

I’m thankful most for what I can’t describe,
Though otherwise I’m clever as can be
At secular and sacred repartee.
Yet when it comes to all that I’ve imbibed
Of graces poured abundantly and how
The earliest I savor even now,
No subject with a verb can ever jibe
To name the love that’s overtaken me,
Though more and more it’s all I can avow.



Jeffrey Essmann is an essayist and poet living in New York. His poetry has appeared in numerous magazines and literary journals, among them Agape Review, America Magazine, Dappled Things, the St. Austin Review, U.S. Catholic, Grand Little Things, Heart of Flesh Literary Journal, and various venues of the Benedictine monastery with which he is an oblate. He is editor of the Catholic Poetry Room page on the Integrated Catholic Life website.

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6 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    The emotion of being thankful indeed is difficult to explain and, like love, we feel it. Perhaps the best we can do is “avow” it and share our perceptions with others who have similar feelings.


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