
Some Can’t See the Beauty

Some can’t see the beauty in
__A flower or a tree.
I call them nature blind because
__Their minds won’t let them see.

Perhaps it’s biophobia—
__A general fear of nature—
Or hylophobia—a fear
__Of forest nomenclature.

Some fear the sand on beaches,
__Or ammophobia.
Some fear the height of mountains, which
__Is altophobia.

These poor souls have aversions to
__The world’s environment.
They’d rather stay in cities living
__In a tenement.

Then there are those allergic to
__The pollen in the air.
In Springtime they can’t see the beauty
__Past the window’s glare.

I have to pity all such folks
__Who have to stay away;
Oh sure there’s ticks and poison ivy
__Sunburn, hounds astray,
But I know out there are the wonders—
__God is on display.



LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix.

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20 Responses

  1. Julian D. Woodruff

    A nice verbal kick in the rear for this couch potato, Roy. Great image choice from Evan, too.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I particularly remembered ammophobia, since it seems to me it should be a fear of bullets. Evan, indeed, chose a wonderful picture for this poem. Thank you for your comments.

  2. Russel Winick

    You nailed it Roy, even if I’ve never heard of and couldn’t spell a bunch of those words!

  3. Phil S. Rogers

    Educational, as there are phobias I admit I never heard of, but a poem I can personally relate to, having been an outdoor person all my life. Many city people have no clue, do not want the experience, and believe their lifestyle is far superior.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Phil. I looked up a lot of the phobias while the tv series, “Monk,” was running on the tube. You are right about many city people.

  4. Brian A. Yapko

    When “God is on display” who has time for distracting phobias? This is a wonderful poem, Roy, full of fun wordplay and an introduction to some arcane terminology. Thank you for the smile!

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you for the special comments and mentioning the ending. It was worth the effort to make someone like yourself smile.

  5. Margaret Coats

    I see it in your poem, Roy, and in your pity moving toward sympathy for those who can’t see wonders of God on display. You’re touching on the spirit associated with the ability and willingness to see.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      You always find the intrinsic threads and motivations that come from a perceptive mind. In this case, you found something I had not planned, but rather wrote, as you said, with the spirit moving me. Moving from pity to sympathy just seemed to come naturally and I did feel both emotions.

  6. Warren Bonham

    I’m sitting here sniffling as a result of some unseen allergen unleashed by the trees and flowers in the neighborhood. Despite the health implications, I’d rather be outside enjoying their beauty rather than sitting inside at my desk. Thanks for the impactful nudge!

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I empathize with your predicament. Thank goodness you can write wonderful poetry!

  7. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Roy, how utterly beautiful. I don’t know what I would do without my daily stroll in the company of Mother Nature basking in the glory of our Creator’s many gifts. I also like the educational aspect of the poem… all those phobias out there. I suffer with one phobia… in the grand scheme of things it’s trivial and embarrassing to even mention what it is. It has caused me much angst, and I am eager to see it gone. Roy, after reading your poem, I may try to tackle my problem once again. Thank you!

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Bless you, Susan. No phobia is too trivial. They can impact our daily lives and are a drain on our psyche. I wish you well in your effort to overcome yours. Your wonderful comments continue to encourage me.

  8. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Thank you, James, for your kind comments. I appreciate them.

  9. Cheryl Corey

    Roy, your poem is a nice reminder that now more than ever, we need to take time to notice the beauty of spring – from the flowering magnolia and weeping cherry trees to the forsythia – even greening blades of new grass.


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