past anti-Semitism in Germany and Canada, recently in LondonA Poem on Being Openly Jewish in London: ‘Lie Low, Jew!’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 29, 2024 Culture, Poetry 41 Comments . Lie Low, Jew! Echoes and Irony The Hamas flags are raised on London streets By swarms that seethe with scorn and blaze with hate. This nasty nod to History’s evil greets A Londoner reminded of the fate Of kin as he strolls from the synagogue Looking far too Jewish for the taste Of bulldog bobbies bowing to the mob That howls to end the genocide post haste. The surly surge of boiling bile and threats Has urged a bungling cop to rob the rights Of one who wears a yarmulke that sets The pack on edge. Now’s not the time for fights With those who want the Jewish people dead—It’s time to host those Nazi ghosts instead. . . Susan Jarvis Bryant has poetry published on Lighten Up Online, Snakeskin, Light, Sparks of Calliope, and Expansive Poetry Online. She also has poetry published in TRINACRIA, Beth Houston’s Extreme Formal Poems anthology, and in Openings (anthologies of poems by Open University Poets in the UK). Susan is the winner of the 2020 International SCP Poetry Competition, and has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Trending now: 41 Responses Paul Erlandson April 29, 2024 Very well done, Susan! It’s very verbally rich (I would almost say “dense”). It packs a real punch, at least to my ear. Thank you for it! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Thank you, Paul. Your words are much appreciated. Reply Phil S. Rogers April 29, 2024 Susan; Your final line sums up everything that is going on, much more than most people realize. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Phil, I believe slowly but surely a fair few are waking up to the fact that an iron-fist has stolen our money, our voices, and our votes. Before shrieks of horror rise about Joe Biden being fairly elected… votes can be rendered invalid in many ways. People don’t get what they vote for… promises are made and broken. Global governance is where it’s at. The majority of government officials aren’t elected and paid for by we the people. Reply Joseph S. Salemi April 29, 2024 I have to ask it: What the bloody hell is wrong with the stupid U.K. police? Why are they kowtowing to the anti-semitism of Hamas-loving mobs, and utterly indifferent to to mass rapes of English girls by these foreign scum throughout Britain? Who runs the U.K. police? Who sets their policies? I’d like to hear some direct, clear answers from U.K. residents. Reply David Whippman April 29, 2024 Joseph, after the Macpherson report, which claimed the police force was “institutionally racist,” the brit police became very sensitive to the issue of race. This partly explains the reluctance to confront demonstrators who are largely Muslim, since most (by no means all) Muslims in the UK are of south Asian origin. Also, there is the general climate of wokeness that has affected nearly all our institutions. Finally, to some extent, the police are wary of upsetting the pro-Palestinians as they are so numerous, and often militant. Reply Julian D. Woodruff April 30, 2024 It seems, Mr. Whippman, that British government and society have just lost it in so many ways–a bit ahead of the US and even Canada. The tolerance of this anti-semitic violence (Susan’s poem well reflects its hard edge), the crackdown on free speech (even if silent–i.e., thought), the denial of medical alternatives to the I’ll and their parents/guardians etc. But there are some hopeful developments lately. Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Joe, I think David has given a very good answer. I believe the USA has similar problems with its lack of proper policing. The 2020 “peaceful” protests spring to mind, and sex and drug trafficking are rife across the USA. People are dying daily because the police are told to turn a blind eye to all the dodgy dealings. Just take a look at the police in Uvalde here in Texas. They turned their backs as children were murdered and held back the parents desperate to save their kids. Horrific! It’s everywhere and no one seems to be able to do a thing about it. What can we do? Reply Mia April 30, 2024 The Mayor of London is Sadiq Khan. He has been Mayor for the last eight years. He is standing for Mayor again in May for another four years. London is policed by the London Metropolitan Police, unless I am mistaken. Reply Brian A. Yapko April 29, 2024 Thank you for this poem, Susan, which is, of course beautifully articulate and poetically masterful. But it is the story itself which is at center stage — the heartbreaking reality of Jewish life as it has devolved in the U.K. as London is transformed into Londonstan and its Jews are left behind as relics in a society that now despises them because that society has been reconfigured by unbridled immigration into a population that is no longer British. The statistics described in the referenced article are deeply alarming. They confirm the reality that open borders and world government do not support that utopian hippie Star Trek vision of different cultures and ethnicities coexisting and respecting each other in their diversity. To the contrary, it seems to mean the utter Darwinian dominance of either Chinese communism or fundamentalist Islam over other cultures too gentle, too self-loathing or too spineless to stand up for themselves — collective suicide in the name of being welcoming and embracing a “Diversity” which is actually a Trojan horse. Perhaps no one saw it coming, but world government and open borders means the easy transmission not of goodness but of barbarism. It makes far easier the Nazification of the world. At least this is what I see. Tell me I’m wrong. Reply David Whippman April 29, 2024 Brian, I can’t tell you that, because you’re not. This situation has in a way crept up on the Jews, to my way of thinking, because traditionally we were on the side of racial minorities, eg the American blacks, and other minority groups. But now all too many of those people are in the forefront of the Jew-hatred that is sweeping the world. We have to be realistic, and understand that our goodwill is often not reciprocated. These days, the main threat to the Jews comes from Islamists and the far left. (Which in no way implies admiration for the extreme right.) Those groups are also a threat to wider society. Let’s hope everyone else realises in time. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Brian, thank you for your appreciation of my poem. To answer your question, I believe your observations are right… sadly. The majority of countries in the Western world are at war with their very own governments. Their countries have been sold to an ideology that has no regard for the individual. We now live in a world that dehumanizes people and reduces them to the status of useless eaters, unless they belong to a protected class… protected classes that will change at the whim of the tyrants in charge, leaving no one safe. I too want to be told I’m wrong. Reply Warren Bonham April 29, 2024 If things had been reversed between those marching and those observing, there’s no way that a police officer would have forced the observer to leave but I guess the point is that there is no way that things would have been reversed since only one side truly wants peace without bloodshed – the other seeks peace through bloodshed. Great poem on a very disturbing topic. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Warren, you are so right. In this diverse utopia our governments have been pushing with all their might for decades, we are now at the all-people-are-equal-but-some-people-are-more-equal-than-others stage. So much for equality. The Jewish man my poem speaks of is in the minority. I thought it was the minority groups the government favored… at least they said it was, and unless one has been living under a rock for the last four years, we should all now know that our government has been lying to us and still is. They are shamelessly admitting it! Warren, thank you for keeping us informed and sane with your poems. Reply David Whippman April 29, 2024 Susan, another well-crafted poem from you. As a British Jew, I am lucky to live in a town whose Jewish population is able to live in safety (at least for the moment.) I have said for quite a while that it’s a matter of time before a Jew is murdered in the streets of Britain by militant Islamists or their sympathisers (it has already happened in France.) Your support is much appreciated. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 David, thank you so much for your kind words on my poem and for your informative comments. I have grown up with Jewish people and have never thought there was a problem of hatred on the British streets. I moved to Texas in 2011 – is it because I was blind to it, or has it escalated to horrific levels since I left? Whatever the answer, I will admit to being appalled by what is going on now. Every indigenous Brit has family affected by WWI and WWII – how can this happen again… so soon? Reply David Whippman May 15, 2024 Susan, here is a quick update on the UK situation. Two men have been charged at Westminster magistrates’ court (May 14) with plotting to use a machine gun to kill Jews and members of the security forces. From their names, it appears the men are Islamists. I would stress, to be absolutely fair, that they have not as yet been convicted of any crime. Type the phrase “2 men charged with plotting IS style machine gunning” into your search engine and you can find more detail. Susan Jarvis Bryant May 17, 2024 David, this sickens me to the pit of my stomach. My homeland is unrecognizable… by design. I am only hoping the mission of those greedy politicians seeking cultural enrichment through diversity has not been fully accomplished. I am hoping St. George will appear at the eleventh hour to sort out this evil mess and slay the dastardly dragons who have hijacked Parliament. Mike Bryant April 29, 2024 Susan, this poem brilliantly exposes the shortcomings of our new one-world Nazi rulers. There is no left or right anymore. We are several chapters behind in this unfolding scenario. It used to be so simple… Communism vs. Capitalism. The National Socialists of Germany changed all that. They realized, that there is plenty of wealth in the world for everyone. When everyone has plenty, how do you sow division? Simple, pick groups and races and religions that become “protected desirables” while also picking smaller, richer groups, races and religions that become the “despicable users.” Then, take over all production of goods and services by making the large corporations even larger and making unending regulations to make it impossible for anyone to compete. So that we have no governments anymore… just our handlers… all working together. Now… just start wars everywhere and keep them going forever and ever. It’s not the old far right, and it’s not the old far left… it is a way for the “ins” to be the “ins” forever while the people are divided further and further and further. The lies never stop and the people never figure it out. And, if they do… so what? I wonder how many every day Germans knew what was really happening and how many of them could actually do anything about it? Like I said… no left, no right… only billions of stupid, stupefied and hamstrung people that only want to have a good life. Too bad, that’s not in the cards. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Thank you for this, Mike. I believe we’ve reached a stage where those in power don’t care what we know. The majority of people have already proved to those in power that they trust them and are willing to do whatever they are told to do. They are willing to repeat whatever they’re told to repeat. They are willing to buy into every lie going, even though they know from past records the government is prone to lying. In 2020 we were told to shut up, lock down and get jabbed and re-jabbed because that was our only hope of health and freedom. Now they’re admitting they got it wrong. Today AstraZeneca admitted in court that their covid jab can cause severe blood clot side effects. And what will we do during the next crisis… I have my thoughts on that, and my thoughts tell me, trust in experts and our promotion of their finds is going to be our downfall. The truth is our salvation… and the majority of us rely on government-paid experts to tell them exactly what the truth is. Oops! When people stop turning to charlatans for answers we have a glimmer of hope. Reply Cheryl Corey April 29, 2024 First they came for the Jews … Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Exactly, Cheryl. Reply Mark Stellinga April 30, 2024 Susan, virtually every past decade has had its gnash of misguided political activists, and, as far as I’m concerned, these ‘many-don’t-even-know-why-they’ve-gathered’ Gen-Xers need to be dispersed & disbanded by techniques that will force them back into their holes once and for all. It’s the few primary instigators, who gin these brain-deads up, and those who fund their riots that need to be permanently silenced. An excellent and very timely piece – Reply Mark Stellinga April 30, 2024 I meant, of course, GenZers – forgot to take my meds – AGAIN! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 30, 2024 Mark, thank you for this. I believe there’s a lot more behind these marches than meets the eye and you’ve hit the nail on the head when you mention the ignorance of many of those marching. There’s big money behind it and I think the majority of those with their eye on the ball know exactly where it’s coming from. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson April 30, 2024 I join the rest of the commenters in wondering why civil society is breaking down and the Jews are once more on the most hated list. In your typical beautiful way of using alliteration to allure and entrance, you have provided another one of your masterpieces that impact the conscience of all readers and sound the alarm. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant April 30, 2024 Roy, thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comment. A sagacious, award-winning poet said recently: “As I see it, the primary purpose of a poet is to be observant and bear witness. But that does not mean only about social and political things. It’s really about any and all human things.” This is why poetry is powerful – I am hoping my poem does “impact the conscience of all readers and sound the alarm” – Lest we forget. Reply Mike Bryant May 1, 2024 Reply Brian A. Yapko May 1, 2024 This is infuriating to me on a very personal level. I went to U.C.L.A. My B.A. is from U.C.LA. The place where this Hitler Youth encampment is and where this Jewish girl was assaulted is right in front of Royce Hall where I took many a class and where I used to study on the portico between classes. I describe this as a “Hitler Youth” encampment because I now fully accept the Facebook memes that observe “keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.” I”m weighing whether or not to rip up my diploma and send it to the U.C. Regents to let them know what I think of the U.C. system now. I’ll let you know. Reply Lannie David Brockstein May 1, 2024 Brian, you earned that diploma at a time when a diploma from UCLA was worth something. Specifically because of its stated date of issuance, it continues to be worth something. Better to send the UC Regents some of your poems whose speakers shine a light on the evil history of Muslim supremacism, than a torn up diploma they would probably proudly display as a trophy. Mike Bryant May 1, 2024 Brian, I can’t imagine how terribly angry and sad you must feel about this betrayal. The complete takeover of these young minds is exactly analogous to the Hitler Youth. The real target of all these devilish, Government (taxpayer) funded, NGO operations is not just the Jews, but every single free human on the face of the earth. Our government is, and has been, funding NGOs, every Christian charity and every government three-letter agency with one purpose in mind – the establishment of a one-world, high tech tyranny. Never before have the elite had access to such powerful tools for bringing about their moral imperatives. Now is the time to stand up for the Jews. We must stand up for our principles. We must stand against our own governments, NGOs, Church charities, the WEF, the UN and anyone at all who furthers the ideals and goals of one-world domination. Is it futile? It doesn’t matter. If you love your parents, your state, your country, science, truth and, especially the Creator Himself, you must stand up. Brian A. Yapko May 1, 2024 Good points, Lannie. Thank you for talking me down. I doubt they’ll read any of my poetry but I suppose sending it couldn’t hurt. Joseph S. Salemi May 1, 2024 Brian, what’s happening at UCLA is utterly astounding. A Jewish girl beaten up by thugs, simply out of ideological hatred? And no action whatsoever taken by school authorities? I’ve sent you several newspaper clippings of happenings here in New York, but as usual, the People’s Republic of California overwhelms the competition. And I’m very glad that Mike Bryant mentioned not just NGOs and government agencies, but also those Christian charities that have been infiltrated and taken over by left-liberal operatives. There’s a very hot place in Hell waiting for them. And yes — Keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas. Susan Jarvis Bryant May 1, 2024 Brian, as Lannie quite rightly points out: “you earned that diploma at a time when a diploma from UCLA was worth something” – you are lucky enough to have had the benefit of an education that’s encouraged you to think for yourself and we all benefit from that gift. We are now seeing the horrific aftermath of years of indoctrination. The Western world is teeming with brainwashed graduates who were told not to stand on the shoulders of giants but to slay them, bury them, and dance on their graves with disdain. Families have been torn apart as a result. Parents have children who hate them. Some parents are languishing in prison for “misgendering” a son or daughter who has been told that gender is fluid, and drugs and scalpels are the answer to teenage angst and confusion… parents that paid huge sums to give their kids a good start in life. Many are beginning to wake up to the shocking outcome an education at these evil institutions brings, and it’s soul destroying. How does one get their stolen children back? I always wondered how the holocaust could have happened right under the noses of those living and working amid such horrors… now I know. Lannie David Brockstein May 3, 2024 On May 1st, 2024, Brian A. Yapko wrote: >>> “I describe this as a “Hitler Youth” encampment because I now fully accept the Facebook memes that observe “keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.”” On May 1st, 2024, Joseph S. Salemi wrote: >>> “And yes — Keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.” ~~~~~ Brian and Joseph, while the sentiment is the same, it would be more accurate to describe today’s keffiyahs as a historical rhyme of yesterday’s brown shirts. From Lannie. Mark Stellinga May 1, 2024 Susan, sorry to stretch the rules, but I was certain you and Mike would appreciate this piece, and it was just rejected for SCP sharing??????? Made From Scratch! An ever growing number of our kids have long been nursing on biased breasts of discontent, prejudice, and greed. Raised by persons steeped in hatred, bound to fashion soldiers shaped to fit in snugly with their anarchistic breed. Unaware their destinies are virtually preordained…raised by those who thrive on scorning eons-old tradition… All they know is what they’re taught by unforgiving cynics whose pathway to autocracy is managed through sedition. Burning flags and storming buildings held by those in charge, with ‘crushing all resistance’ as the only purpose given – These misinformed disciples wage their war while most, by far, will struggle to articulate by what it is they’re driven! Blindly led and, as I said, strongly preconditioned – ordered by their overlings to bring their foes to heel… Just how far they’ll drive them down the roads of discontent depends on where they’re trying to reach and — who’s behind the wheel. It’s those who drive these young recruits that flood their minds with hate, and as indoctrination starts the day their lemmings hatch… What they’ve manufactured, by the time they’re fully grown, are nothing short of brainwashed co-conspirators…made from scratch! Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant May 1, 2024 Mark, this poem fits perfectly with the conversation above. We are just beginning to realize that generations of malleable minds have been stolen by the enemy… our very own governments. Reply Lannie David Brockstein May 2, 2024 In “Lie Low, Jew!”, Susan Jarvis Bryant wrote: >>> “It’s time to host those Nazi ghosts instead.” ~~~~~ Susan, your poem reads as though its speaker is the ghost of Neville Chamberlain. Here in Canada, David Menzies of Rebel News was recently arrested for having “obstructed police”, when in reality he did no such thing and was reporting as a journalist on a hate rally against Israel, the Jewish people, the Christian people, and the West. Rebel News at Odysee (May 2nd, 2024) – “I’m not entering into peace bond for practicing journalism: David Menzies court date pushed to June”:'m-not-entering-into-peace-bond-for:6 Why have the police have been ordered to appease the Muslim supremacists and their Woke enablers? If it is too difficult for the police to manage the massive hate rallies by the hordes of zealous anti-Zionist zombies, then why don’t the police request for assistance from the military? From Lannie. Reply Joseph S. Salemi May 2, 2024 They won’t call in the military because Trudeau has ordered them to PROTECT and PRESERVE the massive hate rallies, rather than dispersing them or arresting demonstrators. That’s why the only person arrested was the independent journalist who wanted to ask questions. The Canadian government is completely on the side of the pro-Hamas scum. Also, calling in the regular military in cases of civil disorder is a sign of governmental failure. Trudeau would never make that confession, no matter how out of hand the pro-Hamas rallies became. Reply Lannie David Brockstein May 3, 2024 Joseph, to help further flesh out that argument you put forth…it was recently reported by True North that the Canadian government is funding some of the zealous anti-Zionist zombies, and no differently than how it is also funding UNWRA, which is a front for the Muslim supremacist Hamas terrorist organization. True North (May 2nd, 2024) – “Palestinian group linked to anti-Israel protests receives Canada Summer Jobs funding”: We should expect for the brownshirts, I mean the keffiyahs to try and intimidate voters during the upcoming US and Canadian elections, as they are currently trying to intimidate Jewish students from attending classes at universities. This past December, the keffiyahs also tried to intimidate Christians who attended the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in NYC, and who brought their children to meet Santa Claus at shopping malls. From Lannie. Joshua C. Frank May 5, 2024 Susan, the poem really says it all… no need for comments! Well done, as usual. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Paul Erlandson April 29, 2024 Very well done, Susan! It’s very verbally rich (I would almost say “dense”). It packs a real punch, at least to my ear. Thank you for it! Reply
Phil S. Rogers April 29, 2024 Susan; Your final line sums up everything that is going on, much more than most people realize. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Phil, I believe slowly but surely a fair few are waking up to the fact that an iron-fist has stolen our money, our voices, and our votes. Before shrieks of horror rise about Joe Biden being fairly elected… votes can be rendered invalid in many ways. People don’t get what they vote for… promises are made and broken. Global governance is where it’s at. The majority of government officials aren’t elected and paid for by we the people. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi April 29, 2024 I have to ask it: What the bloody hell is wrong with the stupid U.K. police? Why are they kowtowing to the anti-semitism of Hamas-loving mobs, and utterly indifferent to to mass rapes of English girls by these foreign scum throughout Britain? Who runs the U.K. police? Who sets their policies? I’d like to hear some direct, clear answers from U.K. residents. Reply
David Whippman April 29, 2024 Joseph, after the Macpherson report, which claimed the police force was “institutionally racist,” the brit police became very sensitive to the issue of race. This partly explains the reluctance to confront demonstrators who are largely Muslim, since most (by no means all) Muslims in the UK are of south Asian origin. Also, there is the general climate of wokeness that has affected nearly all our institutions. Finally, to some extent, the police are wary of upsetting the pro-Palestinians as they are so numerous, and often militant. Reply
Julian D. Woodruff April 30, 2024 It seems, Mr. Whippman, that British government and society have just lost it in so many ways–a bit ahead of the US and even Canada. The tolerance of this anti-semitic violence (Susan’s poem well reflects its hard edge), the crackdown on free speech (even if silent–i.e., thought), the denial of medical alternatives to the I’ll and their parents/guardians etc. But there are some hopeful developments lately.
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Joe, I think David has given a very good answer. I believe the USA has similar problems with its lack of proper policing. The 2020 “peaceful” protests spring to mind, and sex and drug trafficking are rife across the USA. People are dying daily because the police are told to turn a blind eye to all the dodgy dealings. Just take a look at the police in Uvalde here in Texas. They turned their backs as children were murdered and held back the parents desperate to save their kids. Horrific! It’s everywhere and no one seems to be able to do a thing about it. What can we do? Reply
Mia April 30, 2024 The Mayor of London is Sadiq Khan. He has been Mayor for the last eight years. He is standing for Mayor again in May for another four years. London is policed by the London Metropolitan Police, unless I am mistaken. Reply
Brian A. Yapko April 29, 2024 Thank you for this poem, Susan, which is, of course beautifully articulate and poetically masterful. But it is the story itself which is at center stage — the heartbreaking reality of Jewish life as it has devolved in the U.K. as London is transformed into Londonstan and its Jews are left behind as relics in a society that now despises them because that society has been reconfigured by unbridled immigration into a population that is no longer British. The statistics described in the referenced article are deeply alarming. They confirm the reality that open borders and world government do not support that utopian hippie Star Trek vision of different cultures and ethnicities coexisting and respecting each other in their diversity. To the contrary, it seems to mean the utter Darwinian dominance of either Chinese communism or fundamentalist Islam over other cultures too gentle, too self-loathing or too spineless to stand up for themselves — collective suicide in the name of being welcoming and embracing a “Diversity” which is actually a Trojan horse. Perhaps no one saw it coming, but world government and open borders means the easy transmission not of goodness but of barbarism. It makes far easier the Nazification of the world. At least this is what I see. Tell me I’m wrong. Reply
David Whippman April 29, 2024 Brian, I can’t tell you that, because you’re not. This situation has in a way crept up on the Jews, to my way of thinking, because traditionally we were on the side of racial minorities, eg the American blacks, and other minority groups. But now all too many of those people are in the forefront of the Jew-hatred that is sweeping the world. We have to be realistic, and understand that our goodwill is often not reciprocated. These days, the main threat to the Jews comes from Islamists and the far left. (Which in no way implies admiration for the extreme right.) Those groups are also a threat to wider society. Let’s hope everyone else realises in time. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Brian, thank you for your appreciation of my poem. To answer your question, I believe your observations are right… sadly. The majority of countries in the Western world are at war with their very own governments. Their countries have been sold to an ideology that has no regard for the individual. We now live in a world that dehumanizes people and reduces them to the status of useless eaters, unless they belong to a protected class… protected classes that will change at the whim of the tyrants in charge, leaving no one safe. I too want to be told I’m wrong. Reply
Warren Bonham April 29, 2024 If things had been reversed between those marching and those observing, there’s no way that a police officer would have forced the observer to leave but I guess the point is that there is no way that things would have been reversed since only one side truly wants peace without bloodshed – the other seeks peace through bloodshed. Great poem on a very disturbing topic. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Warren, you are so right. In this diverse utopia our governments have been pushing with all their might for decades, we are now at the all-people-are-equal-but-some-people-are-more-equal-than-others stage. So much for equality. The Jewish man my poem speaks of is in the minority. I thought it was the minority groups the government favored… at least they said it was, and unless one has been living under a rock for the last four years, we should all now know that our government has been lying to us and still is. They are shamelessly admitting it! Warren, thank you for keeping us informed and sane with your poems. Reply
David Whippman April 29, 2024 Susan, another well-crafted poem from you. As a British Jew, I am lucky to live in a town whose Jewish population is able to live in safety (at least for the moment.) I have said for quite a while that it’s a matter of time before a Jew is murdered in the streets of Britain by militant Islamists or their sympathisers (it has already happened in France.) Your support is much appreciated. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 David, thank you so much for your kind words on my poem and for your informative comments. I have grown up with Jewish people and have never thought there was a problem of hatred on the British streets. I moved to Texas in 2011 – is it because I was blind to it, or has it escalated to horrific levels since I left? Whatever the answer, I will admit to being appalled by what is going on now. Every indigenous Brit has family affected by WWI and WWII – how can this happen again… so soon? Reply
David Whippman May 15, 2024 Susan, here is a quick update on the UK situation. Two men have been charged at Westminster magistrates’ court (May 14) with plotting to use a machine gun to kill Jews and members of the security forces. From their names, it appears the men are Islamists. I would stress, to be absolutely fair, that they have not as yet been convicted of any crime. Type the phrase “2 men charged with plotting IS style machine gunning” into your search engine and you can find more detail.
Susan Jarvis Bryant May 17, 2024 David, this sickens me to the pit of my stomach. My homeland is unrecognizable… by design. I am only hoping the mission of those greedy politicians seeking cultural enrichment through diversity has not been fully accomplished. I am hoping St. George will appear at the eleventh hour to sort out this evil mess and slay the dastardly dragons who have hijacked Parliament.
Mike Bryant April 29, 2024 Susan, this poem brilliantly exposes the shortcomings of our new one-world Nazi rulers. There is no left or right anymore. We are several chapters behind in this unfolding scenario. It used to be so simple… Communism vs. Capitalism. The National Socialists of Germany changed all that. They realized, that there is plenty of wealth in the world for everyone. When everyone has plenty, how do you sow division? Simple, pick groups and races and religions that become “protected desirables” while also picking smaller, richer groups, races and religions that become the “despicable users.” Then, take over all production of goods and services by making the large corporations even larger and making unending regulations to make it impossible for anyone to compete. So that we have no governments anymore… just our handlers… all working together. Now… just start wars everywhere and keep them going forever and ever. It’s not the old far right, and it’s not the old far left… it is a way for the “ins” to be the “ins” forever while the people are divided further and further and further. The lies never stop and the people never figure it out. And, if they do… so what? I wonder how many every day Germans knew what was really happening and how many of them could actually do anything about it? Like I said… no left, no right… only billions of stupid, stupefied and hamstrung people that only want to have a good life. Too bad, that’s not in the cards. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 29, 2024 Thank you for this, Mike. I believe we’ve reached a stage where those in power don’t care what we know. The majority of people have already proved to those in power that they trust them and are willing to do whatever they are told to do. They are willing to repeat whatever they’re told to repeat. They are willing to buy into every lie going, even though they know from past records the government is prone to lying. In 2020 we were told to shut up, lock down and get jabbed and re-jabbed because that was our only hope of health and freedom. Now they’re admitting they got it wrong. Today AstraZeneca admitted in court that their covid jab can cause severe blood clot side effects. And what will we do during the next crisis… I have my thoughts on that, and my thoughts tell me, trust in experts and our promotion of their finds is going to be our downfall. The truth is our salvation… and the majority of us rely on government-paid experts to tell them exactly what the truth is. Oops! When people stop turning to charlatans for answers we have a glimmer of hope. Reply
Mark Stellinga April 30, 2024 Susan, virtually every past decade has had its gnash of misguided political activists, and, as far as I’m concerned, these ‘many-don’t-even-know-why-they’ve-gathered’ Gen-Xers need to be dispersed & disbanded by techniques that will force them back into their holes once and for all. It’s the few primary instigators, who gin these brain-deads up, and those who fund their riots that need to be permanently silenced. An excellent and very timely piece – Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 30, 2024 Mark, thank you for this. I believe there’s a lot more behind these marches than meets the eye and you’ve hit the nail on the head when you mention the ignorance of many of those marching. There’s big money behind it and I think the majority of those with their eye on the ball know exactly where it’s coming from. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson April 30, 2024 I join the rest of the commenters in wondering why civil society is breaking down and the Jews are once more on the most hated list. In your typical beautiful way of using alliteration to allure and entrance, you have provided another one of your masterpieces that impact the conscience of all readers and sound the alarm. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant April 30, 2024 Roy, thank you very much for your kind and encouraging comment. A sagacious, award-winning poet said recently: “As I see it, the primary purpose of a poet is to be observant and bear witness. But that does not mean only about social and political things. It’s really about any and all human things.” This is why poetry is powerful – I am hoping my poem does “impact the conscience of all readers and sound the alarm” – Lest we forget. Reply
Mike Bryant May 1, 2024 Reply
Brian A. Yapko May 1, 2024 This is infuriating to me on a very personal level. I went to U.C.L.A. My B.A. is from U.C.LA. The place where this Hitler Youth encampment is and where this Jewish girl was assaulted is right in front of Royce Hall where I took many a class and where I used to study on the portico between classes. I describe this as a “Hitler Youth” encampment because I now fully accept the Facebook memes that observe “keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.” I”m weighing whether or not to rip up my diploma and send it to the U.C. Regents to let them know what I think of the U.C. system now. I’ll let you know. Reply
Lannie David Brockstein May 1, 2024 Brian, you earned that diploma at a time when a diploma from UCLA was worth something. Specifically because of its stated date of issuance, it continues to be worth something. Better to send the UC Regents some of your poems whose speakers shine a light on the evil history of Muslim supremacism, than a torn up diploma they would probably proudly display as a trophy.
Mike Bryant May 1, 2024 Brian, I can’t imagine how terribly angry and sad you must feel about this betrayal. The complete takeover of these young minds is exactly analogous to the Hitler Youth. The real target of all these devilish, Government (taxpayer) funded, NGO operations is not just the Jews, but every single free human on the face of the earth. Our government is, and has been, funding NGOs, every Christian charity and every government three-letter agency with one purpose in mind – the establishment of a one-world, high tech tyranny. Never before have the elite had access to such powerful tools for bringing about their moral imperatives. Now is the time to stand up for the Jews. We must stand up for our principles. We must stand against our own governments, NGOs, Church charities, the WEF, the UN and anyone at all who furthers the ideals and goals of one-world domination. Is it futile? It doesn’t matter. If you love your parents, your state, your country, science, truth and, especially the Creator Himself, you must stand up.
Brian A. Yapko May 1, 2024 Good points, Lannie. Thank you for talking me down. I doubt they’ll read any of my poetry but I suppose sending it couldn’t hurt.
Joseph S. Salemi May 1, 2024 Brian, what’s happening at UCLA is utterly astounding. A Jewish girl beaten up by thugs, simply out of ideological hatred? And no action whatsoever taken by school authorities? I’ve sent you several newspaper clippings of happenings here in New York, but as usual, the People’s Republic of California overwhelms the competition. And I’m very glad that Mike Bryant mentioned not just NGOs and government agencies, but also those Christian charities that have been infiltrated and taken over by left-liberal operatives. There’s a very hot place in Hell waiting for them. And yes — Keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.
Susan Jarvis Bryant May 1, 2024 Brian, as Lannie quite rightly points out: “you earned that diploma at a time when a diploma from UCLA was worth something” – you are lucky enough to have had the benefit of an education that’s encouraged you to think for yourself and we all benefit from that gift. We are now seeing the horrific aftermath of years of indoctrination. The Western world is teeming with brainwashed graduates who were told not to stand on the shoulders of giants but to slay them, bury them, and dance on their graves with disdain. Families have been torn apart as a result. Parents have children who hate them. Some parents are languishing in prison for “misgendering” a son or daughter who has been told that gender is fluid, and drugs and scalpels are the answer to teenage angst and confusion… parents that paid huge sums to give their kids a good start in life. Many are beginning to wake up to the shocking outcome an education at these evil institutions brings, and it’s soul destroying. How does one get their stolen children back? I always wondered how the holocaust could have happened right under the noses of those living and working amid such horrors… now I know.
Lannie David Brockstein May 3, 2024 On May 1st, 2024, Brian A. Yapko wrote: >>> “I describe this as a “Hitler Youth” encampment because I now fully accept the Facebook memes that observe “keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.”” On May 1st, 2024, Joseph S. Salemi wrote: >>> “And yes — Keffiyahs are just hipster swastikas.” ~~~~~ Brian and Joseph, while the sentiment is the same, it would be more accurate to describe today’s keffiyahs as a historical rhyme of yesterday’s brown shirts. From Lannie.
Mark Stellinga May 1, 2024 Susan, sorry to stretch the rules, but I was certain you and Mike would appreciate this piece, and it was just rejected for SCP sharing??????? Made From Scratch! An ever growing number of our kids have long been nursing on biased breasts of discontent, prejudice, and greed. Raised by persons steeped in hatred, bound to fashion soldiers shaped to fit in snugly with their anarchistic breed. Unaware their destinies are virtually preordained…raised by those who thrive on scorning eons-old tradition… All they know is what they’re taught by unforgiving cynics whose pathway to autocracy is managed through sedition. Burning flags and storming buildings held by those in charge, with ‘crushing all resistance’ as the only purpose given – These misinformed disciples wage their war while most, by far, will struggle to articulate by what it is they’re driven! Blindly led and, as I said, strongly preconditioned – ordered by their overlings to bring their foes to heel… Just how far they’ll drive them down the roads of discontent depends on where they’re trying to reach and — who’s behind the wheel. It’s those who drive these young recruits that flood their minds with hate, and as indoctrination starts the day their lemmings hatch… What they’ve manufactured, by the time they’re fully grown, are nothing short of brainwashed co-conspirators…made from scratch! Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant May 1, 2024 Mark, this poem fits perfectly with the conversation above. We are just beginning to realize that generations of malleable minds have been stolen by the enemy… our very own governments. Reply
Lannie David Brockstein May 2, 2024 In “Lie Low, Jew!”, Susan Jarvis Bryant wrote: >>> “It’s time to host those Nazi ghosts instead.” ~~~~~ Susan, your poem reads as though its speaker is the ghost of Neville Chamberlain. Here in Canada, David Menzies of Rebel News was recently arrested for having “obstructed police”, when in reality he did no such thing and was reporting as a journalist on a hate rally against Israel, the Jewish people, the Christian people, and the West. Rebel News at Odysee (May 2nd, 2024) – “I’m not entering into peace bond for practicing journalism: David Menzies court date pushed to June”:'m-not-entering-into-peace-bond-for:6 Why have the police have been ordered to appease the Muslim supremacists and their Woke enablers? If it is too difficult for the police to manage the massive hate rallies by the hordes of zealous anti-Zionist zombies, then why don’t the police request for assistance from the military? From Lannie. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi May 2, 2024 They won’t call in the military because Trudeau has ordered them to PROTECT and PRESERVE the massive hate rallies, rather than dispersing them or arresting demonstrators. That’s why the only person arrested was the independent journalist who wanted to ask questions. The Canadian government is completely on the side of the pro-Hamas scum. Also, calling in the regular military in cases of civil disorder is a sign of governmental failure. Trudeau would never make that confession, no matter how out of hand the pro-Hamas rallies became. Reply
Lannie David Brockstein May 3, 2024 Joseph, to help further flesh out that argument you put forth…it was recently reported by True North that the Canadian government is funding some of the zealous anti-Zionist zombies, and no differently than how it is also funding UNWRA, which is a front for the Muslim supremacist Hamas terrorist organization. True North (May 2nd, 2024) – “Palestinian group linked to anti-Israel protests receives Canada Summer Jobs funding”: We should expect for the brownshirts, I mean the keffiyahs to try and intimidate voters during the upcoming US and Canadian elections, as they are currently trying to intimidate Jewish students from attending classes at universities. This past December, the keffiyahs also tried to intimidate Christians who attended the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in NYC, and who brought their children to meet Santa Claus at shopping malls. From Lannie.
Joshua C. Frank May 5, 2024 Susan, the poem really says it all… no need for comments! Well done, as usual. Reply