
Oh…I See!

While sitting in the park one day, my beagle lying near,
a little girl came strolling up—I’d say ‘bout four years old—
And asked me ‘bout a big ol’ tank. She queried, “What is that?”
Then calmly stood there, staring at me, waiting to be told.

“That’s a tank,” I offered. Then was taken by surprise
when suddenly she added, “Oh, I see. So, what’s it do?”
“Soldiers use them. Army guys. They use them overseas,
to make the world a safer place for little girls like you.”

“Oh, I see,” she echoed what she’d answered once before.
“What’s that thing beside it, with the two big wheels and pipe?”
“That’s a cannon, sweetie” I replied. “I like your shoes,”
I tried to change the subject, but this kid was not the type.

“What’s the cannon do?” she quizzed me. Not prepared to say,
I searched for words to tell the truth; I didn’t want to lie.
“Just like tanks, they’re used for keeping peace around the world,”
I dodged again, “by making lots of naughty people die!”

“Oh, I see,” the child repeated, “both make people dead.”
“Yes,” I said reluctantly, not sure what to do,
“But only if they absolutely have to,” I explained.
How was I to make her see in some way—mostly true—

What it is these cruel, remorseless weapons represent?
How their only purpose is to kill our fellow man?
At a loss for honest words, I told her, “You know what?
I would love to tell you, hon… but, I don’t think I can.

“I am not an expert when it comes to tanks and cannons,
never having fired either one, but if I had
I’m not sure a little girl like you would understand.
This is actually something you should prob’ly ask your dad.”

“I don’t have a dad,” she whimpered. “Angels came and got him.
Mommy says my daddy gave his life to keep us free.
I was only wond’ring if a thing like one of these killed him.”
Fighting back my tears, I answered, “Oh…I see!”



Mark Stellinga is a poet and antiques dealer residing in Iowa. 

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

17 Responses

  1. Paul Freeman

    Excellent poem, Mark.

    I especially like how instead of preaching to your readers, you’ve left them to make up their own minds. It’s very skillfully done.

    Thanks for the thoughtful read.

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    I’ve made up my mind. Sending tanks (as the Germans and the Americans are doing) to the Ukrainian army is a flaming act of murderous insanity.

  3. Mark Stellinga

    Joe, ‘murderous insanity’ is the first and only thing I think of whenever I pass a small town park complete with it’s tank and/or cannon and/or jet fighter! Sadly, it will never stop!

  4. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mark, this oh-so-real poetic dialogue brings tears to my eyes and makes me think of George Orwell’s 1884 quote, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” – a quote that becomes more significant with each passing day in our Brave New World.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Susan, I’m so pleased that it moved you – penning it was a bit of an emotional experience. It’s a 100% true incident, and the little girl, who’d scurried over to say “Hi” to our beagle, was a cute little fart. Have a great week, U 2 –

  5. Joshua C. Frank

    Wow… that last stanza is particularly powerful. I had a feeling it was a true story, and then you mention in your comments that it is.

    I remember how last year we were told that Russia was the bad guy stomping on poor little innocent Ukraine… and then we learned that Ukraine was making biological weapons and Russia was trying to stop them. And then people on both sides kill each other, and people have to be brought in from other countries to be killed so two guys, leading countries that don’t look that different from each other to the rest of us, can have a military muscle-flexing contest. Disgusting.

  6. Mark Stellinga

    Joshua, thank you so much for commenting. So much money is made through the DOD’s involvement in other countries’ conflicts the powers that be, both the left-wing & right-wing facets, will never pass on a chance to dive right in. Probably not the right venue for responding in verse, but I thought you might appreciate this telling example of my sentiments concerning these medieval juveniles who’ve managed to take control.

    Let’s Just Say

    A friend of ours was asked – by some reporter – how he viewed
    the war his only son had gone to fight in…and had died.

    His face went limp…his breathing paused…his eyes welled up with tears,
    and all who heard the answer stood transfixed as he replied.

    “Me and all my fam’ly, sir, are desperate to believe
    the cause – for which he died – was worth his life…and though we’ve tried,

    Most of us are struggling to accept the reason why…
    though some, I know, have found a bit of solace in our pride.

    We feel the war that took his life gives cause for some debate –
    for some have surely stretched the truth, and some have actually lied.

    But – let’s just say the truth was told, so we can thereby temper
    weakened hearts – and calm suspicions festering deep inside.

    And – let’s just say – with time, the pain I feel from our son’s absence
    fin’ly does subside into a hell I can abide…

    And I have reached a void where numbness, every now and then,
    kindly – out of deference to the million tears I’ve cried –

    Lets me sleep one night without a nightmare…even then… as now…I curse – with all my heart – the day that he complied.

  7. David Whippman

    A well-written, readable poem that is anti-war without preaching. Timely indeed, in view of the shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Maybe one consolation about the armed forces (in the USA and , to some extent, my native Britain) becoming “woke” is that future interventions will have to be carefully considered – if they are possible at all.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      A “woke” army, fixated on Critical Race Theory, gender reassignment, and persnickety pronoun usage, won’t stand a chance against a traditionally structured and trained army of real men.

      • Joshua C. Frank

        The same is true of countries, not just armies.

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        True, but even if a country is composed of brave and dedicated citizens who are unafflicted by our modern politically correct insanities, the country still must have a professional military for national defense. Individuals can be brave and self-sacrificing, but without professional officers and equipment and training they cannot win a war. Warfare is a business, like any other.

        Every major revolution has had tough military leaders behind it. The English parliament had Oliver Cromwell, the French Revolution had Napoleon, we had Washington, the Soviets had Trotsky, the Nazis had Hitler, Rohm, and Ludendorff. Without such military types, and real military backing, the “theorists” and “ideologues” of the revolution would have been useless panty-waists.

        This is why the corruption of the American Armed Forces by “woke” and left-liberal infiltration is in my view the most dangerous development of our current situation. Because the armed forces here are specifically denied any political role, and are kept under strict civilian command, they must follow unquestioningly any order — no matter how evil or stupid or dangerous — that the civilian government hands them. And since the upper ranks of our military now tend to be purely careerist and timeserving, they don’t even bother thinking about the orders of idiots like Biden and his leftist advisors. They just carry them out, cheerfully.

        Say what you like about the South Americans, but at least on occasion their military would say “”Enough!” and just walk in and overthrow the civilian scumbags who were wrecking things. One of the happiest days of my life was the day that the Chilean Army overthrew Allende and his Communist government. Now if only someone would do the same in Venezuela and Brazil…!

      • Mark Stellinga

        Thanks for your comment, Joe – I’m seeing Schwarzenegger arm wrestling Billy Jean King! Austin, Millie & Kirby ALL need to go…

      • David Whippman

        Joseph, I understand that a democracy must have safeguards against a military coup. But you have a point about Gen Millie and his ilk. What soldier could be inspired to fight under the command of such a simpering fool? Hannibal or Caesar, he ain’t!

    • Mark Stellinga

      Thank you for the compliments, David. Month by month, America continues to lose the respect of other major nations, and year by year the lure of patriotism is becoming less aspirational, which is only emboldening those who are paying close attention. We all know what (and who) we need back in the White House.


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