
Deep State Anonymity

Ah, the devil. His motive? To deceive
__And for us to deny,
To dismiss him as simply make-believe.

He loves attention. Like All Hallows’ Eve:
__Witches and goblins fly
As all his demons snicker and high-five.

Malevolent plots he rolls up his sleeve!
__Incognito and sly!
He’s happy to be a myth that souls believe.



Peter Venable has been writing poetry for 50 years. He has been published in Windhover, Third Wednesday, Time of Singing, The Merton Seasonal, American Vendantist, The Anglican Theological Review, and others. He is a member of the Winston Salem Writers. On the whimsical side, he has been published in Bluepepper, Parody, Laughing Dog, The Asses of Parnassus, Lighten Up Online (e. g. # 48) and the Society of Classical Poets.

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5 Responses

  1. Daniel Kemper

    First, super cool poem. (And an inspired pic to go with it!)

    Short, sharp, poignant deep.

    And WOW!! The Windhover?!? Go Wolfpack!

  2. C.B. Anderson

    This is not so much a poem as it is a distillation of unfortunate realities. A creation that is truly venerable.

  3. Evan Mantyk

    Peter, a great little piece that resonates with the Usual Suspects quote:

    “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”

    Were you thinking of the movie quote? I read online that it originally came from Baudelaire.

    I also wonder if you were aware of the New York Times opinion piece saying the deep state is real and “it’s kind of awesome.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/new-york-times-opinion-video-declares-deep-state-is-kind-of-awesome/ar-BB1kaWQQ

    A new trick?

  4. Roy Eugene Peterson

    The devil’s domain certainly includes the deep state that is not merely a conspiracy theory but a now entrenched fact as the minions are subjected to the demon elites placed in charge of their contributions and salaries, where silence in the face of evil gains promotion, and where control of our democracy is exercised. I certainly agree that the devil like the deep state profits from encouraging the world to think of them as a myth.

  5. Cynthia Erlandson

    I love your form in this poem (as well as the content): the a-b-a rhyme scheme carried through the three-line verses, along with the 5-3-5 metrical scheme.


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