
Request for Papers—PAMLA 2024 Conference

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association


Deadline for Proposals:

April 30, 2024


Conference Details

The conference will be held from Wednesday, November 6 through Sunday, November 10, 2024 at
Margaritaville Resort, Palm Springs, California.



The standing Poetry and Poetics session at PAMLA, hosted by SCP poet Daniel Kemper, seeks abstract submissions exploring any aspect of poetry and poetics. Please bring us paper topics that encompass a wide range of subgenres; bring us specific time periods; bring us unique critical approaches. In particular, we want, if possible, papers that engage with the PAMLA special conference theme of “Translation in Action.” While we are open to any strong proposals exploring poetry and/or poetics, possible topics could include, but are not limited to: transnational or transcultural or multilingual poetry; poetry in translation or adapted poetry; poetry and identity, especially as considered intersectionally; poetry and space; poetry and the senses, including touch; rethinking forms; poetry and lack or silence; cognitive approaches to poetry; political or protest poetry; spoken word poetry; new trends in poetry and poetics; poetry and humor; rethinking the poetic avant-garde.



Open only to PAMLA members who attend. PAMLA Membership fee: $25 (applies to anyone with a bachelor’s degree or higher). Conference fee: $165. See details here: https://www.pamla.org/membership/dues-chart/


How to Propose a Paper:

Join PAMLA (if not already a member) & create an account: https://pamla.ballastacademic.com/

Submission Requirements:
Title: No more than120 characters
Abstract: No more than 50 words
Proposal: 250 – 500 words
Brief Bio: 40 – 100 words

Submit Abstract Here: https://pamla.ballastacademic.com/Home/S/19191



Contact Daniel Kemper, [email protected] for help with the process or any questions.



NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

One Response

  1. The Society

    If you do submit a proposal or paper for the PAMLA conference, you are invited to also submit it to [email protected] for consideration for publication on the pages of the SCP.

    —Evan Mantyk, Editor


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