
Nothing Compares

Last year, on a private tour of Italy and Spain,
I saw the Colosseum and cathedrals… so sublime.
I found it hard to comprehend the patience and the skill
It took to build those masterpieces so far back in time.

And then, a couple years ago, I saw some things in Greece
That I’d believed were only parts of children’s fairy tales.
The year before, I’d walked the palace halls of Buckingham,
And viewed some giant castles in both Ireland and Wales.

Four years back, in Paris, France, I touched the Eiffel Tower—
Then spent a couple glorious days inside the massive Louvre.
I viewed at least a couple thousand antique works of art,
On which no artist, ever since, has managed to improve.

Finally, just a month ago, I toured the USA,
And I was actually thrilled to see, and hear, Niagara Falls.
The Redwood trees of California took my breath away,
And I was truly stunned to see Mt. Rushmore’s chiseled walls.

And yet—despite the grandeur and the glory they convey
And all the magic wonders of the old, exotic lands—
Nothing I have ever seen—or ever will—compares
To what, this very morning, I was holding in my hands!

Just today I came to understand that all these things—
By which, as I was traveling, I was thoroughly beguiled—
Pale in their comparisons to how it makes me feel
To hold, so very gently, in my arms… a newborn child!



Mark Stellinga is a poet and antiques dealer residing in Iowa. He has often won the annual adult-division poetry contests sponsored by the University of Iowa Writer’s Workshop, has had many pieces posted in several magazines and sites over the past 60 years, including Poem-Hunter.com, PoetrySoup.com, and Able Muse.com—where he won the 1st place prize for both ‘best poem’ of the year and ‘best book of verse.’

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

14 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Mark, this is a well-constructed poem with a sweet ending that had me wondering from the title what in fact did not compare to the things you elucidated in each verse. You are so right about the wonders of the world that have grandeur, but in fact cannot compare to a newly born child, and those others we love,

    • Mark Stellinga

      Thanks for the kind words, Roy – it was a real pleasure to pen this little diddy.

  2. Gigi Ryan

    Dear Mark,

    I didn’t see where you were going with this and was delighted with your conclusion. I certainly agree with you!


    • Mark Stellinga

      I hope, and assume, you’ve had the chance to do so, Gigi. It’s one of the sweetest experiences one can have. Thanks for the note –

  3. Brian A. Yapko

    This is truly a charmer, Mark, with a profound lesson. It’s great to see the wonders of the world, but there is no wonder so miraculous as new life. Are congratulations in order?

    • Mark Stellinga

      Me an’ Connie are in our 70s, Brian, so NO – not for US!!! However, holding our 2 ornery little nieces is pretty close to as rewarding – until it’s time for a nap. 🙂

  4. Paul A. Freeman

    Nicely done, Mark. I enjoyed the build up and the finale.

    Thanks for the read.

  5. C.B. Anderson

    Moments after my first child, a girl, was born, and she was handed to me, I turned to my wife and said, “I’ve just fallen in love all over again.” This poem really nails the essence of that kind of experience — an instant classic, I would say.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Thanks a ton, C. B., been there – done that myself, more than once, though my wife and I have no kids. Unforgettable and always heart warming. BTW – it’s one of the 9 pieces I submitted for this year’s annual contest, and Evan kindly decided to post it.

  6. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mark, I adore this poem… the surprise of the closing line brought a tear to my eye as I nodded in total agreement. A newborn child is a true miracle that “Nothing Compares” to – a great title that showcases your wonderful words beautifully.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Thank you sincerely, Susan, ‘your’ comments mean more to me by far than anyone else at the SCP. It’s obvious I’m not intellectually qualified to dissect the mechanicals of the few actually ‘GOOD’ poems that Evan is, so sadly, obligated to post, and I’ve never even thought about trying to emulate the ‘masters’, I’ve always just written what’s in my heart & in my soul and in my simple ‘populistc’ style. Shakespeare does not get me any encore requests at the care centers I occasionally read at. FYI – if you’re thinking of producing another book, I saved a zillion dollars by self-producing my latest book of 566 poems by going to a flash-drive!! 1,027 pages, 43 illustration – nearly 250K words – all on a credit-card sized flashdrive. “HI” to Mike, and I hope everything is OK 4 U2 -:)


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