Dancing Bear: A Christmas Party Poem by Roy E. Peterson The Society December 22, 2023 Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . Dancing Bear I came late to the party. I should have stayed away. When I walked in, I heard the din of party in full sway. I cannot much remember what happened after that. ____I can recall ____The popcorn ball __Was playing with the cat. The women in short dresses stood under mistletoe To greet the men just walking in while rocking to and fro. The kisses and the laughter when I came through the door: ____They were enough ____To make it tough __To not go back for more. That’s when I saw three Christmas trees, red and white and blue With Christmas lights that filled the night when they came into view. Some people have sixth senses. Some have no sense at all. ____I am not sure. ____It was a blur __Before I took a fall. I think a woman grabbed me and held me close to her. I cannot dance, but in a trance I thought I heard a purr. The eggnog that she gave me was full of alcohol. ____“What do you think?” ____“I do not drink, __No, never, not at all.” I must have had a sip of that very special brew And then another and again I drank a glass or two. We rocked around the Christmas trees in just our underwear. ____The music hot, ____Another shot, __I said, “I’m Dancing Bear!” I know the way I meant it, but then I don’t recall. “Dancing Bear” just did not care and then he hit the wall. The next thing I remember the cops were in the house. ____The party done ____And no more fun: __‘Twas quiet as a mouse. . . LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 16 Responses Mary Gardner December 22, 2023 This is entertaining, Roy, with its fast pace and internal rhyme. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Thank you, Mary! Merry Christmas to you! Reply Margaret Coats December 23, 2023 True ursine amusement, Roy. Glad you had enough quiet time to come up with enjoyable distortion in verse. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Ursine indeed! This is one that kind of wrote itself. That seems to happen when I am in some zone. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you! Reply Shamik Banerjee December 23, 2023 Great stuff, Mr. Peterson. The hilarity here is on another level, and it gave me a good laugh (and I’m still giggling as I’m writing this), especially the part with the ‘underwears’. It reminded me of a scene from the movie Borat where the two main protagonists chase each other. I also love the internal rhymes. Absolutely made my day! Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Shamik, I really appreciate your kind comments and sharing how much you enjoyed the humor. You have helped make my day, also. Reply Jeff Eardley December 23, 2023 Roy, shame for the cops to spoil things for the dancing bear. This is hilarious. We guys have all been there, at least once in this scenario, but yours is the best. Happy Christmas⛄️ Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Wonderful and fitting comments, Jeff! Merry Christmas to you! Reply Brian A. Yapko December 23, 2023 What a rolicking, hilarious poem this is, Roy! Most of the Christmas parties I have attended have been far duller than this, where the strongest items are the pfeffernusse and green jello mold. The double-entendre in your title is a special stand-out. Thank you for the belly laugh — a wonderful Christmas gift! Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 You got the double entendre! Super! There are some other items in the poem like the ball playing with the cat to indicate an addled mind and the “purr” could have been either a lady or holding the cat and dancing. Thank you! Reply Paul A. Freeman December 23, 2023 Dancing bare! No wonder someone called the fuzz. Thanks for an entertaining read. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Thank you, Paul, for getting the double entendre and your appreciation. Reply James Sale December 23, 2023 Sounds like you had a great time, Roy – sorry about the ending: who tipped the cops off? Party-poopers, eh? Really enjoyed this Christmas read! Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Thank you so much, James for you fun comments! I had fun writing it, but I missed that party. Merry Christimas to you! Reply Norma Pain December 23, 2023 This is so much fun to read. I love all of the wonderful rhyming and rhythm and the pictures painted for us all. Hilarious. Thank you Roy. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Norma, I thought you might like the humor in this one. Thank you for the kind comments. Merry Christmas to you! Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Mary Gardner December 22, 2023 This is entertaining, Roy, with its fast pace and internal rhyme. Reply
Margaret Coats December 23, 2023 True ursine amusement, Roy. Glad you had enough quiet time to come up with enjoyable distortion in verse. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Ursine indeed! This is one that kind of wrote itself. That seems to happen when I am in some zone. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you! Reply
Shamik Banerjee December 23, 2023 Great stuff, Mr. Peterson. The hilarity here is on another level, and it gave me a good laugh (and I’m still giggling as I’m writing this), especially the part with the ‘underwears’. It reminded me of a scene from the movie Borat where the two main protagonists chase each other. I also love the internal rhymes. Absolutely made my day! Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Shamik, I really appreciate your kind comments and sharing how much you enjoyed the humor. You have helped make my day, also. Reply
Jeff Eardley December 23, 2023 Roy, shame for the cops to spoil things for the dancing bear. This is hilarious. We guys have all been there, at least once in this scenario, but yours is the best. Happy Christmas⛄️ Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Wonderful and fitting comments, Jeff! Merry Christmas to you! Reply
Brian A. Yapko December 23, 2023 What a rolicking, hilarious poem this is, Roy! Most of the Christmas parties I have attended have been far duller than this, where the strongest items are the pfeffernusse and green jello mold. The double-entendre in your title is a special stand-out. Thank you for the belly laugh — a wonderful Christmas gift! Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 You got the double entendre! Super! There are some other items in the poem like the ball playing with the cat to indicate an addled mind and the “purr” could have been either a lady or holding the cat and dancing. Thank you! Reply
Paul A. Freeman December 23, 2023 Dancing bare! No wonder someone called the fuzz. Thanks for an entertaining read. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Thank you, Paul, for getting the double entendre and your appreciation. Reply
James Sale December 23, 2023 Sounds like you had a great time, Roy – sorry about the ending: who tipped the cops off? Party-poopers, eh? Really enjoyed this Christmas read! Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Thank you so much, James for you fun comments! I had fun writing it, but I missed that party. Merry Christimas to you! Reply
Norma Pain December 23, 2023 This is so much fun to read. I love all of the wonderful rhyming and rhythm and the pictures painted for us all. Hilarious. Thank you Roy. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson December 23, 2023 Norma, I thought you might like the humor in this one. Thank you for the kind comments. Merry Christmas to you! Reply