"Study of a Dodo" by F. Hart‘Ode to a Dodo’ and Other Dodo Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 9, 2024 Humor, Poetry, Triolet 40 Comments . Ode to a Dodo inspired by Paul A. Freeman’s “Paradise Island” O tragic fowl of cataclysmic fate, Your magic thrives beyond your wretched end. O plumed and portly gem of plodding gait, Your vexing exit’s hard to comprehend. O bird of tufty tush and yellow foot, O boon of beady eye and bulbous beak, O treasure of Mauritius, why oh why Did reckless hands of Mother Nature put Her chubby chick (with stubby wings too weak To flap and fly) upon an isle to die? O savored avian martyr of the past, I ponder on the plunder of your kind. I’ve heard your flesh could tempt saints from a fast— That hoggish men and piggish critters dined Until your scrumptious species petered out. If only you had tasted like a cabbage (A heap of leafy grief too gross to eat) You’d still be here—I have not one rogue doubt. I rue the drooling fools who took advantage Of you, ambrosial dodo of sweet meat. I’ve heard ambitious whispers on the wind From gods in coats of white who gad in labs. Their plans for resurrection have been pinned To sterile walls. Your genome’s up for grabs. I sense your sizzle on a distant shore— The ripple of a phoenix, fat and fair. I smell your piquant spirit reawaken As niggling notions nibble, nag, then gnaw. I pray fine Einsteins (wild of mind and hair) Will oust the gene that makes you taste like bacon. . . From a Dutch Sailor’s Mauritius Memoirs a triolet We reveled in a gastro-glow. Each eve we relished scoops of stew. Our dodo bowls would overflow. We reveled in a gastro-glow That made our growling bellies grow And wiped a flightless flock from view. We reveled in a gastro-glow. Each eve we relished scoops of stew. . . Susan Jarvis Bryant has poetry published on Lighten Up Online, Snakeskin, Light, Sparks of Calliope, and Expansive Poetry Online. She also has poetry published in TRINACRIA, Beth Houston’s Extreme Formal Poems anthology, and in Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets in the UK). Susan is the winner of the 2020 International SCP Poetry Competition, and has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 40 Responses Joseph S. Salemi February 9, 2024 Susan, these are both great poems, but the first one is hysterically funny. There were many reasons why the dodo went extinct, but it was a wise poetic choice to focus on its imagined tastiness. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Joe, I had huge fun writing this. Like a bad comedienne laughing at her own jokes, I guffawed my way through every naughty line. Paul offered us a beautifully sympathetic view, but the Dodo begs an alternative angle… if one is going to reach for the Kleenex, is it not better to be crying tears of laughter than crying over spilt milk? Reply Norma Pain February 9, 2024 Thank you for these two poems Susan. “Ode to a Dodo” is so clever and fun. If they somehow miraculously manage to bring back the Dodo bird, I do hope that we will be allowed to eat them, along with a side of crispy crickets of course! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Norma, I am coming round to the idea of reviving the Dodo. The only way a stubby-winged, flightless, obese avian wonder is likely to survive is if it’s bred for its meat. As for the side of crispy crickets… the word “crispy” is tempting… but “crickets” – I’m still not convinced. It’s always great to hear from you. Thank you for your lovely comment. Reply Norma Pain February 10, 2024 I was kidding about the crickets of course. Crispy, yes but crickets, definitely not. I refer to your poem “Snub the Grub”, which I thought was absolutely and perfectly hilarious and said everything that I would want to say about eating bugs, etc. As far as I’m concerned, if they somehow manage to eliminate cows and their farts, then I may as well take the red pill!! Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Norma, I have always known you are a lady after my own heart, and crickets would never be on your menu. As for those farty cows, I have a feeling there’s more hot air rising from Westminster and the White House than all the bottom-burping bovines on the entire planet. Perhaps the climatologists are looking in the wrong direction… as usual. LOL Norma, thank you for making me smile. Norma Pain February 11, 2024 “Bottom-burping bovines”. Susan, you crack me up! Thank you. C.B. Anderson February 9, 2024 I’ve had enough of eating dodo this week. From now on I think I’ll stick to crow. If I can’t get that, then I might try doodoo or anything else that sticks to the ribs. I’ll invite you to dine with me, but be aware that our dinner date will be strictly Dutch treat. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 C.B., let’s hope there’s no more dodo on the menu from here on in. I must say I’ve eaten enough crow in my time to know it plays havoc with my allergies. Doodoo it is. As for going Dutch… not if the sky is red in the morning. Reply Phil S. Rogers February 9, 2024 Entertaining and fun as usual, Susan. Thank you for an enjoyable read. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Phil, you are most welcome, and thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement. Reply Alan Orsborn February 10, 2024 The alliteration and assonance in the Ode are pleasant when read aloud; they add dimension and amplify the humor. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Alan, I love poems that have a musicality about them, and I try hard when I write to give my poetry aural appeal. It heartens me to know I’ve succeeded with this one. Talking of succeeding… did you know that nothing succeeds like a dodo with no teeth? Ouch! Thank you for your kind comment. Reply James Sale February 10, 2024 It was the UK’s well-known publisher and editor of PN Review, Michael Schmidt, who once wisely said, “No new poet is safely established until he is on a syllabus. The market for teachable poetry is the readiest one.” Therefore, if there were any justice in the world, Susan JB, you would be on every syllabus: your poetry is preeminently teachable because it is, first, so funny, and second, commendably technical! What student of poetry wouldn’t want to learn from your verbal pyrotechnics? Sadly, we’re stuck with dull anti-this and anti-that poses and proses! But carry on – you’re doing a wonderful job and … things change. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 James, what a fantastic comment from one who has enhanced the education system with invaluable literary analyses. It makes my poetic endeavours thoroughly worthwhile. You never know, in the not-too-distant future, humour and the love of language (personally, I think the two go hand in hand) will return with gusto… and my Dodo will be as popular as Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. “Shall I compare thee to the woeful Dodo…” has an intriguing ring about it. Thank you very much indeed. Reply Cynthia Erlandson February 10, 2024 These poems that wax eloquent on the dodo are an extra-large serving of extreme fun! Thanks, Susan! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Cynthia, thank you very much – we could all do with a bit of fun and sunshine in these fun-less, sunless days of insanity. I believe the Dodo’s spirit lives on, bringing light and laughter to the dark corners of existence. Reply Mike Bryant February 10, 2024 First Susan, I must say that your ode to the unfortunate dodo is beautifully wrought. I believe that you have brought a whole new dimension to the dynamics that were in play during this regrettable spectacle. If anyone is to be blamed, it certainly is not ALL of mankind… Mother Nature most certainly had a hand in their “vexing exit.” However, isn’t Mother Nature simply following the rules as laid down by Darwin, one of the fathers of our new world? And now, MAN can bring the heroic dodo back from the dead. Science will make the dodo better than before — better… stronger… faster. And, perhaps able to fly? But, most importantly… WITHOUT his fatal umami zest. Could the DODO replace the capitalistic, war-like, chauvinistic eagle? Perhaps… Also, the testimony of the sailor that found himself helpless at the table of the dodo locks everything together. May the gods of our new age have mercy on his soul. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Thank you, biggest fan! I think you have some very valid points on the brighter outcomes where poor old dodos are concerned. If ever science is able to reintroduce the species successfully (and I have grave doubts after their Covid-shot flop and their belief in gender being a personal choice) I do hope they will quash every possibility of methane being emitted. We wouldn’t want them to suffer the same indignity in the news headlines as the poor cows with their flatulence being a hot topic for years. How embarrassing would that be for these shy creatures? One fart and they could all be culled. No – your idea will have to be shelved. No species should suffer the same fate twice. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson February 10, 2024 You have me imagining the dodo replacing the turkey for Thanksgiving. If only they were not stranded on an island but made it to America and our tables. The eloquence of verse coupled with exquisite rhyme, alliteration, and humorous bent you consistently provide are as always nonpareil. Reply Mike Bryant February 10, 2024 Roy, you make a great point about food and capitalism! Adam Smith was born a bit too late to have influenced those early Portuguese and Dutch sailors. Imagine a budding young businessman arriving in Mauritius in the 15th century. Imagine him understanding the tremendous amount of wealth available to anyone who could capture, develop and market the dodo. Imagine this young entrepreneur raising huge flocks of dodos and selling the sweet and healthy meat to the world’s hungry masses. Extinction, then, would have been forever off the table just as it is for cows, pigs and chickens. Of course he would have to rename them as they did for the Slimehead, renaming it Orange Roughy… also the Patagonian Toothfish is now Chilean Sea Bass. Anyone have any ideas for a more marketable name for the Dodo? Reply Mia February 10, 2024 I think Port Louis Partridge – Mike would you and Susan like to come round to dinner I am cooking filet of Port Louis Partridge with port and pears. what do you think does it sound appetising? And Thank you Susan for this marvellous poem Mike Bryant February 10, 2024 We would love to come to dinner! Susan’s not too fond of pears so if you could have some fruit of the tambalacoque tree to go along with the port that would be great! Susan said it is always her pleasure to write and share her poetry. Mia February 10, 2024 No problem, if I can find Dodo meat I am sure Dodo fruit will be a doddle to get. Otherwise would peaches serve as a substitute? Seriously though , it would be lovely to have you as dinner companions. fish and chips or maybe moussaka.. Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Mia, I love your wonderful comment, and yes it would be lovely to join you for dinner. Fish and chips is one of the meals I miss here in Texas… and moussaka is a favourite of mine too. We might have to pop round twice. I think poetry will be the topic of discussion of the first night… and putting the world to rights on the second… although, I have a feeling that might take a little longer than a night. Mia, thank you for warmth and hospitality. Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Roy, Mike has convinced me that the easiest way to ensure longevity for a species is to make it sellable. The shape of the dodo spells Thanksgiving dinner. Roy, thank you so much for your consistent support and appreciation of my poetry. Your words never fail to spur me on. Reply Brian A. Yapko February 10, 2024 It’s wonderful to see that Paul’s fine work could inspire additional fine work! Susan, both of your poems are wonderful and extremely funny. The triolet, I must admit, gave me a little bit of a gluttonous belly-ache, but antacid helped and I can now go back to the ode which, for me, is the star of the two. As is one of your favorite techniques, you set up a contrast between the tragic and the comic. You’re in excellent company. This is something Shakespeare often did. The punning gravediggers in Hamlet, for example. Or consider the mock seriousness of Pope’s Rape of the Lock. You do this with such skill that we almost don’t even notice how you’ve made us laugh at something rather sad. But this is no requiem! Once we get past the tragedy of the dodo’s cataclysmic fate we get down to business: the ambrosial dodo of sweet meat. You say “rue” but I don’t believe you! Your tone is tinged with gastronomic longing. Not only is this delightfully callous but it makes me want to order a side of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. And then you somehow segue into a discussion of the frankensteinian attempts to resurrect the poor bird. I especially love your (accurate) Einstein image of wild hair and laughed at the idea of those post-modern Prometheuses extracting the bacon flavor from the bird. There is so much here to enjoy and quote. This is the kind of poem one could read aloud with a group of friends and have people not only laugh but chime in with their own sardonic savory sides. Does this qualify as gallows humor? I’m feeling bad for the hapless dodo right now deeply aware that Mother Nature has her pitiless side. In fact, Discovery.com asserts that 99% of the species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. We humans are very fortunate that we are on the “above-ground” side of that frightening ratio! As a corollary to the conclusion of your Ode coupled with this frightening ratio, I am led to think of some mad alien scientist from Mars in the distant future contemplating a revival of the human race from some oddly-preserved DNA samples. That would make an interesting poem. Any takers? Reply Joseph S. Salemi February 10, 2024 The movie “Jurassic Park” gave impetus to the idea that we can resurrect extinct animals by manipulating whatever surviving DNA we can extract from their remains. I understand that there has been some talk of bringing back mammoths or mastodons from the surviving flesh and marrow that can be found in the deep freeze of Siberia. Some have imagined bringing back the Australian marsupial lion from what can be gathered from subfossils that preserve DNA. But I agree with my wife, who says that such a procedure would be cruel and useless. What the hell would we DO with these mastodons and marsupial lions? They would just suffer in a world that is certainly not their own. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Joe, I also believe that all these types of experiments (including cloning) have been failures. I don’t believe man can recreate a species successfully. It reminds me of the joke below: God was once approached by a scientist who said, “Listen God, we’ve decided we don’t need you anymore. These days we can clone people, transplant organs and do all sorts of things that used to be considered miraculous.” God replied, “Don’t need me huh? How about we put your theory to the test. Why don’t we have a competition to see who can make a human being, say, a male human being.” The scientist agrees, so God declares they should do it like He did in the good old days when He created Adam. “Fine” says the scientist as he bends down to scoop up a handful of dirt.” “Whoa!” says God, shaking His head in disapproval. “Not so fast. You get your own dirt.” Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Brian, I simply love your comment. It’s a cornucopia of delightful and delectable tidbits to chew over and digest in all their luscious literary glory. You always manage to pick out wonderful comparisons that (of course) I revel in. I especially love your lawyer’s instinct for mischief, and yes, you’re right when you say: “the ambrosial dodo of sweet meat. You say “rue” but I don’t believe you! Your tone is tinged with gastronomic longing.” – this made me roar with laughter. Brian, you have me pegged. I have begun to salivate. The word dodo is a trigger akin to Pavlov’s bell. Recipes are swirling in my head as I type – riffs on superb English fayre – Dodo in the Hole, Bubble and Squawk… the list goes on. I think my poem and my comments may well qualify as gallows humor, and I am glad many readers appreciate it. I have a feeling humor is going the way of the poor dodo in this increasingly somber world we live in. I say, thank you to Evan for the freedom to laugh out loud, and thank you to you Brian for laughing along with me. I like your “mad alien scientist from Mars” idea… I’ll see if my Muse agrees. Brian, your generous comments always give me plenty to think about. Thank you! Reply Mark Stellinga February 10, 2024 Susan, “oust the gene that makes you taste like BACON”??!! Let’s talk about this. I’ve yet to *meat* a piece of bacon I didn’t savor, and I’ll bet Mike’s 100% with me on this! An outstanding triolet for sure, with the typical impressive alliteration of SJB verse, but let’s not go overboard on significant genetical prerequisites! Any source for bacon in a storm… Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Mark, I am certainly not going to argue with you and Mike on the bacon point… where would mankind be without it? Extinct, I expect. At the tender age of twelve, I decided the vegetarian route was for me having witness squealing piglets having their ears tagged at a farmer’s market. For Sunday breakfast I had tomatoes on toast instead of the full English… insisting my tomatoes were cooked in the pan the bacon had been in. Suffice to say, I have never been a vegetarian. Thank you very much for your smile of a comment. Reply Paul A. Freeman February 10, 2024 Glad I could inspire, Susan. I’m not sure what the dodo tasted like. I don’t think there are any records, and those sailors who had done without fresh meat on their voyage around the Cape of Good Hope, or on the way back from India, were probably just happy to get a change of diet. It’s also strange that extinction doesn’t mean forever anymore, what with cloning. There was an interesting TV series in the 1980s called, I believe, ‘V’, where the ‘friendly’ aliens were packing frozen humans up in mega spaceships as a food source for back home, much like the Outer Limits episode ‘To Serve Man’, where the title ended up (*spoiler alert*) referring to the alien’ cookbook. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Paul, thank you for your comment, and for the inspiration – I thoroughly enjoyed your sonnet. I took many liberties with my ode – it really is a fictive artifact with a huge pinch of dark humour. I watched ‘V’ back in the 80s, but most of the plot has faded into oblivion. I believe ‘To Serve Man’ was one of ‘The Twilight Zone’ episodes – highly entertaining and utterly unforgettable. Reply Joshua C. Frank February 15, 2024 Both of these made me smile. Well done, Susan, as usual! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 15, 2024 Thank you very much, Josh. These poems were written to make people smile, so I’m thrilled they brought you a moment of joy. Reply Mike Bryant February 22, 2024 99.9% of all species that have EVER existed are now extinct! But… WHAT DOES “SPECIES” MEAN? No scientific consensus… https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/22/specious-species/ Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 24, 2024 Thank you, Mike. I always appreciate your links to enlightenment. Reply Adam Sedia February 22, 2024 I love your chosen subject. We’ve needed a good dodo poem. I also love how playful these poems are, particularly the Ode to the Dodo. I think the mock-seriousness and playful language (e.g. “bulbous beak”) appropriately reflect the awkward appearance and naive behavior of the dodo. Thank you! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant February 24, 2024 Thank you, Adam. I’m so glad you enjoyed my dodo poem… the world needs more dodo poems. I love playful language and as the dodo demanded it, how could I resist. I’m thrilled you appreciated my Muse’s flamboyance. Thank you very much indeed! Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Joseph S. Salemi February 9, 2024 Susan, these are both great poems, but the first one is hysterically funny. There were many reasons why the dodo went extinct, but it was a wise poetic choice to focus on its imagined tastiness. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Joe, I had huge fun writing this. Like a bad comedienne laughing at her own jokes, I guffawed my way through every naughty line. Paul offered us a beautifully sympathetic view, but the Dodo begs an alternative angle… if one is going to reach for the Kleenex, is it not better to be crying tears of laughter than crying over spilt milk? Reply
Norma Pain February 9, 2024 Thank you for these two poems Susan. “Ode to a Dodo” is so clever and fun. If they somehow miraculously manage to bring back the Dodo bird, I do hope that we will be allowed to eat them, along with a side of crispy crickets of course! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Norma, I am coming round to the idea of reviving the Dodo. The only way a stubby-winged, flightless, obese avian wonder is likely to survive is if it’s bred for its meat. As for the side of crispy crickets… the word “crispy” is tempting… but “crickets” – I’m still not convinced. It’s always great to hear from you. Thank you for your lovely comment. Reply
Norma Pain February 10, 2024 I was kidding about the crickets of course. Crispy, yes but crickets, definitely not. I refer to your poem “Snub the Grub”, which I thought was absolutely and perfectly hilarious and said everything that I would want to say about eating bugs, etc. As far as I’m concerned, if they somehow manage to eliminate cows and their farts, then I may as well take the red pill!!
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Norma, I have always known you are a lady after my own heart, and crickets would never be on your menu. As for those farty cows, I have a feeling there’s more hot air rising from Westminster and the White House than all the bottom-burping bovines on the entire planet. Perhaps the climatologists are looking in the wrong direction… as usual. LOL Norma, thank you for making me smile.
C.B. Anderson February 9, 2024 I’ve had enough of eating dodo this week. From now on I think I’ll stick to crow. If I can’t get that, then I might try doodoo or anything else that sticks to the ribs. I’ll invite you to dine with me, but be aware that our dinner date will be strictly Dutch treat. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 C.B., let’s hope there’s no more dodo on the menu from here on in. I must say I’ve eaten enough crow in my time to know it plays havoc with my allergies. Doodoo it is. As for going Dutch… not if the sky is red in the morning. Reply
Phil S. Rogers February 9, 2024 Entertaining and fun as usual, Susan. Thank you for an enjoyable read. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Phil, you are most welcome, and thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement. Reply
Alan Orsborn February 10, 2024 The alliteration and assonance in the Ode are pleasant when read aloud; they add dimension and amplify the humor. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Alan, I love poems that have a musicality about them, and I try hard when I write to give my poetry aural appeal. It heartens me to know I’ve succeeded with this one. Talking of succeeding… did you know that nothing succeeds like a dodo with no teeth? Ouch! Thank you for your kind comment. Reply
James Sale February 10, 2024 It was the UK’s well-known publisher and editor of PN Review, Michael Schmidt, who once wisely said, “No new poet is safely established until he is on a syllabus. The market for teachable poetry is the readiest one.” Therefore, if there were any justice in the world, Susan JB, you would be on every syllabus: your poetry is preeminently teachable because it is, first, so funny, and second, commendably technical! What student of poetry wouldn’t want to learn from your verbal pyrotechnics? Sadly, we’re stuck with dull anti-this and anti-that poses and proses! But carry on – you’re doing a wonderful job and … things change. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 James, what a fantastic comment from one who has enhanced the education system with invaluable literary analyses. It makes my poetic endeavours thoroughly worthwhile. You never know, in the not-too-distant future, humour and the love of language (personally, I think the two go hand in hand) will return with gusto… and my Dodo will be as popular as Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. “Shall I compare thee to the woeful Dodo…” has an intriguing ring about it. Thank you very much indeed. Reply
Cynthia Erlandson February 10, 2024 These poems that wax eloquent on the dodo are an extra-large serving of extreme fun! Thanks, Susan! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Cynthia, thank you very much – we could all do with a bit of fun and sunshine in these fun-less, sunless days of insanity. I believe the Dodo’s spirit lives on, bringing light and laughter to the dark corners of existence. Reply
Mike Bryant February 10, 2024 First Susan, I must say that your ode to the unfortunate dodo is beautifully wrought. I believe that you have brought a whole new dimension to the dynamics that were in play during this regrettable spectacle. If anyone is to be blamed, it certainly is not ALL of mankind… Mother Nature most certainly had a hand in their “vexing exit.” However, isn’t Mother Nature simply following the rules as laid down by Darwin, one of the fathers of our new world? And now, MAN can bring the heroic dodo back from the dead. Science will make the dodo better than before — better… stronger… faster. And, perhaps able to fly? But, most importantly… WITHOUT his fatal umami zest. Could the DODO replace the capitalistic, war-like, chauvinistic eagle? Perhaps… Also, the testimony of the sailor that found himself helpless at the table of the dodo locks everything together. May the gods of our new age have mercy on his soul. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Thank you, biggest fan! I think you have some very valid points on the brighter outcomes where poor old dodos are concerned. If ever science is able to reintroduce the species successfully (and I have grave doubts after their Covid-shot flop and their belief in gender being a personal choice) I do hope they will quash every possibility of methane being emitted. We wouldn’t want them to suffer the same indignity in the news headlines as the poor cows with their flatulence being a hot topic for years. How embarrassing would that be for these shy creatures? One fart and they could all be culled. No – your idea will have to be shelved. No species should suffer the same fate twice. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson February 10, 2024 You have me imagining the dodo replacing the turkey for Thanksgiving. If only they were not stranded on an island but made it to America and our tables. The eloquence of verse coupled with exquisite rhyme, alliteration, and humorous bent you consistently provide are as always nonpareil. Reply
Mike Bryant February 10, 2024 Roy, you make a great point about food and capitalism! Adam Smith was born a bit too late to have influenced those early Portuguese and Dutch sailors. Imagine a budding young businessman arriving in Mauritius in the 15th century. Imagine him understanding the tremendous amount of wealth available to anyone who could capture, develop and market the dodo. Imagine this young entrepreneur raising huge flocks of dodos and selling the sweet and healthy meat to the world’s hungry masses. Extinction, then, would have been forever off the table just as it is for cows, pigs and chickens. Of course he would have to rename them as they did for the Slimehead, renaming it Orange Roughy… also the Patagonian Toothfish is now Chilean Sea Bass. Anyone have any ideas for a more marketable name for the Dodo? Reply
Mia February 10, 2024 I think Port Louis Partridge – Mike would you and Susan like to come round to dinner I am cooking filet of Port Louis Partridge with port and pears. what do you think does it sound appetising? And Thank you Susan for this marvellous poem
Mike Bryant February 10, 2024 We would love to come to dinner! Susan’s not too fond of pears so if you could have some fruit of the tambalacoque tree to go along with the port that would be great! Susan said it is always her pleasure to write and share her poetry.
Mia February 10, 2024 No problem, if I can find Dodo meat I am sure Dodo fruit will be a doddle to get. Otherwise would peaches serve as a substitute? Seriously though , it would be lovely to have you as dinner companions. fish and chips or maybe moussaka..
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Mia, I love your wonderful comment, and yes it would be lovely to join you for dinner. Fish and chips is one of the meals I miss here in Texas… and moussaka is a favourite of mine too. We might have to pop round twice. I think poetry will be the topic of discussion of the first night… and putting the world to rights on the second… although, I have a feeling that might take a little longer than a night. Mia, thank you for warmth and hospitality.
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Roy, Mike has convinced me that the easiest way to ensure longevity for a species is to make it sellable. The shape of the dodo spells Thanksgiving dinner. Roy, thank you so much for your consistent support and appreciation of my poetry. Your words never fail to spur me on. Reply
Brian A. Yapko February 10, 2024 It’s wonderful to see that Paul’s fine work could inspire additional fine work! Susan, both of your poems are wonderful and extremely funny. The triolet, I must admit, gave me a little bit of a gluttonous belly-ache, but antacid helped and I can now go back to the ode which, for me, is the star of the two. As is one of your favorite techniques, you set up a contrast between the tragic and the comic. You’re in excellent company. This is something Shakespeare often did. The punning gravediggers in Hamlet, for example. Or consider the mock seriousness of Pope’s Rape of the Lock. You do this with such skill that we almost don’t even notice how you’ve made us laugh at something rather sad. But this is no requiem! Once we get past the tragedy of the dodo’s cataclysmic fate we get down to business: the ambrosial dodo of sweet meat. You say “rue” but I don’t believe you! Your tone is tinged with gastronomic longing. Not only is this delightfully callous but it makes me want to order a side of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. And then you somehow segue into a discussion of the frankensteinian attempts to resurrect the poor bird. I especially love your (accurate) Einstein image of wild hair and laughed at the idea of those post-modern Prometheuses extracting the bacon flavor from the bird. There is so much here to enjoy and quote. This is the kind of poem one could read aloud with a group of friends and have people not only laugh but chime in with their own sardonic savory sides. Does this qualify as gallows humor? I’m feeling bad for the hapless dodo right now deeply aware that Mother Nature has her pitiless side. In fact, Discovery.com asserts that 99% of the species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct. We humans are very fortunate that we are on the “above-ground” side of that frightening ratio! As a corollary to the conclusion of your Ode coupled with this frightening ratio, I am led to think of some mad alien scientist from Mars in the distant future contemplating a revival of the human race from some oddly-preserved DNA samples. That would make an interesting poem. Any takers? Reply
Joseph S. Salemi February 10, 2024 The movie “Jurassic Park” gave impetus to the idea that we can resurrect extinct animals by manipulating whatever surviving DNA we can extract from their remains. I understand that there has been some talk of bringing back mammoths or mastodons from the surviving flesh and marrow that can be found in the deep freeze of Siberia. Some have imagined bringing back the Australian marsupial lion from what can be gathered from subfossils that preserve DNA. But I agree with my wife, who says that such a procedure would be cruel and useless. What the hell would we DO with these mastodons and marsupial lions? They would just suffer in a world that is certainly not their own. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Joe, I also believe that all these types of experiments (including cloning) have been failures. I don’t believe man can recreate a species successfully. It reminds me of the joke below: God was once approached by a scientist who said, “Listen God, we’ve decided we don’t need you anymore. These days we can clone people, transplant organs and do all sorts of things that used to be considered miraculous.” God replied, “Don’t need me huh? How about we put your theory to the test. Why don’t we have a competition to see who can make a human being, say, a male human being.” The scientist agrees, so God declares they should do it like He did in the good old days when He created Adam. “Fine” says the scientist as he bends down to scoop up a handful of dirt.” “Whoa!” says God, shaking His head in disapproval. “Not so fast. You get your own dirt.”
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Brian, I simply love your comment. It’s a cornucopia of delightful and delectable tidbits to chew over and digest in all their luscious literary glory. You always manage to pick out wonderful comparisons that (of course) I revel in. I especially love your lawyer’s instinct for mischief, and yes, you’re right when you say: “the ambrosial dodo of sweet meat. You say “rue” but I don’t believe you! Your tone is tinged with gastronomic longing.” – this made me roar with laughter. Brian, you have me pegged. I have begun to salivate. The word dodo is a trigger akin to Pavlov’s bell. Recipes are swirling in my head as I type – riffs on superb English fayre – Dodo in the Hole, Bubble and Squawk… the list goes on. I think my poem and my comments may well qualify as gallows humor, and I am glad many readers appreciate it. I have a feeling humor is going the way of the poor dodo in this increasingly somber world we live in. I say, thank you to Evan for the freedom to laugh out loud, and thank you to you Brian for laughing along with me. I like your “mad alien scientist from Mars” idea… I’ll see if my Muse agrees. Brian, your generous comments always give me plenty to think about. Thank you! Reply
Mark Stellinga February 10, 2024 Susan, “oust the gene that makes you taste like BACON”??!! Let’s talk about this. I’ve yet to *meat* a piece of bacon I didn’t savor, and I’ll bet Mike’s 100% with me on this! An outstanding triolet for sure, with the typical impressive alliteration of SJB verse, but let’s not go overboard on significant genetical prerequisites! Any source for bacon in a storm… Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Mark, I am certainly not going to argue with you and Mike on the bacon point… where would mankind be without it? Extinct, I expect. At the tender age of twelve, I decided the vegetarian route was for me having witness squealing piglets having their ears tagged at a farmer’s market. For Sunday breakfast I had tomatoes on toast instead of the full English… insisting my tomatoes were cooked in the pan the bacon had been in. Suffice to say, I have never been a vegetarian. Thank you very much for your smile of a comment. Reply
Paul A. Freeman February 10, 2024 Glad I could inspire, Susan. I’m not sure what the dodo tasted like. I don’t think there are any records, and those sailors who had done without fresh meat on their voyage around the Cape of Good Hope, or on the way back from India, were probably just happy to get a change of diet. It’s also strange that extinction doesn’t mean forever anymore, what with cloning. There was an interesting TV series in the 1980s called, I believe, ‘V’, where the ‘friendly’ aliens were packing frozen humans up in mega spaceships as a food source for back home, much like the Outer Limits episode ‘To Serve Man’, where the title ended up (*spoiler alert*) referring to the alien’ cookbook. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 10, 2024 Paul, thank you for your comment, and for the inspiration – I thoroughly enjoyed your sonnet. I took many liberties with my ode – it really is a fictive artifact with a huge pinch of dark humour. I watched ‘V’ back in the 80s, but most of the plot has faded into oblivion. I believe ‘To Serve Man’ was one of ‘The Twilight Zone’ episodes – highly entertaining and utterly unforgettable. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 15, 2024 Thank you very much, Josh. These poems were written to make people smile, so I’m thrilled they brought you a moment of joy. Reply
Mike Bryant February 22, 2024 99.9% of all species that have EVER existed are now extinct! But… WHAT DOES “SPECIES” MEAN? No scientific consensus… https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/22/specious-species/ Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 24, 2024 Thank you, Mike. I always appreciate your links to enlightenment. Reply
Adam Sedia February 22, 2024 I love your chosen subject. We’ve needed a good dodo poem. I also love how playful these poems are, particularly the Ode to the Dodo. I think the mock-seriousness and playful language (e.g. “bulbous beak”) appropriately reflect the awkward appearance and naive behavior of the dodo. Thank you! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant February 24, 2024 Thank you, Adam. I’m so glad you enjoyed my dodo poem… the world needs more dodo poems. I love playful language and as the dodo demanded it, how could I resist. I’m thrilled you appreciated my Muse’s flamboyance. Thank you very much indeed! Reply