
The Eve of Thanksgiving

‘Tis the eve of Thanksgiving, and all through the class,
The students are wishing the time would soon pass.
Though it’s nodes, modes, and frequencies they’re told to find,
Bright visions of turkeys sashay through each mind.
Though the pencils are poised over notebooks with care,
All the students are drifting; their thoughts are not there,
But rather they stray to tomorrow’s great feast
Whose abundance, before their minds’ eye, has increased:
Steaming biscuits and muffins in baskets recline,
Next to butter and honey, and jam in a line,
Mashed potatoes are heaped in a mountainous pile,
Near the turkey, which poses in elegant style.
In addition there’s relish and stuffing enough
And that cranberry goop (‘cause some folks like the stuff).
Then of course, after all, come the marvelous pies,
Both a feast for the stomach and feast for the eyes…
With such treats tantalizing, the class flies right by.
The students awake from their visions and sigh.
With eyes glazed and dreamy they gather their things,
While through each scholar’s head a most thankful voice rings.
It sounds and resounds, as they leap to their feet,
“Happy eating to all! And a bon appetit!
A Pennsylvania native now residing in Colorado, Anna J. Arredondo is an engineer by education, a home educator by choice, and by preference, a poet. She also has poems published (or forthcoming) in The Lyric, Time of Singing, Light, Blue Unicorn, Better Than Starbucks, and WestWard Quarterly.

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21 Responses

    • Anna J. Arredondo

      Thank you, Paul. I wrote this in class my senior year of college… 25 years ago! I’m happy to finally share it.

      • Paul A. Freeman

        Funnily enough, I’ve submitted a Thanksgiving poem I wrote almost a decade ago – let’s see.

  1. Norma Pain

    I enjoyed your Thanksgiving poem very much Anna. A feast for the ears. Thank you.

  2. Shamik Banerjee

    It’s a flavourful Thanksgiving poem, Anna. It kept a smile on my face the whole time. Also, I could relate well to nodes, modes, and frequencies. Thank you for sharing.

    • Anna J. Arredondo

      Thank you, Shamik. I’ve been out of touch with the nodes, modes, and frequencies for a while now, but glad you can relate!

  3. Cynthia Erlandson

    Truly a feast for the ears and the imagination! Clement C. Moore would be proud of your perfect anapestic echoes of his famous poem. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Margaret Coats

    Relishing your style, Anna. Hope your students enjoy the feast after learning celebratory table setting–and God bless the cook!

    • Anna J. Arredondo

      Thank you, Margaret. As to the celebratory table setting, maybe later… My students are currently eating dino nuggets up in their friends’ tree house, nary a tablecloth or napkin in sight! Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!

  5. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Anna, I have been there dreaming of Thanksgiving Day and a couple of days off from school. Well done! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    • Anna J. Arredondo

      Thank you, Roy, and thank you, Allegra. A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!

  6. Hari Hyde

    I’m thankful for this upbeat treat. I envisioned your engineering class beguiled by the modes, nodes, and frequencies of their own viand-wired wits.

  7. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    A mouthwateringly scrumptious poem that is the perfect prelude to a Thanksgiving feast. I note you wrote it when you were at college… Anna, you were obviously destined to be a poet! Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Anna J. Arredondo

      Thank you, Susan! My Thanksgiving was spent with family and friends “in your neck of the woods” (as though “in Texas” were a precise enough location for that expression). I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely, and I’m looking forward to reading your latest offerings once on the road home…


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