
Excuse My Excuse

An excuse—that’s a word to excuse
at those times when I need a good ruse
__which I’ll put to good use
__while I find some excuse
which will not leave folks singing the blues.

If the words I misuse are obtuse,
as they cruise, they’ll be hard to deduce.
__Such attempts to bemuse
__should be cause to recuse
so I won’t lose my head in a noose.

If the goose of the gander I choose
is the abstruse abuse of good booze,
__yet with anger profuse
__I may still be cut loose
and seduce them to hear all my schmooze.

But for now, they’ll refuse to reduce
the life sentence I’ll serve as recluse,
__where I won’t get to snooze
__or to shorten the fuse
of this unending rhyming abuse.



Ken Gosse was raised in the suburbs of Chicago and, now retired, he lives in Mesa, AZ. First published in First Literary Review–East in November 2016, since then in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, The Writers Club, Pure Slush, Home Planet News Online, Academy of the Heart and Mind, and others. 

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3 Responses

  1. Paul A. Freeman

    Here’s the news:
    with this poem Ken’s a poet whose
    now paid his dues.

    Nicely done, Ken.

  2. Norma Pain

    This is a wonderful tongue-twisting, clever poem which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you Ken.


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