
Winter’s Bed

Ere the sun should spread its beams
We sleep and pray for candied dreams.
An angel to the bedpost flits
As hours pass beneath our lids.

Should baby cry, then mother’s kindness
Gracefully restores the silence
Whilst we wait for half past eight
And day to come invigorate

__Our cold, cold bones.

So we’ll ignore the frosty panes
And pray for spring to come again;
Cloaked in cosy blankets warm
Together listen to the storm.

One more log upon the fire
Burns, and disappears entire.
Moonbeams are the only light
To keep us company tonight

__In sweet, sweet rest.



D.C.C. Randell is a writer and editor based in Calgary, Canada. His columns have been published in the Calgary Herald, Ottawa Citizen, and Western Standard, while his poetry has been featured in Ambrosia Literary Review.

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3 Responses

  1. Cheryl Corey

    “candied dream”? Yes – a very enjoyable, soothing poem to start my day.

  2. Paul Freeman

    A well-composed feel good piece that’s sorely needed to cheer us up.

    Thanks for the read, D.C.

  3. C.B. Anderson

    You took some risks, D.C.C., but it looks like they paid off. You could have written (stanza 2, line 2) “Will gracefully restore the silence.” to perfect the meter, but you march to your own drum, which is a good idea.


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