
Fani Fever

Wide eyes are mesmerized by Fani Willis
In pink as vivid as an amaryllis.
The guy she gadded with—was he her beau?
Did fraud and flesh collide? Did this pro know
Her casual colleague in a carnal sense?
Brains blaze at this piqued diva’s hot defense…
Exotic trips with Wade in waves of blue
To racy places… Willis has no clue
Of where they were. Why should she have to tell
When she’s been hired to stoke the fires of Hell?
While we are gawping at this ghastly joke
Our warring globe is going up in smoke.



Susan Jarvis Bryant has poetry published on Lighten Up Online, Snakeskin, Light, Sparks of Calliope, and Expansive Poetry Online. She also has poetry published in TRINACRIA, Beth Houston’s Extreme Formal Poems anthology, and in Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets in the UK). Susan is the winner of the 2020 International SCP Poetry Competition, and has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize.

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32 Responses

  1. Sally Cook

    Concise, precise, incisive roundelay –
    The woman dressed in roseate attire –
    You can’t believe a single word she’ll say.
    Just keep in mind her pants remain on fire!

    Nice work, indeed, Susan.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Dear Sally, I just love your poem, especially the closing line – so humorously, and so maddeningly, true. Thank you, my friend.

  2. Cynthia Erlandson

    Flesh and fraud collide quite often, don’t they? (But not often do we get treated to rhymes like Willis and amaryllis!) Thanks for helping us lighten up, Susan!

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Cynthia, you always manage to spot the linguistic smiles in a poem that delivers a message full of utter dismay. I thoroughly appreciate your keen poet’s eye. Thank you!

  3. Russel Winick

    Good work Susan. This proceeding turns on a public official’s duty to avoid even the mere appearance of impropriety. Your poem deftly shows how that duty was plainly breached here.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Russel, I thoroughly appreciate your weighty words of experience, and I am glad I managed to shine a spotlight on the skullduggery afoot. I desperately want to say, it’s difficult to believe this complete disregard for the law is going on in America… but heartbreakingly, it’s all too predictable these dire days. Thank you, Russel.

  4. James Sale

    More wonderful poetry from you Susan, though I am somewhat bemused by your restraint, as you are an English belle at heart and will know that the word Fani in English English (though spelt slightly differently) has a very specific meaning; and also I am surprised that the word Willis, which if we delete the ‘s’ has another English meaning which could well be utilised when Fani meets Willis. Really, I was expecting some pure filth from you, though I guess we must all respect the modesty of our wonderful, generous, editor, whom it would be unwise to tempt too far!

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      James, I am laughing my fanny off (in the US sense) as I answer you! I cannot tell you how raucously ribald my Muse became when she heard the name of the DA involved in this scandal. All I will say is I had to rein my Muse in BIG TIME. Never was a woman more appropriately named… and NEVER has my pen been more restrained. James, thank you for appreciating my oh-so-English angst! LOL

  5. Brian A. Yapko

    Susan, thank you for a lovely chuckle this morning as well as education regarding the Georgia D.A. prosecuting Donald Trump and her illicit affair with her superior. What a shock when we know that Democrats are always so ethical and nice and have kind policies and would never, ever engage in hypocrisy or do anything to harm the interests of the public. Or engage in conspiracies. Or lie under oath.

    And Willis/amaryllis is a brilliant rhyme!

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Brian, I’m glad my poem gave you a chuckle… we need all the chuckles we can muster in the face of such chicanery at the taxpayers’ expense. The points you make about the pearl-clutching finger-pointers, appointed to serve their country, not to run it, is spot on. Brian, as ever, thank you!

  6. Mark Stellinga

    Susan, you’re SO good at instilling humor in your critiques. I’m laughing and growling simultaneously! A great little piece deftly addressing another extremely significant issue. I love James’ perfect-fitting allusions. Cheers – 🙂

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mark, I love your “laughing and growling simultaneously” comment… that’s exactly what I was aiming for. Thank you!

  7. Mike Bryant

    I love this beautifully constructed poem and the clever peek inside the halls of power. It seems that corruption is a prerequisite for power.
    When Fani Willis took office she made all her staff take extreme DEI Training that included an Implicit Bias course developed by Harvard.
    To complete the Harvard computer training module you had to drag a picture of a white person to the White/BAD square. Anyone that did not take or complete the course was fired. She also ranked judges based on skin color not the content of their character.
    It seems that her defense rests on the supposition that she did not have a relationship with Wade until after she hired him. But there is overwhelming evidence that the relationship was already in full bloom before his hiring. In her testimony she said that she paid Wade back, in cash, for her half of all their luxury vacations… with leftover campaign contributions… a felony in itself.
    Why do I have a feeling that there will be perfect explanations for all of this from the compliant press?

    • Paul Freeman

      Do you think rational adults will really believe Made Up Media (who made it up is unclear) stuff like the White / BAD square?

      There is no hope.

      • Mike Bryant

        Below is a peek at the Harvard-developed training session on your implicit biases. You can choose from 15 types of people bias to straighten yourself out! Don’t worry though, because I’m sure that even now they are feverishly working to extend that list… because everyone knows that the more ways we can divide the masses, the happier our overlords and their legions of apologists will be!


      • Mike Bryant

        By the way, Harvard makes no claim to the validity of the test.
        “However, these Universities, as well as the individual researchers who have contributed to this site, make no claim for the validity of these suggested interpretations.”

        A six minute YouTube video explains how the Harvard test skews the results:

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mike, thank you very much for tirelessly bringing the news we’re not meant to see to the forefront on a regular basis. It’s not an easy task, I know. Knowledge is power, and I appreciate your efforts.

      • Mike Bryant

        Thank you Sweet Susan, I think my efforts can be a little trying at times. I think that citizen journalism is critical in these days of censorship. Do the citizen journalists make mistakes? Absolutely, but that is what free speech is all about. Without the marketplace of ideas we are at the mercy of those who can buy the written, broadcast, web-published and streamed news and opinion pieces. Thank YOU for being a unique counter-voice in a time of deceit. X

  8. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Excellent insight into the corrupt that make a mockery of our system! Sizzling words of wisdom and adept rhyming make this another classic. So glad to see someone tackle this subject on a timely basis. Great as always!

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Roy, making a mockery of our system seems to be the aim of many government officials these days. The audacity of these people is breathtaking. Roy, as ever, I always appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Thank you!

  9. C.B. Anderson

    Somehow, Susan, you make us laugh when we should be crying, and I am left trying to figure out how to do both at the same time. I guess I can manage that if I come to grips with the idea that words themselves are virtual sticks and stones.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      C.B., I love your wise eye upon lines of poetry and life. Thinking of words as “virtual sticks and stones” is a marvelous thought… one that will spur me on in my poetic endeavors to shed some light on the dark underbelly of our wild world. Thank you!

  10. Cheryl Corey

    Love the diction: “fraud and flesh” and “Wade in waves”. Also, the use of unique words such as “gadded” in the beginning, and later “gawping”, are fresh and piqued my curiosity, sending me to the dictionary.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Cheryl, thank you most kindly for this wonderful comment. I adore words, and I’m thrilled you were entertained by the ones you mention. I love the sound of them.

  11. Joseph S. Salemi

    When morons like Willis are in high office, and can act out their stupidity without restraint, THAT’S when there is no hope.

    • Adam Sedia

      And I remind you that this is only one such case that has managed to attract media attention. For every Fani Willis, there are 1000 political/DEI offywho don’t belong in their office, abusing their power, bringing down the crushing weight of the state on its enemies. I see it every day.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Adam, thank you – I have a feeling it’s a lot scarier than we (who are purposely kept in the dark) can possibly imagine. I also know that all the lawyers, doctors, teachers, members of the clergy, etc. etc. with their hearts and minds focused on the truth, are being treated appallingly. My friend in London (a highly qualified nurse, pain specialist, and university lecturer with a shining career spanning 40 years) has just lost her job for whistleblowing.

  12. Warren Bonham

    Your poem is the best cure imaginable for anyone who caught Fani Fever. I don’t see how anyone could have but they did nonetheless.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Warren, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I believe Fani Fever is sweeping the MSM to keep us distracted from the war on our own doorstep. While we’re busy watching the Muppet show… our money, our children, and our lives are being stolen from right under our noses. Warren, as ever, thank you – for your comments and for the great poems you write to keep us all in touch with reality.

  13. Adam Sedia

    Thank you for this. It’s a healthy reminder that we all need to laugh at what should otherwise make us cry.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Adam, thank you for reading, commenting, and understanding the benefits laughter brings when things get too grim to process.


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