
Wishful Thinking

The “investigation” widens of the traitorous crimes the Bidens
__are and have been guilty of for years,
As liberal scum like CNN attempt to save his ass again,
__he’s grappling with his family’s greatest fears!

What he’s done for all this time, thriving off his life of crime,
__clearly has been outed—Joey’s doomed!
Every ‘Patriot’ knows the truth and, now well armed with endless proof,
__it’s crystal clear why millions have assumed

All the walls are closing in, exposing his and Hunter’s sin,
__to finally make them pay for what they’ve done!
At last we see the faded light of “Justice” slowly rise to bright,
__and once again, as always… “Right” has won.



Mark Stellinga is a poet and antiques dealer residing in Iowa. 

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12 Responses

  1. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mark, your title is spot-on. I have a horrible feeling that where political power and dirty money are concerned (and the Bidens are mere puppets on the bottom rung of the loot and clout ladder) justice will not be served… here on earth at least. I hope wholeheartedly that I’m wrong.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Susan, this is one of the most over-optimistic pieces I’ve penned in quite a while. So little to be optimistic about! I hope we’re both wrong — BTW – I dropped Mike a note a little while ago asking him to kindly correct the oversight of my name being excluded from the 2 standard ‘who-wrote-it’ spots.

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    The fact that the United States is represented and run by corrupt, ignorant, money-hungry scum like the Bidens, Kamala Harris, and all of the Deep State functionaries who worship them, dishonors our nation.

    Life imitates art. Think of the Snopes family in the novels of Faulkner.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Joe, if I were a much younger man, *much* healthier, single, and with no children, Biden would NOT serve another term. Kamala either…I just have that feeling. 🙂

  3. Russel Winick

    Mark – I like the poem. Hope you’re right, but I’m in Susan’s camp on optimism

    • Joshua C. Frank

      I agree on this one. If O.J. Simpson didn’t get in trouble because he was a well-known football player (the average man would have been found guilty for that same evidence whether guilty or not), then what hope do we have of the even more rich, famous, and influential Bidens suffering any consequences for what they are known by all to have done?

      • Mark Stellinga

        Joshua, I’ll not be holding my breath waiting for any of the Bidens to pay for their countless iniquities, which have been going on for decades. And they all knows we all know… And they’ll almost certainly find a way to stop Trump, if not with law-fare, with a sniper’s bullet. Never thought I’d see this day in time… Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Cynthia Erlandson

    Whether or not “right has won,” it’s a really good poem. The fun form you’ve chosen is appropriate for the humorous way you’ve managed to approach the subject matter. I love the line about CNN! I do hope it’s not just “wishful thinking.”

    • Mark Stellinga

      You and I both, Cynthia, but it’s looking very grave, and the army of CNN-type disciples is growing larger and more violent day by day…and thank you for for the compliment. 🙂

  5. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Th Biden crime family must be brought to justice. The allegations are substantial and overwhelming in their numbers. The list continues to grow daily. I have no doubt in my mind that everything from the package of drugs in the White House found by the Secret Service, the selling of Hunter’s nondescript paintings for considerable considerations, the visits to the Ukraine that certainly weren’t to see the bland landscape, and the weakness in the face of Chinese activities all are prima facia evidence of crimes.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Roy, 5 ‘ll get ya’ ten Hunter’s never held a paint brush. IMO – the painting ruse is merely another way to launder their money. Happy Thanksgiving…


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