
American Dream Where Did You Go?

American dream, where did you go?
Visions grand that I loved so?
Land of opportunity
Heading toward disunity.

Politics that once were regal
Neuter the American eagle.
Merit thrown out of the window
Makes of us a sickly widow,

Ignoring all the present dangers,
Bowing to illegal strangers—
People who should all be banned
Brought to infiltrate our land,

Ruining democracy,
Trying to take my guns from me,
Redistributing hard earned wealth,
Work to damage moral health.

Journalists now rant and rave
Against the freedoms of the brave.
Joining the insurgent foe
To destroy the world we know.

Those one-worlders play the fool
As the ones one-world would rule.
They would open up the door
To the ones who hate us more.

One last thing I will report:
Time is running rather short.
We must solve the mystery,
Or else we’ll be history.



LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix.

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23 Responses

  1. Russel Winick

    Roy, you’re speaking for many of us, I’m sure, on this day. Thanks for the read, and please enjoy your holiday, Sir.

  2. Betty Glaz

    Not only did I enjoy the meter and the rhyme scheme AABB but the message as well. Count me in, Roy, as one who agrees with you. I especially liked the alliteration of this stanza:

    Those one-worlders play the fool
    As the ones one-world would rule.
    They would open up the door
    To the ones who hate us more.

  3. Phil S. Rogers

    Yes, time is running rather short, and the problem is that so few Americans realize this. Many are now waking up, let us hope it is not too late.
    Thank you, sir.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Time is indeed running short to at least turn part of the tide. Happy Fourthof July,Phil!

  4. Joseph S. Salemi

    This poem is actually a prayer, and therefore my comment on it is “Amen.”

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Wonderful comment, JD. Thank you for sharing the “July 4th Reflection.”

    • David Paul Behrens

      Thank you for this beautiful story about The Star Spangled Banner!

  5. Margaret Coats

    Roy, the mystery or question of where the American dream went has many answers, and three months ago it showed up in Argentina. Javier Milei, elected President in December, said he plans to apply the values of our Founding Fathers in his country. The grand visions we recall are very widely attractive, but as President Ronald Reagan (who had to change political parties) reminded us, they need action in every generation.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Great comment, Margaret! Thank you for sharing the information on the Argentina President! It is wonderful to realize that while we feel our dream fading, it still motivates others! Our present administration may just be the depression in the dream curve.

  6. Shamik Banerjee

    This poem has a bold tone and addresses many issues concisely. Thank you for sharing it with us, Mr. Peterson. Wishing your country strength and healing. Happy Independence Day!

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Shamik! I guess all nations are in need.

  7. Brian A. Yapko

    Thank you for this patriotic poem, Roy — well-crafted and sobering. We must not allow the U.S.A. to become a historical footnote or a failed experiment. I hope those of who love this country can come together and join voices and votes to bring our country back from the brink! I’m a day late, but happy Independence Day. Every day is a good day to celebrate freedom!

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I hope you had a great Independence Day, as well, Brian. We must never take our freedoms for granted and must remain vigilant, as you said.

  8. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Roy, thank you very much for a poem that says what needs to be said on the day “we the people” need to hear it. The truth matters.

  9. Daniel Kemper

    Howdy, sir! I really vibe with the content here. I hope it remains a sort of literary complaint and does not become an In Memoriam. We seem to be on the shakiest ground that we’ve ever been on since our founding.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I am with you and your “In Memoriam” thought is timely.


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