
Sounds Like Paradise

Kids are in the backyard playing;
__The dog is playing too.
I think that sounds like Paradise—
__Doesn’t it to you?

Wife is in the kitchen humming,
__Making pumpkin pies.
Husband working on a project—
__Sounds like Paradise.

Christmas gifts under the fir tree;
__Each with a surprise.
Children squealing gratefully—
__Sounds like Paradise.

Quartet sings in church on Sunday.
__Hear them harmonize.
Choir joins them on the chorus—
__Sounds like Paradise.

Family walking in the woods,
__Together exercise.
Listen to the forest whisper—
__Sounds like Paradise.

Birds are singing in the meadow,
__Flying in the skies.
Nature making sheets of music—
__Sounds like Paradise.

Family praying at the table
__To God who satisfies,
Thanking him for their good bounty—
__Sounds like Paradise.



LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix.

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

32 Responses

  1. Shamik Banerjee

    The very simplicity of this poem is what makes it sweet. Thank you for sharing, Mr. Peterson.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Shamik! I enjoy writing poems from the simple to the complex that appeal to a broad range of readers.

  2. Phil S. Rogers

    Roy; Your poem to me back to the 1950’s, early 60’s when times were so different then they are today. So pleasant to read and start my day. Thank you.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Phil! You completely understand my reasons for writing this.

  3. Sally Cook

    Such goodness. The way things should be, used to be, could be again.
    It brought tears to my eyes.
    Thank you, Roy.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Precious comments, Sally! I had the same feeling in writing this one.

  4. Margaret Coats

    Roy, it’s wonderful that our imaginations have so much material to call up paradise–and thank you for presenting a great deal of it in a lovely refrain song. Grateful children is one of the best touches, and I’m thankful to God that mine are. For one I know you and I share, it’s the music like that in stanza 4. What a joy to prepare and perform something of complex beauty to God’s honor! Thanks to Him for a choirmaster who can choose and direct it. And again to you for this poem inspiring gratitude as we approach Thanksgiving.

  5. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Such wonderful thoughts that we share together including the bounty God has given us. We do have so much for which to be thankful while “we approach Thanksgiving.” I am thankful for you and your precious comments!

  6. Anna J. Arredondo

    Lovely sentiments, Roy. It’s nice to be reminded to turn our focus upon all of the simple wonders, large and small, that yet surround us.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I appreciate that comment very much, Anna. Sometimes I have to remind myself of the good things in life. Thank, Anna for sharing your thoughts.

  7. Jeff Eardley

    Roy, I was choking up reading this. The simplicity of family life in years past has great memories for us over here. Thank you for a lovely, heartwarming reminder.

  8. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Jeff, thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts and appraisal. I have no doubt that we share good memories in both our countries from times that were rewarding and meaningful.

  9. C.B. Anderson

    Compared to what’s all around us today, the old times, when tradition was strong, do look like Heaven on Earth.

  10. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Roy, this uplifting poem is a nostalgic breath of fresh air in horrific times that seem to have lost sight of traditional values. I thank you wholeheartedly for bringing a smile and the warmth of some beautiful memories to my evening.

  11. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Bless you, Susan! We all need a respite sometimes. I thank you for your kind heartfelt comments that uplifted me in turn.

  12. Bruce Phenix

    Thank you for this lovely poem, Mr Peterson. It touchingly expresses the value of the uncomplicated yet solid joys that also mean so much to me – family, home, Christmas-time, church, nature. It gives me the same sort of feeling as I get when reading “The Village Blacksmith” by Longfellow.

  13. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Wow! What an amazing compliment, Bruce. I am touched! Thank you so much.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you so much, James! I am deeply appreciative of your kind words.

  14. Brian A. Yapko

    Absolutely beautiful, nostalgic poetry, Roy. Your words really tug at the heart.

  15. Patricia Allred

    I am touched my the imagery in this out of the world write! I am in agreement with Brian Yapko’s))
    Wishing you love and peace,

  16. Michael Vanyukov

    Roy, such a sweet song! But also a black thought: that Paradise may be lost – or indeed reachable now only in the World To Come.


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