Painting by Luke Fildes‘Better with Love’: A Poem by Russel Winick The Society July 11, 2023 Love Poems, Poetry 20 Comments . Better with Love I thought I was a pleasant sort __When we first met. Not perfect but near sweet and kind __As one could get. ____I knew I had rough edges ____And for fixes I made pledges ____But there seemed no need for hedges __In a nice safe bet. It shocked me that you thought I had __Annoying traits. I knew there were a few but not __A heaping plate. ____At first I got defensive ____Then it made me apprehensive ____That you thought they were extensive __When I felt first rate. It took too long but by and by __I understood, And realized your points of view __Would do me good. ____You’re predominantly right ____And I’m mistaken when we fight ____I pray for insight every night __To treat you like I should. Your gifts keep shining ever brighter __In my eyes. Awareness of my stunning fortune __Multiplies. ____You’re in many ways unique ____Each day my love hits a new peak ____I listen closely when you speak— __Your wisdom clarifies. Your blessings make me want to give you __All I can. To keep you happy everyday __Is what I plan. ____You bring pleasure like a dream ____It’s clear we are an awesome team ____And with my love for you I scheme __To be a better man. . . Russel Winick recently started writing poetry after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 20 Responses Phil S. Rogers July 11, 2023 A poem with meaning for many people, if we were wise enough to see it and realize the positive effect it had on our life. Reply Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thanks Phil, for your gratifying comment. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson July 11, 2023 Ah, blending together is an act of will and love, at least on your part. I am still looking for all the girls I thought I would have to fight off when I grew up because my mom said I was so handsome. (LOL) I enjoyed your poem and reflected on my own circumstances in marriage, especially when I was puzzled by criticism of things I had been doing before marriage that I thought were preferred and attractive. A “heaping plate” indeed. Reply Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thank you Roy. I’m still working on emptying that plate. Reply Cynthia Erlandson July 11, 2023 This is definitely enjoyable, both the content and the fun and creative metrical scheme and rhyme scheme! Reply Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thanks Cynthia. The way I wrote this, there is a slight pause between the latter syllables in the 2nd, 4th, and 8th lines of each stanza, but I truly have no clue if that’s how others will read it. Reply Mia July 11, 2023 You make it seem so effortless, it is really quite sublime. It reminds me of a certain hapless prince, don’t quite know why.. Reply Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thank you Mia, for that truly delightful comment. Reply Margaret Coats July 11, 2023 Lovely, unique form for the poem, Russel. With the different line lengths and the xaxabbba rhyme scheme, each stanza speeds up toward its end, and the speaker flows convincingly from being a “safe bet” to his plan to be a “better man.” Reply Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thank you for this kind analysis, Margaret. You may have understood my intent even better than I did! Reply jd July 11, 2023 Enjoyed your poem, Russel, especially its element of surprise (for me) in the second half. After the first two strophes, I thought for sure it would be sayonara but instead it’s true love as the title promises. Lucky recipient. Reply Russel Winick July 11, 2023 I hadn’t thought of that, JD, but yep – I see it now. Thanks for the keen eye and interesting feedback. Reply Louis Groarke July 12, 2023 I particularly liked the rhymes “defensive/apprehensive/extensive.” Lovely sentiments, Reply Russel Winick July 14, 2023 Thank you Sir. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant July 12, 2023 Russel, this is a refreshing delight of a poem that sings to my ears and heart. I love the warmth, wit, and wonder. It’s beautiful!! Reply Russel Winick July 14, 2023 Thank you Susan. I sort of went out of my lane with this one. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Reply C.B. Anderson July 16, 2023 Damn right you went out of your lane with this one, Russel, but that’s what a good driver can do with impunity. I’ll bet you even surprised yourself. Russel Winick July 17, 2023 Thanks. Yes it was. Yael July 14, 2023 This is a lovely and edifying love poem, well done, thank you! Reply Russel Winick July 14, 2023 Thanks Yael. I greatly appreciate your warm comments. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Phil S. Rogers July 11, 2023 A poem with meaning for many people, if we were wise enough to see it and realize the positive effect it had on our life. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson July 11, 2023 Ah, blending together is an act of will and love, at least on your part. I am still looking for all the girls I thought I would have to fight off when I grew up because my mom said I was so handsome. (LOL) I enjoyed your poem and reflected on my own circumstances in marriage, especially when I was puzzled by criticism of things I had been doing before marriage that I thought were preferred and attractive. A “heaping plate” indeed. Reply
Cynthia Erlandson July 11, 2023 This is definitely enjoyable, both the content and the fun and creative metrical scheme and rhyme scheme! Reply
Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thanks Cynthia. The way I wrote this, there is a slight pause between the latter syllables in the 2nd, 4th, and 8th lines of each stanza, but I truly have no clue if that’s how others will read it. Reply
Mia July 11, 2023 You make it seem so effortless, it is really quite sublime. It reminds me of a certain hapless prince, don’t quite know why.. Reply
Margaret Coats July 11, 2023 Lovely, unique form for the poem, Russel. With the different line lengths and the xaxabbba rhyme scheme, each stanza speeds up toward its end, and the speaker flows convincingly from being a “safe bet” to his plan to be a “better man.” Reply
Russel Winick July 11, 2023 Thank you for this kind analysis, Margaret. You may have understood my intent even better than I did! Reply
jd July 11, 2023 Enjoyed your poem, Russel, especially its element of surprise (for me) in the second half. After the first two strophes, I thought for sure it would be sayonara but instead it’s true love as the title promises. Lucky recipient. Reply
Russel Winick July 11, 2023 I hadn’t thought of that, JD, but yep – I see it now. Thanks for the keen eye and interesting feedback. Reply
Louis Groarke July 12, 2023 I particularly liked the rhymes “defensive/apprehensive/extensive.” Lovely sentiments, Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant July 12, 2023 Russel, this is a refreshing delight of a poem that sings to my ears and heart. I love the warmth, wit, and wonder. It’s beautiful!! Reply
Russel Winick July 14, 2023 Thank you Susan. I sort of went out of my lane with this one. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Reply
C.B. Anderson July 16, 2023 Damn right you went out of your lane with this one, Russel, but that’s what a good driver can do with impunity. I’ll bet you even surprised yourself.