
Icarus Sings

I’ve tempted fate,
And sought the sun,
I’m Icarus,
I’ve come undone.

My wings have failed,
For what it’s worth,
My long descent,
Shall end on earth.

I tempted fate,
I, fate did shun,
I’m Icarus,
The fallen one.

I tempted fate,
I sought the light,
But now my soul,
Shall kiss the night.



I Need You

I want you, I need you,
Your heart is my heart,
If you are the sculptor,
Then make me your art.

If you are the author,
I’m ink to your pen,
Your spirit is lonely,
So, make me your friend.

And since you are broken,
I’ll cherish your shards,
You dance in the moonlight,
So, make me your stars.

And since you are darkness,
You’ll call me your light,
You’re blinded, I see you,
So make me your sight.

I want you, I need you,
I’ll seek where you hide,
I hear you and heed you,
I bleed by your side.

For you are the essence,
Of all that I breathe,
I want you, I need you,
It’s you that I need.



Paris Michael is a full time student and content creator from Silver Spring, Maryland.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

6 Responses

  1. Norma Pain

    Paris, I love your poetry, especially “I Need You”. Wish I’d written it. Thank you.

  2. C.B. Anderson

    I like a short, terse line. It’s a specialty of mine, and with a bit more practice & imagination, every XAXA stanza can become an ABAB stanza. In stanza 5 of “I Need You” you have done this.

  3. Margaret Coats

    “I Need You” seems to be a poem for a love that may not yet be discovered, but with the speaker’s need described through many images. Well done!

  4. Paul A. Freeman

    I particularly enjoyed your Icarus poem, Paris. It’s a story I have a soft spot for and this first person rendering is top notch.

    Thanks for the read.

  5. Cynthia Erlandson

    I, too, really like Icarus! The short lines seem perfect for the subject; and the last verse’s light/night contrast is a great conclusion.

  6. Geoffrey Smagacz

    I like in the perfect rhymes in the Icarus poem. You held to your standard.

    I couldn’t help but think that it certainly was a long descent because Icarus, the narrator, had enough time to compose a poem.


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