
Some Questions?

“We’ll know our disinformation is complete
when everything the U.S. public believes is false.”

—William J. Casey, former CIA director

Does anybody still believe, in ode or threnody,
Lee Harvey Oswald murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
Was there so much corruption in that so-called Camelot,
and false analysis done on the body that was shot?
Did many have to die to keep some cover-up in tact?
How much fake news flew through the Mainstream Media, in fact?
Were bosses of the Mafia involved in any way?
and working with them were there members of the CIA?
Were two or three hit men home-grown or brought from Italy?
And what about the changing guns—was it two shots times three?
So much was hushed up, even now, from sixty years ago,
one wonders how much of that we will ever come to know…



Bruce Dale Wise is a poet and former English teacher currently residing in Texas. 

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21 Responses

  1. Cynthia Erlandson

    Okay, wise guy, you made me look up “threnody”! Thank you for a well done, fun-though-serious poem. And the vocabulary lesson.

    • BDW

      Perhaps the tone was missed because of the altering of the title, the removal of one of the epitaphs, and the poem’s following notes.

      More Questions?
      by Caud Sewer Bile
      “I am half-sick of shadows, said the Lady of Shalott.”
      —Alfred Tennyson
      “We’ll know our disinformation is complete
      when everything the US public believes is false.”
      —William J. Casey

      Does anybody still believe, in ode or threnody,
      Lee Harvey Oswald murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
      Was there so much corruption in that so-called Camelot,
      and false analysis done on the body that was shot?
      Did many have to die to keep some cover-up in tact?
      How much fake news flew through the Mainstream Media, in fact?
      Were bosses of the Mafia involved in any way?
      and working with them were there members of the CIA?
      Were two or three hit men home-grown or brought from Italy?
      And what about the changing guns—Was it two shots times three?
      So much was hushed up, even now, from sixty years ago,
      one wonders how much of the truth we’ll ever come to know…

      Caud Sewer Bile is a poet of Machiavellian politics. Was a surprised, wide-eyed Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) a “patsy” of the US government, as he claimed on November 22, 1963, two days before his death? Was John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), the son of an inside trader, stock manipulator, and basic overall “thief”, as described by FDR? According to Evelyn Lincoln, JFK’s favourite poem was “Ulysses” by Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892). William J Casey (1913-1987) was Director of the CIA in the 1980s.

  2. Margaret Coats

    Bruce, some of my friends believe and question and argue no end on this topic. Your poem distills a view congenial to my own, but many others think they know more and would be dissatisfied with it. We are in quite a plight to wonder who is more thoroughly disinformed. By the way, is your form here one you have given a name?

    • BDW

      Ms. Coats caught the aim of “More Questions?” in her use of the word “distills”. In fact, that was why I removed the names on the first, previous printing of this poem.

      As to Ms. Coats’ friends, I suspect I very much agree with them about this horrible coup d’état in American history. But I have no intention in spending an inordinate amount of time, as so many great Americans, like Grover Proctor Belmont, Jr., have done.

      This poem is a “dodeca”, twelve lines of iambic heptameter.

  3. Phil S. Rogers

    And has another Kennedy family member placed himself in great danger as well?

    • BDW


      Here is the recent Newsreel [in the manner of John Dos Passos (1896-1970)], that accompanied the poem in its first printing.

      There won’t be secret service for Joe Biden’s challenger—
      protection for RFK, Jr. “is not warranted”,
      that is, according to Mayorkas. But why is this so?
      Is two-tiered justice now on steroids? learned at Quantico?

  4. Norma Elizabeth Okun

    I like your poem. It questions conspiracy theories, and one definition of hell is where you ask questions and have no answers. To me the whole assassination plot was simply related to not letting Castro own what investors of America had invested in Cuba and Central America. Johnson named Dulles to conduct the Warren Commission, JFK had fired him. How fair could he had been.

    • BDW

      Ms. Okun alludes to the Cuban part of the “assassination plot”, and that the Warren Commission was an “unfair” hoax, in the least, because of the inclusion of Allen Dulles. It is lucky for her that she had not mentioned such things sixty years ago.

  5. Cheryl Corey

    Why is the deep state so hell-bent on the cover up? I say open the files. Open them all.

  6. Russel Winick

    This is a fine poem, on a subject that many people still wonder about. Thanks for sharing it.

    • BDW

      Mr. Winick points out that “many people wonder still about” the poem’s central topic, the assassination of JFK, perhaps because they bought the lies of “Life” and the Mainstream Media, like CBS, the Associated Press, etc. Even to this day, almost sixty years after the assassination of the President, American Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) is still alleged to be the US Marine “…who assassinated John F. Kennedy…” at Wickedpedia.

  7. Roy Eugene Peterson

    So many candidates: Soviets, Mafia, LBJ, Castro, Oswald on his own, and teamsters among them. Your questions are certainly valid as we still ponder who and why. I also learned that a “threnody” is a “lament.”

    • BDW

      The Sacrificial Lamb
      by Brice U. Lawseed

      Who was the sacrificial lamb? Lee Harvey Oswald was.
      Who set him up to take the hit? US Intelligence.
      Who did the killing, and were willing, to destory a man?
      The Mafia and CIA were members of the plan.
      Who did not try to find what happened? People in the press.
      Who worked to cover-up the crimes? The pols and the police.
      Who worked to find the truth? Run-of-the-mill Americans,
      eye-witnesses who would not bend to haughty arrogance.
      Who still believes that he is innocent despite the lies?
      His mother did, at least unto the last, until she died,
      and many more of us who do not buy the fake reports,
      about a man not given a fair trial in the courts.

  8. Mia

    I was very young when JFK was shot but still remember the shock I felt. Even in another country miles away without the media that we have now.
    So I have always wondered why.
    Thank you for this poem . I think it is very timely.
    All I remember is that the world was more hopeful when he was president and a light went out when he died.

    • BDW

      That Day
      by Brice U. Lawseed

      I still recall the day when Kennedy was shot, and died.
      I stood beside my gray-long locker back in junior high.
      I cried. But why? I was naïve. It made no sense to me.
      I did not understand the circumstances of the deed.

      I did not think we lived in Camelot, not in the least;
      but neither did I think we lived in Hell beneath the Beast.
      I’ve learned so much since then, when C. S. Lewis passed away—
      November 22nd, 1963—that day.

  9. Gregory Ross

    This poem summarizes each of the many theories well. I have only recently began looking into the conspiracy theories, some of which I think are conspiracy facts.

    • BDW

      I concur with Mr. Ross’s assertion that “More Questions” summarizes, what he articulately calls “conspiracy facts”. That was one of the purposes of the dodeca; and to do so in terse verse. At times, that can be quite effective, as in Randall Jarrell’s “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner”, or as in Mr. Ross’s rondeau “Jägermeister”.

      Of some interest to some, Mr. Oswald had trained as an aviation electronics operator, and was assigned to Marine Air Control Atsugi in Japan.


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