
I Can’t Be Bought

I can’t be bought. They always pan
my poems and they have a plan
to pay me if I will agree
to stop composing poetry.
They say I am an also-ran.

Who cares if they are not a fan!
My trek as poet just began.
My weight in gold won’t purchase me.
__I can’t be bought.

I’d rather own a cloth coat than
a fancy boat or car or van.
My art gives me—I say humbly—
a shot at immortality.
That’s more than filthy lucre can.
__I can’t be bought.


Poet’s Note: This poem was inspired by Kari Lake. She is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Arizona. It was recently reported that she was offered money not to run for this office, and that she declined the offer.



Mark F. Stone worked as an attorney (active duty and civil service) for the United States Air Force for 33 years and is retired. He began writing poems in 2005, as a way to woo his bride-to-be into wedlock. His poems have been published by LightThe Ohio Poetry AssociationThe Road Not Taken: The Journal of Formal Poetry, the Society of Classical PoetsWhatfinger News, Ric Edelman’s The Truth About Your Future podcast, and the Seeking Alpha Alpha Picks podcast.

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12 Responses

    • Mark F. Stone

      Phil, Last Wednesday, when I learned that Kari Lake had turned down an offer of money to not run for the office, I thought to myself: how might a poet respond in an analogous situation? I’m glad you enjoyed the poem. Mark

  1. James Sale

    I don’t know who is panning your poems, Mark, but you are right: this is your shot at immortality – keep going for it. Love your lightness of touch!

    • Mark F. Stone

      James, I think it would be eminently reasonable for one to conclude that I was writing about myself. But actually, I was writing about the general notion of turning down money in order to pursue a goal that one strongly believes in. I like using the First Person because it makes it easy to create a sense of power, emotion and immediacy. I appreciate your comment about lightness of touch and your encouragement to keep pursuing my goals. Thanks! Mark

    • Mark F. Stone

      Dr. Salemi, I note that the individual who communicated the offer to Kari Lake resigned from his position. Mark

  2. Norma Pain

    A perfect message to all of the people who CAN be bought. Thank you for this poem Mark.

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mark, this is highly amusing and very clever… you make excellent use of one of my favorite forms. Thank you!


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