I really like the combination of child imagery with theological questions of great profundity. The “thought balloon” and “absurd cartoon” contrasted with “the mind of God” and the “hidden meanings of the universe.” Your message comes through loud and clear. We’re self-centered toddlers – maybe infants – when it comes to our inherent inability to understand God and we are not destined to find “perfected understanding” in this lifetime. Your Apologia made me laugh and brought a tear to my eye. I especially like your tongue-in-cheek reference to the Jew and “this old goy.” For some reason, the line “your boy and I are friends these days” moves me deeply even though the language is so casual and breezy. You have this utterly unique and amazing ability to articulate the most profound thoughts in the most understated, conversational way. Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 If I’m as good as you say, Brian, I should be a multimillionaire by now. And I always get the sense that you enjoy reading poetry much more than I ever have. Regarding any other abilities you attribute to me, I can only say, you know better than I do. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson April 7, 2023 Four poems that make one ponder the imponderable. I was particularly taken with the phrase in “Apologia,” Exempt from Hell’s repentant moans,” that exemplifies the life and afterlife of the believer. Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 What else, Roy, can we do with the imponderable but ponder it? Beliefs are one thing, and they come and go, but faith is a species of knowledge Reply Cynthia Erlandson April 7, 2023 All very thoughtful and cleverly expressed. Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 I’m glad, Cynthia, that these poems worked for you. “Thoughtful and cleverly expressed” is as high a mark as I could ever hope to attain. Reply Joshua C. Frank April 7, 2023 I like all of these, but my favorite is the first, especially with the last line: “But what of those who say He never left?” Much to ponder. Reply C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 There is indeed, Joshua, much to ponder, and if any of this is true, then there is little else we should be spending our time thinking about. Reply Geoffrey S. April 8, 2023 The provocative first two lines of “Caricaturing the Infinite” might some day become an entry in Quotable Quotes. I like the way you duplicated the rhyme scheme in the first and third stanzas. I don’t know why exactly, but it seems to emphasize God. Reply C.B. Anderson April 8, 2023 Yes, Geoffrey S., you are the first to point out how I replicated the rhymes in the first and third stanzas. I did it on purpose, just to see whether anyone was paying attention. Reply David Paul Behrens April 8, 2023 The theme throughout these poems reminds me of many similar thoughts I have experienced nearly all of my adult life. Outstanding subject matter and of course, as always, well written. Thank you, C.B Anderson! Reply C.B. Anderson April 8, 2023 Let me send similar sentiments right back to you. The Lord has a plan for each of us, no matter how far we have strayed from the original script. Wouldn’t you like to hit the road again? Reply DPB April 9, 2023 You got that right! Satyananda Sarangi April 8, 2023 After a long time, CB Sir! I came here after quite some time. What a pleasure to have come here and to read these poems, which are uncharacteristic of you. Versatility is an art, and thus I’m never disappointed after reading your poetry. Keep inspiring. Reply C.B. Anderson April 9, 2023 Well, Satyananda, it was a pleasure to write them and an even greater pleasure when someone tells me that he or she got something out of them, Reply Shaun C. Duncan April 11, 2023 A fine set of poems, but “Apologia” stands out as particularly great: plain-spoken but profound and written with great sensitivity. It’s as moving as it is witty and it reads as an honest expression of a deep, personal faith won from introspection. Reply C.B. Anderson April 13, 2023 I appreciate the thought, Shaun. Speaking plainly is the only way I know to do it. If there is another way, then please tell me about it. Reply Monika Cooper April 11, 2023 These are mind-bending, brain-teasing poems, that set the wheels of thought not spinning but milling slowly. It is “Apologia” that gives me the most to catch onto and relate to. Those “long Exploratory colloquies”: delectable, more to Him than to us, if we can even grasp that. How closely the Father leans to hear what the soul discusses with His Son. Thank you. Reply C.B. Anderson April 13, 2023 Such, Monika, is the might of intercessory power. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Mike Bryant April 7, 2023 Mannnnn CB… who knew you were a theologian, and a damn fine one at that! Absolutely perfect poetry, minimized by the hard won philosophy. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 I’m not a theologian, Mike. I just like to dabble in speculative theology Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 7, 2023 C.B., I must say, you have turned my head and touched my heart with these ‘Four Poems of a Theological Nature’. The older I get the less I know, and the more I study, the more confused I become. Your honest musings on an unfathomable subject speak to me in words that connect with my soul. My favorite is ‘ The Faithful Who Have Chosen Not to Wait’, but the one I most admire is ‘ Apologia’ for ‘Exploratory colloquies’ – perfect! But, most importantly, for its message. The last two stanzas brought a tear to my eye. C.B. – thank you very much indeed! Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 It’s always good to learn that one has touched someone’s heart in the right way, Susan. And I always try to be honest, even when I deal with subjects I don’t know enough about. As it happens, the idea for “The Faithful …” came from an answer given by Hazrat Inayat Khan, once the leader of The Sufi Order of the West (a position his grandson now holds), when he was asked what he thought about the second coming of Christ. He said, “For me, he has never left. My relationship with God is complicated, as you can well understand, but did you know that there is a high-end Irish whiskey called Writers’ Tears? It touches my own heart to learn that I have brought one of these to you. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi April 7, 2023 Remember my invented acronym: K.A.N.D. Kip Anderson Never Disappoints. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 Just wait, Joseph. Someday I will disappoint you, and you will shrug it off. Reply
Margaret Coats April 7, 2023 Are you Augustine or the cherub? With these poems featuring fine use of scriptural and doctrinal snippets, I’m sure you know the story, but I’ll repeat it anyway. The great Father and Doctor of the Church was walking on the seashore pondering the mystery of the Trinity, when he came upon a child digging a hole. The child said he planned to put the ocean in it. When the master theologian explained that the task was impossible, the cherub pointed out that so was Augustine’s. You end up with a comparable and perceptive line, “As always, I am at your mercy.” Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 Only you and a few others here, Margaret, would have been capable of sniffing out the allusions peppered through these poems. I didn’t know the story, but I am glad to have read it at last, and I think it is very likely that I am more the child (cherub) than I am Augustine. And yes, I am rather happy with the controversy/mercy rhyme. Reply
Brian A Yapko April 7, 2023 C.B., I never fail to be enriched by your poetry and I almost always am inspired to read through them multiple times. “The Faithful” and “Thought for Today” are both short and deceptively simple for poems — they carry deep theological implications. “Caricaturing the Infinite” (brilliant title) sets forth a difficult yet necessary truth. Mere mortal men cannot “explicate the mind of God.” I love the unexpected rhymes here and am especially pleased by your ability to rhyme God so deftly. But even more, I really like the combination of child imagery with theological questions of great profundity. The “thought balloon” and “absurd cartoon” contrasted with “the mind of God” and the “hidden meanings of the universe.” Your message comes through loud and clear. We’re self-centered toddlers – maybe infants – when it comes to our inherent inability to understand God and we are not destined to find “perfected understanding” in this lifetime. Your Apologia made me laugh and brought a tear to my eye. I especially like your tongue-in-cheek reference to the Jew and “this old goy.” For some reason, the line “your boy and I are friends these days” moves me deeply even though the language is so casual and breezy. You have this utterly unique and amazing ability to articulate the most profound thoughts in the most understated, conversational way. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 If I’m as good as you say, Brian, I should be a multimillionaire by now. And I always get the sense that you enjoy reading poetry much more than I ever have. Regarding any other abilities you attribute to me, I can only say, you know better than I do. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson April 7, 2023 Four poems that make one ponder the imponderable. I was particularly taken with the phrase in “Apologia,” Exempt from Hell’s repentant moans,” that exemplifies the life and afterlife of the believer. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 What else, Roy, can we do with the imponderable but ponder it? Beliefs are one thing, and they come and go, but faith is a species of knowledge Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 I’m glad, Cynthia, that these poems worked for you. “Thoughtful and cleverly expressed” is as high a mark as I could ever hope to attain. Reply
Joshua C. Frank April 7, 2023 I like all of these, but my favorite is the first, especially with the last line: “But what of those who say He never left?” Much to ponder. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 7, 2023 There is indeed, Joshua, much to ponder, and if any of this is true, then there is little else we should be spending our time thinking about. Reply
Geoffrey S. April 8, 2023 The provocative first two lines of “Caricaturing the Infinite” might some day become an entry in Quotable Quotes. I like the way you duplicated the rhyme scheme in the first and third stanzas. I don’t know why exactly, but it seems to emphasize God. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 8, 2023 Yes, Geoffrey S., you are the first to point out how I replicated the rhymes in the first and third stanzas. I did it on purpose, just to see whether anyone was paying attention. Reply
David Paul Behrens April 8, 2023 The theme throughout these poems reminds me of many similar thoughts I have experienced nearly all of my adult life. Outstanding subject matter and of course, as always, well written. Thank you, C.B Anderson! Reply
C.B. Anderson April 8, 2023 Let me send similar sentiments right back to you. The Lord has a plan for each of us, no matter how far we have strayed from the original script. Wouldn’t you like to hit the road again? Reply
Satyananda Sarangi April 8, 2023 After a long time, CB Sir! I came here after quite some time. What a pleasure to have come here and to read these poems, which are uncharacteristic of you. Versatility is an art, and thus I’m never disappointed after reading your poetry. Keep inspiring. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 9, 2023 Well, Satyananda, it was a pleasure to write them and an even greater pleasure when someone tells me that he or she got something out of them, Reply
Shaun C. Duncan April 11, 2023 A fine set of poems, but “Apologia” stands out as particularly great: plain-spoken but profound and written with great sensitivity. It’s as moving as it is witty and it reads as an honest expression of a deep, personal faith won from introspection. Reply
C.B. Anderson April 13, 2023 I appreciate the thought, Shaun. Speaking plainly is the only way I know to do it. If there is another way, then please tell me about it. Reply
Monika Cooper April 11, 2023 These are mind-bending, brain-teasing poems, that set the wheels of thought not spinning but milling slowly. It is “Apologia” that gives me the most to catch onto and relate to. Those “long Exploratory colloquies”: delectable, more to Him than to us, if we can even grasp that. How closely the Father leans to hear what the soul discusses with His Son. Thank you. Reply