
Runway Ready

An Anorectic at a Playground

Scrawny, lean and teen Miss Annie
sat upon her bony fanny,
straddled ‘cross a teeter-totter,
filling up on Fibre Water.

From above, bungeed a spider,
claimed the empty seat as rider,
launching Ann like some machine,
Plop! Splat! onto a trampoline.

When she proudly shared the story,
she was truly in her glory!
Friends all swear they heard Ann say:
“That big fat spider made my day!”



Tonia Kalouria, a former Spanish teacher and “soap” actress, is now a poet in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Her most recent—and rhyming—poems appear in Literary Veganism and Fox Hollow Stories, and two anthologies: Quoth the Raven and Poems from the Lockdown.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

9 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    There is always a special place in my heart for such a cute and clever nursery rhyme! I presume there are more in your repertoire!

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    There’s untapped wealth in nursery rhymes, and more poets should go to them — not just for material, but also for a sense of intense perception and concise expression.

    I love the anorectic Miss Annie with the bony fanny.

  3. Tonia

    Thanks, Paddy, Roy, Paul, and Joseph.
    We need some levity nowadays, eh?
    (PS: I tried individual replies, but some sort of gremlins.) Forgive, please.)

  4. Lushan

    What is hardest is ones own inability to feel joy

    I wish annie were here with me eternally

    Btw no more heavey all light

    The Creator planned this out better than i will ever comprehend

    Last comment today evan

    Warmest regards
    And hi to my freinds


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