
They Say Somebody Said This; It Must Be True!

Some people love to share with you
news they’ve been told, but may not know
all juicy details. They’ll ask, “Do
you know more stuff? What have you heard?”
You’ll say, “Now don’t repeat a word.
Here’s what I got from Billy Joe,
the grape vine, and a little bird . . . .
These things WERE said. They must be true!”



God’s Aging Vessel

I often lie awake and ponder life,
more kind than cruel through my many years.
The peaceful times by far outweigh the strife,
and laughs have flowed more frequently than tears.

The future—my tomorrows, oh, so brief—
holds challenges. I look to God each day,
for He knows all. It’s still my firm belief
He has a plan, and He’ll show me the way.

The past is an instructor I respect
for guiding me through failure and success.
The present is the path that will direct
me to tomorrow’s fleeting happiness.

Life beckons. God is working on me still.
He’ll bless me if I strive to do His will.


Who We Are at Our Core

There’s beauty at the core of humankind,
called love, engendering our need to bind
ourselves in strong relationships, to be
the instruments of peace and unity.


You’ll find out some are greedy to the core
when they prove what they most desire is more.
They’ll easily conclude that you need less
and walk on you to claim their happiness.


Each harbors deep within the power to choose
what he or she will be: the one who views
the world as MINE, to cater just to me;
or one who values all humanity,
for viewing all as neighbors is the key.


Janice Canerdy is a retired high-school English teacher from Potts Camp, Mississippi. Her poems have appeared in numerous publications: anthologies by Quill Books, Mississippi Poetry Society, the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, journals and magazines: Westward Quarterly, Lyric, Lighten Up Online, Saturday Evening Post, and more. She has had two books published: Expressions of Faith (Christian Faith Publishing, 2016, out of print) and From Serious to Slapstick~~Poems Like Life (Mississippi Poetry Society, Inc., 2024). She is an active member of the Mississippi Poetry Society, Inc.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

8 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    These three gems contain a treasure trove of wisdom for living life the right way. “It Must Be True,” unfortunately is the mantra of the lazy minds that includes those at the top of the political pile. Beginning and perpetuating the big lie is that on which political tyrants thrive. The power of such lies has extended from the expression of their use by Lenin and Hitler to their hidden uses by present day corrupt leaders we now have. “God’s Aging Vessel” tells us we still need the work of God in lives until we are called to heaven. We should never assume we have become all we can be or that our purpose on earth was completed. If only we all could realize “Who We Are at the Core.” As your reflected at the end of the poem, at the root of living is the passage from the Bible that tells us to “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

  2. Paul A. Freeman

    Love, greed, the power to choose – all distilled into a few philosophical lines.

    I particularly liked God’s Aging Vessel, which seemed more personal than the other poems and more affecting.

    As for the first piece, it could have been written for the picture Evan chose.

    Thanks for the reads, Janice.

  3. Margaret Coats

    “God’s Aging Vessel” is a practically perfect poem of personal devotion. Along with your careful structure and syntax, Janice, it manifests a fitting openness to God’s will and thanksgiving for His favors. As proper to us creatures, it speaks of passing through time without being self-satisfied. Beautifully done.

  4. Shamik Banerjee

    Dear Janice, you’ve imparted to us some crucial life lessons through these wonderfully penned poems. Truly heartwarming and hope-giving. Thank you so much.


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