


C.B. Anderson was the longtime gardener for the PBS television series, The Victory Garden.  Hundreds of his poems have appeared in scores of print and electronic journals out of North America, Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, Australia and India.  His collection, Mortal Soup and the Blue Yonder was published in 2013 by White Violet Press.

Andrew Benson Brown has had poems and reviews published in a few journals. His epic-in-progress, Legends of Liberty, will chronicle the major events of the American Revolution if he lives to complete it. Though he writes history articles for American Essence magazine, he lists his primary occupation on official forms as ‘poet.’ He is, in other words, a vagabond.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

13 Responses

    • C.B. Anderson

      This “collaboration” was all ABB’s doing. All I did was write the original script.

  1. Cynthia Erlandson

    The poems and the visuals are both a lot of fun! Thanks, C.B. and Andrew!

  2. Michael Pietrack

    ABB, thank you for your selfless work to promote other artists and our art form. For all in the SCP, I give a heartfelt THANKS! I presume that no one is more thankful, in this case, than CB Anderson.

  3. ABB

    These are all from Kip’s poetic grouping, ‘Maxims for the New World Order.’ I cited this in the video descriptions, but titled each individual maxim to more directly reflect the content. The OJ one got a few thousand views, and the phones one almost got that many. The visualizations are zany and admittedly kind of idiotic, but in order to retain the minute attention spans of the Mice People, low gimmicks must be employed. Putting a celebrity pic in the opening slide always results in more views. In the case of the COVID/Fauci one, the YT algorithm suppressed it entirely even though it initially had a perfect impression-to-view ratio and got some engagement.

  4. Mark Stellinga

    More VERY crafty artistry, Andrew, & and every one a delightful and thought provoking performance… always enjoyable. Nice of Kip to share.

  5. Brian A. Yapko

    These are outstanding, the poetry and the delivery! Kudos to both C.B. and ABB. What a wonderful tool these videos are for the enjoyment and preservation of poetry!

  6. Cheryl Corey

    These C.B. maxims are both pithy and profound. They rank right up there with such notables as the sayings of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  7. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Great poetry, great reading, great production – eye-opening and thoroughly entertaining. What more could one ask? A big THANK YOU to CB and ABB.


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