Trump in Maryland, photo by Gage Skidmore‘Follow the Miracle’: A Poem on the Trump Assassination Attempts by Brian Yapko The Society September 16, 2024 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 32 Comments . Follow the Miracle A random head-turn? Vector wind deflection? Or was it truly heavenly protection? His head came close to being torn asunder Yet he survived! I have to wonder If Trump was saved by divine intervention. This strange event has captured my attention; And since it happened, I feel in my soul A pull which can’t be gauged by any poll. I struggle. Was Trump saved by God Himself? The snide ones scoff, but they seem drunk on self. They’re proud of being generous and kind Yet arrogantly rob their neighbors blind By sabotaging votes, raising a fist And cursing at the fact the bullet missed. How smug they are! They think themselves so bright But they are soulless—blind to love and light. A second chance to live! Who would have guessed! But Trump? How could he possibly be best? Yet he was rescued by divine device! A wise man must take notice and think twice. Now I’m no fool to preach on “Heaven’s Choice.” And yet, I think to raise a hate-filled voice Against a man whom angels would protect Exemplifies hubristic disrespect. I can’t explain why Cyrus, Persia’s master, Once rescued exiled Israel from disaster; Why when the rains came Noah should survive, To build an ark and keep Earth’s beasts alive; Why Moses, Prince of Egypt, man of flaws Freed Israel and brought forth Jehovah’s laws. Why David, by adultery enticed, Was blessed and named the ancestor of Christ. I would not fain be swallowed by a whale. The insight has been given. I won’t fail To hearken to a Will that directs mine— To grasp what was not random but a sign. True, Trump’s no saint. And yet his life was saved! With Providence’s mercy now engraved Upon Trump’s heart—and mine—it seems empirical: This was an honest, unexpected miracle! I won’t mock Heaven’s plans. I am but dust Breathed into a brief life. But faith means trust And thus I grasp my duty: to prevent A Jezebel from being president. This nation’s rife with gaslighting and spite— But I know on whose side the angels fight. Trump’s manifested miracle of note Gives all the proof I need on how to vote! . . Brian Yapko is a retired lawyer whose poetry has appeared in over fifty journals. He is the winner of the 2023 SCP International Poetry Competition. Brian is also the author of several short stories, the science fiction novel El Nuevo Mundo and the gothic archaeological novel Bleeding Stone. He lives in Wimauma, Florida. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 32 Responses Brian A. Yapko September 16, 2024 A word about context for this poem is in order. I had written this poem with the hope that Evan would publish it a week or so before the election. My assumption was that by November 1st people might need to be reminded of the miracle of Donald Trump’s survival of the July 13th assassination attempt. However, yesterday’s second attempted assasination has made the discussion of Trump’s miracle extremely timely. That second attempt is not discussed in this poem — I never dreamed that there would be a second attempt on his life! But I note that Donald J. Trump is now the beneficiary of not one but two miracles. That offers even more reason to pay attention to the possibility of a divine hand protecting him for some higher purpose. That, at least, is how I interpret events. Many thanks to Evan for publishing this poem early but at a critical time — a time when it may actually give readers some compelling food for thought. Reply Cynthia Erlandson September 16, 2024 I agree, Brian; I don’t see how we can see these miraculous interventions as mere chance. God made this man with an astounding amount of courage, grit, and perseverance, not to mention talent and love of our nation. I pray that his experiences with guardian angels will result in gratitude and draw him closer to God. With all of the disregard of God’s ways and even hatred of Him that has been more and more displayed here, it would be a gift of mercy beyond human comprehension if He were to use this man to start pulling us out of the pit we’ve dug ourselves into. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Cynthia, I keep praying for that gift of mercy. Thank you for reading and commenting. And I agree 100% about our once and future president having an astounding amount of courage, grit and perseverance. I’ve never seen the like. Reply Margaret Coats September 17, 2024 A reflection that occurred so naturally to many, Brian, that naysayers immediately and loudly denied it. You develop it looking to the right source (Holy Scripture) for precedents. Cynthia adds the suggestion that Trump could help “start pulling us out of the pit we’ve dug ourselves into.” Let us do what we can to effect this–and reflect further to determine necessary individual approaches. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you for this, Margaret. I try to be very sensitive to tone in my poetry and the possible reaction of rolling eyes. I worried that my references to Biblical personages may have come close to being over-the-top, and this is one of the reasons I intended to delay submitting this work-in-progress to Evan as I tinkered with it further. But then the second assassination attempt occurred and it seemed like there was now a new urgency, even if the poem wasn’t ready. I don’t think Evan would mind my sharing his response to my hesitant submission. He emailed me just two words: “carpe diem.” (Evan – you were right of course and thank you for being both bold and pragmatic!) With all this said, as I re-read the piece I am increasingly happy with the Biblical references “as-is.” Trump is a giant of a man and, though he is far from a saint, God has indeed used countless people who, though flawed or improbable, nevertheless advanced His will. Non-biblican history agrees as we look at flawed figures such as Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, et al. God can use flawed people to do great things. That, in the end, is my point. Reply Warren Bonham September 17, 2024 Great biblical examples of how the most flawed human vessels have been used to produce the greatest results. There are those who argue that their preferred vessel has fewer imperfections, but they refuse to see any of the flaws in their chosen Jezebel. Trump was spared for a second time (and probably not the last time) for a reason as you point out very well. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you very much, Warren! I feel I could have listed a dozen more biblical exampled of flawed human vessels who God used. I never fail to be amazed at the hypocrisy of the left who suddenly think that a president must pass some kind of morality test. Would you really put the firefighter saving your house to a moral litmus test? Or the pilot of your plane? Or the surgeon working on your spouse? You want the most competent person to do the job, period. When there is urgency and great need, the moral purity test is not only superfluous but absurd. Just ask the Clintons. Reply James Sale September 17, 2024 Thanks Brian – a great reminder of one of my favourite lines in the Bible: He is able to save to the uttermost … those who call on His name; and the examples you give, alongside Trump who acknowledged divine intervention, are compelling. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you so much, James! You’ve just sent me — with pleasure — to the Epistle to the Hebrews for solace and inspiration. Reply Mark Stellinga September 17, 2024 I couldn’t agree more, Brian – and it’s such an easily-reached decision for anyone with an iota common sense! As far as IF President Trump, despite his few frustrating traits, would, in a 2nd term, again bust his butt to return our nation to the prosperous and safe, deity-guided realm it once was, it isn’t that he MIGHT, nor even that he CAN – but that he unquestionably WILL. This piece is so timely, and precisely espouses the sentiment of several million sane Americans. And “Jezebel” is being more than kind, my friend! Thanks for promptly composing it and thanks to Evan for promptly posting it. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you so much, Mark, for this kind comment and your enthusiasm regarding Trump’s proposed second term. He is tireless and certainly will do what is possible to make our nation prosperous, safe and, once again, “one nation under God.” I worry that even if he does win it may only be a temporary stopgag for the entropy of a chaotic, anarchistic, narcissistic nation spinning out of control. But Trump’s intervention would be something — and something meaningful at that. I worried that “Jezebel” was too over-the-top so thanks for affirming the choice. That undeserving charlatan actually reminds me of a combination of Evita, Eva Braun and Charo. And I join in your thanks to Evan for so promptly posting the piece. Reply Joseph S. Salemi September 17, 2024 The Deep State has now tried twice to kill Trump — not by actively arranging an assassination, but by passively leaving his security lax enough to allow nut-cases to get near to Trump and take shots at him. Viktor Orban in Hungary warned about this after the first attempt by that teenage nerd Crooks. Orban predicted that there would be multiple attempts on Trump’s life as Election Day approached. For the Deep State, the convenient thing about letting some deranged lunatic do the killing is that you don’t need to explain anything afterwards. He was “just a lone gunman.” The Deep State tried to pull this off in November of 1963, but there were just too many loose ends and witnesses and unanswered questions for it to work. That’s why they have been sitting on the files for sixty goddamned years. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Joe, your common sense observations are terrifying. It took a long time for me to be convinced that the Deep State even exists let alone how nefariously it operates. The book “Government Gangsters” by Kashyap Patel (former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense) was very convincing — and also terrifying. I can only hope and pray that Trump is henceforth surrounded by the best, loyal secret service agents and that he lives and thrives through the election and throughout his term. Reply Mike Bryant September 17, 2024 First, I love the poem and appreciate the skill you brought to it. I am certain that nothing happens that God doesn’t allow to happen. It’s also true that God has always and, I’m sure, will always have a hand in the affairs of men. Did He save Trump? Sure He did, IF Trump is pivotal in the establishment of God’s kingdom. I know that the Deep State tried to have Trump killed. They have been in this business for too long. I believe they have become a little overconfident in their ability to hide the truth. The internet has allowed people to see through the lies. They did, however, make sure the kid kept his mouth shut. The first shooter was not only in plain sight but had been pointed out by onlookers to authorities. The more recent shooter was hidden a hole or two ahead of Trump’s group, and a “glint” was spotted by an alert agent. They did apprehend him. This ex-roofer from Carolina has done a lot of work promoting the Ukraine war and apparently now has a home in Hawaii! What if the second attempt was meant to fail in order to restore confidence in the Secret Service? Wouldn’t that be the perfect way to ensure that the third attempt succeeds? I know that in asking this question it proves that I am a conspiracy theorist. Of course, everyone here knows I have complete faith in our governmental overlords and believe everything they say. Reply Joseph S. Salemi September 17, 2024 You’re quite correct, Mike. I’d like to know this: Who knew that Trump would be playing golf at that particular course, at that particular time, apart from his immediate retinue and — of course — the Secret Service? How did that little left-wing jackass know enough to arrive there many hours in advance, hide carefully in the underbrush, and set up his shooting station, with ceramic defensive plates and a sophisticated videocamera? There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Joe, the plot gets thicker and thicker. He was a resident of Hawaii and North Carolina, had no familiarity with Florida, yet somehow knew exactly where to be and at the right time to get the best possible shot at Trump. There had to have been a mole and this was clearly a job which was Deep State approved. Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Mike, thank you so much for reading and commenting. I always appreciate your insights and point of view. Your interpretation of events makes a lot of sense to me — unfortunately. It’s very hard not to speculate on the existence of a Deep State conspiracy to remove Trump. As I said to Joe, the book “Government Gangsters” was very eye-opening regarding Deep State existence and technique. They were able to manufacture the Russia Collusion Hoax out of thin air and Hillary Clinton campaign funds. They conspired to ignore Hunter Biden’s laptop. What of those 51 sworn signatures from CIA officials that there was nothing to see there! They were proven to be 100% perjured yet with zero consequence! If they were capable of these nefarious operations then they are capable of arranging an assassination of the once and future president. Mike, I share your “complete faith in our governmental overlords.” In other words, heaven help us. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson September 17, 2024 Great poem and perfect insight. I share your sentiments and those of the commenters regarding divine intervention and protection according to God’s plan. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you very much, Roy. God’s decisions are God’s decisions and it is not up to us to second-guess them based on our own incomplete information. He sees the big picture and knows exactly who He wants to use and why. At least that’s what I believe. Reply Michael Vanyukov September 17, 2024 There are no accidents. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 You are so right, Michael. There are neither accidents nor coincidences. Reply Cheryl Corey September 17, 2024 Fabulous work, Brian. You had me at “Vector wind deflection?” Another favorite line for me is “I would not fain be swallowed by a whale.” What’s scary now is that if two novices can come this close to killing Trump, imagine what our enemies may be thinking or plotting. Reply Lannie David Brockstein September 18, 2024 Cheryl, if it can be reasonably said that those two failed assassination attempts by Left supremacist lunatics were a blessing in disguise, it is because they have ruined any chance of President Trump being assassinated by professional assassins due to his security detail now being properly enhanced, along with his no longer taking anymore unnecessary risks such as playing golf on a commercial golf course that cannot be fully secured. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Lannie, I truly hope you are correct and that the Left is done with these poisonous attempts to stop Trump and his 80,000,000 supporters (probably far more these days!) The Left’s conscienceless willingness to impose their views on the rest of us is breathtaking and mind-numbing. Just today I saw a Facebook meme on point: “Liberals: If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the Electoral College, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech we could save democracy.” Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you so much, Cheryl! I’m glad that the phrasing pleased you and I’m especially glad that you liked my Jonah reference. He was another one of those flawed people in the Bible who did some foolish things, paid the price and yet was used by God to advance His will — big time! Your comment about “what our enemies may be thinking or plotting” is the stuff of nightmares. What a world we live in! Reply Patricia Redfern September 18, 2024 Greeting, Brian! Your likes are more thsn compelling and crafted with an artist’s pen! There is a profound humilty, I sense in you. More delightfully, your soul sings with shining gratitude and wonder. I am seeing DJT for the second time on Rumble today. How does he have such courage? 19,000 today at a rally! The Teamsters would not endorse Ms.Harris. They always endorse the left! Profound write, Brian. 6:15 pm PST 9/18/2024 Reply Brian A. Yapko September 19, 2024 Greetings, Patricia! Thank you so much for this kind comment on a subject which is of great importance to me. I stand with you in amazement at Donald Trump’s courage. I’m pleased about the Teamsters and I also heard that 60,000 people showed up for his rally in Long Island at a venue that could only accomodate 16,000. Long Island!! This gives me hope. Reply Adam Wasem September 19, 2024 Economical and skillful as always, Brian, albeit with a few more archaisms in word choice and syntax than a wider audience would care to swallow, IMHO, albeit fitting for the high church theme, granted. And perhaps that’s just my yen to reach the masses talking. The struggle within the poem reminds me of the old saw about God using highly imperfect men to achieve his purposes. While I’m not as certain as the “I” in the poem about Trump’s Providential blessing, the poem certainly makes you feel the urgency in this election. From your mouth to God’s ears, as they say. Here’s hoping it gets out into the wild. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 19, 2024 Thank you so much for commenting, Adam! And I appreciate very much your zeroing in on language and imagery that is a bit biblical — perhaps even over-the-top. If this second assassination attempt hadn’t taken place I would have continued revising the piece and maybe it wouldn’t come off quite so King Jamesy. But as I said to Margaret above, Trump is a giant of a man and maybe the biblical theme, archaic usage included, is not inappropriate. For better or worse, I own it. If this poem does find life beyond the SCP I would be overjoyed. It was picked up by Whatfinger News a few days ago so that’s encouraging. Reply C.B. Anderson September 20, 2024 I’m not comfortable with the apotheosis of Donald Trump, but, dammit, something wierd has happened here, and, as Vanukov stated, there are no accidents. Sometimes pawns such as us must learn to be content with signs and suggestions of intervention. The blood on Trump’s ear is a small thing compared to the blood on KH’s hands. Reply Brian A. Yapko September 20, 2024 I fully agree, C.B. An apotheosis of Trump is contrary to normal intuition I would have on the subject. And yet… no, there are no accidents. Perhaps he is exactly what the times call for. History will judge, but in my view Trump has already demonstrated that he is not only consequential but one for the ages. Reply Joseph S. Salemi September 20, 2024 No one wants to make Donald Trump a god. In fact, the very conservative Roman Republic loathed the idea of any leader or public figure taking divine attributes to himself. They assigned a slave to ride next to him in a chariot, whispering to the man, over and over, the words “Memento te non esse deum” (Remember that you are not a god). The great thing about Trump is that he is fully and refreshingly human, and at this point in time he is the only hope we have to avoid enduring the dangerously stupid Kamala Harris and the truly tyrannical policies that she will attempt to shove down our throats if elected. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Brian A. Yapko September 16, 2024 A word about context for this poem is in order. I had written this poem with the hope that Evan would publish it a week or so before the election. My assumption was that by November 1st people might need to be reminded of the miracle of Donald Trump’s survival of the July 13th assassination attempt. However, yesterday’s second attempted assasination has made the discussion of Trump’s miracle extremely timely. That second attempt is not discussed in this poem — I never dreamed that there would be a second attempt on his life! But I note that Donald J. Trump is now the beneficiary of not one but two miracles. That offers even more reason to pay attention to the possibility of a divine hand protecting him for some higher purpose. That, at least, is how I interpret events. Many thanks to Evan for publishing this poem early but at a critical time — a time when it may actually give readers some compelling food for thought. Reply
Cynthia Erlandson September 16, 2024 I agree, Brian; I don’t see how we can see these miraculous interventions as mere chance. God made this man with an astounding amount of courage, grit, and perseverance, not to mention talent and love of our nation. I pray that his experiences with guardian angels will result in gratitude and draw him closer to God. With all of the disregard of God’s ways and even hatred of Him that has been more and more displayed here, it would be a gift of mercy beyond human comprehension if He were to use this man to start pulling us out of the pit we’ve dug ourselves into. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Cynthia, I keep praying for that gift of mercy. Thank you for reading and commenting. And I agree 100% about our once and future president having an astounding amount of courage, grit and perseverance. I’ve never seen the like. Reply
Margaret Coats September 17, 2024 A reflection that occurred so naturally to many, Brian, that naysayers immediately and loudly denied it. You develop it looking to the right source (Holy Scripture) for precedents. Cynthia adds the suggestion that Trump could help “start pulling us out of the pit we’ve dug ourselves into.” Let us do what we can to effect this–and reflect further to determine necessary individual approaches. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you for this, Margaret. I try to be very sensitive to tone in my poetry and the possible reaction of rolling eyes. I worried that my references to Biblical personages may have come close to being over-the-top, and this is one of the reasons I intended to delay submitting this work-in-progress to Evan as I tinkered with it further. But then the second assassination attempt occurred and it seemed like there was now a new urgency, even if the poem wasn’t ready. I don’t think Evan would mind my sharing his response to my hesitant submission. He emailed me just two words: “carpe diem.” (Evan – you were right of course and thank you for being both bold and pragmatic!) With all this said, as I re-read the piece I am increasingly happy with the Biblical references “as-is.” Trump is a giant of a man and, though he is far from a saint, God has indeed used countless people who, though flawed or improbable, nevertheless advanced His will. Non-biblican history agrees as we look at flawed figures such as Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, et al. God can use flawed people to do great things. That, in the end, is my point. Reply
Warren Bonham September 17, 2024 Great biblical examples of how the most flawed human vessels have been used to produce the greatest results. There are those who argue that their preferred vessel has fewer imperfections, but they refuse to see any of the flaws in their chosen Jezebel. Trump was spared for a second time (and probably not the last time) for a reason as you point out very well. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you very much, Warren! I feel I could have listed a dozen more biblical exampled of flawed human vessels who God used. I never fail to be amazed at the hypocrisy of the left who suddenly think that a president must pass some kind of morality test. Would you really put the firefighter saving your house to a moral litmus test? Or the pilot of your plane? Or the surgeon working on your spouse? You want the most competent person to do the job, period. When there is urgency and great need, the moral purity test is not only superfluous but absurd. Just ask the Clintons. Reply
James Sale September 17, 2024 Thanks Brian – a great reminder of one of my favourite lines in the Bible: He is able to save to the uttermost … those who call on His name; and the examples you give, alongside Trump who acknowledged divine intervention, are compelling. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you so much, James! You’ve just sent me — with pleasure — to the Epistle to the Hebrews for solace and inspiration. Reply
Mark Stellinga September 17, 2024 I couldn’t agree more, Brian – and it’s such an easily-reached decision for anyone with an iota common sense! As far as IF President Trump, despite his few frustrating traits, would, in a 2nd term, again bust his butt to return our nation to the prosperous and safe, deity-guided realm it once was, it isn’t that he MIGHT, nor even that he CAN – but that he unquestionably WILL. This piece is so timely, and precisely espouses the sentiment of several million sane Americans. And “Jezebel” is being more than kind, my friend! Thanks for promptly composing it and thanks to Evan for promptly posting it. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you so much, Mark, for this kind comment and your enthusiasm regarding Trump’s proposed second term. He is tireless and certainly will do what is possible to make our nation prosperous, safe and, once again, “one nation under God.” I worry that even if he does win it may only be a temporary stopgag for the entropy of a chaotic, anarchistic, narcissistic nation spinning out of control. But Trump’s intervention would be something — and something meaningful at that. I worried that “Jezebel” was too over-the-top so thanks for affirming the choice. That undeserving charlatan actually reminds me of a combination of Evita, Eva Braun and Charo. And I join in your thanks to Evan for so promptly posting the piece. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi September 17, 2024 The Deep State has now tried twice to kill Trump — not by actively arranging an assassination, but by passively leaving his security lax enough to allow nut-cases to get near to Trump and take shots at him. Viktor Orban in Hungary warned about this after the first attempt by that teenage nerd Crooks. Orban predicted that there would be multiple attempts on Trump’s life as Election Day approached. For the Deep State, the convenient thing about letting some deranged lunatic do the killing is that you don’t need to explain anything afterwards. He was “just a lone gunman.” The Deep State tried to pull this off in November of 1963, but there were just too many loose ends and witnesses and unanswered questions for it to work. That’s why they have been sitting on the files for sixty goddamned years. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Joe, your common sense observations are terrifying. It took a long time for me to be convinced that the Deep State even exists let alone how nefariously it operates. The book “Government Gangsters” by Kashyap Patel (former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense) was very convincing — and also terrifying. I can only hope and pray that Trump is henceforth surrounded by the best, loyal secret service agents and that he lives and thrives through the election and throughout his term. Reply
Mike Bryant September 17, 2024 First, I love the poem and appreciate the skill you brought to it. I am certain that nothing happens that God doesn’t allow to happen. It’s also true that God has always and, I’m sure, will always have a hand in the affairs of men. Did He save Trump? Sure He did, IF Trump is pivotal in the establishment of God’s kingdom. I know that the Deep State tried to have Trump killed. They have been in this business for too long. I believe they have become a little overconfident in their ability to hide the truth. The internet has allowed people to see through the lies. They did, however, make sure the kid kept his mouth shut. The first shooter was not only in plain sight but had been pointed out by onlookers to authorities. The more recent shooter was hidden a hole or two ahead of Trump’s group, and a “glint” was spotted by an alert agent. They did apprehend him. This ex-roofer from Carolina has done a lot of work promoting the Ukraine war and apparently now has a home in Hawaii! What if the second attempt was meant to fail in order to restore confidence in the Secret Service? Wouldn’t that be the perfect way to ensure that the third attempt succeeds? I know that in asking this question it proves that I am a conspiracy theorist. Of course, everyone here knows I have complete faith in our governmental overlords and believe everything they say. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi September 17, 2024 You’re quite correct, Mike. I’d like to know this: Who knew that Trump would be playing golf at that particular course, at that particular time, apart from his immediate retinue and — of course — the Secret Service? How did that little left-wing jackass know enough to arrive there many hours in advance, hide carefully in the underbrush, and set up his shooting station, with ceramic defensive plates and a sophisticated videocamera? There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Joe, the plot gets thicker and thicker. He was a resident of Hawaii and North Carolina, had no familiarity with Florida, yet somehow knew exactly where to be and at the right time to get the best possible shot at Trump. There had to have been a mole and this was clearly a job which was Deep State approved.
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Mike, thank you so much for reading and commenting. I always appreciate your insights and point of view. Your interpretation of events makes a lot of sense to me — unfortunately. It’s very hard not to speculate on the existence of a Deep State conspiracy to remove Trump. As I said to Joe, the book “Government Gangsters” was very eye-opening regarding Deep State existence and technique. They were able to manufacture the Russia Collusion Hoax out of thin air and Hillary Clinton campaign funds. They conspired to ignore Hunter Biden’s laptop. What of those 51 sworn signatures from CIA officials that there was nothing to see there! They were proven to be 100% perjured yet with zero consequence! If they were capable of these nefarious operations then they are capable of arranging an assassination of the once and future president. Mike, I share your “complete faith in our governmental overlords.” In other words, heaven help us. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson September 17, 2024 Great poem and perfect insight. I share your sentiments and those of the commenters regarding divine intervention and protection according to God’s plan. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you very much, Roy. God’s decisions are God’s decisions and it is not up to us to second-guess them based on our own incomplete information. He sees the big picture and knows exactly who He wants to use and why. At least that’s what I believe. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 You are so right, Michael. There are neither accidents nor coincidences. Reply
Cheryl Corey September 17, 2024 Fabulous work, Brian. You had me at “Vector wind deflection?” Another favorite line for me is “I would not fain be swallowed by a whale.” What’s scary now is that if two novices can come this close to killing Trump, imagine what our enemies may be thinking or plotting. Reply
Lannie David Brockstein September 18, 2024 Cheryl, if it can be reasonably said that those two failed assassination attempts by Left supremacist lunatics were a blessing in disguise, it is because they have ruined any chance of President Trump being assassinated by professional assassins due to his security detail now being properly enhanced, along with his no longer taking anymore unnecessary risks such as playing golf on a commercial golf course that cannot be fully secured. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Lannie, I truly hope you are correct and that the Left is done with these poisonous attempts to stop Trump and his 80,000,000 supporters (probably far more these days!) The Left’s conscienceless willingness to impose their views on the rest of us is breathtaking and mind-numbing. Just today I saw a Facebook meme on point: “Liberals: If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the Electoral College, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech we could save democracy.”
Brian A. Yapko September 18, 2024 Thank you so much, Cheryl! I’m glad that the phrasing pleased you and I’m especially glad that you liked my Jonah reference. He was another one of those flawed people in the Bible who did some foolish things, paid the price and yet was used by God to advance His will — big time! Your comment about “what our enemies may be thinking or plotting” is the stuff of nightmares. What a world we live in! Reply
Patricia Redfern September 18, 2024 Greeting, Brian! Your likes are more thsn compelling and crafted with an artist’s pen! There is a profound humilty, I sense in you. More delightfully, your soul sings with shining gratitude and wonder. I am seeing DJT for the second time on Rumble today. How does he have such courage? 19,000 today at a rally! The Teamsters would not endorse Ms.Harris. They always endorse the left! Profound write, Brian. 6:15 pm PST 9/18/2024 Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 19, 2024 Greetings, Patricia! Thank you so much for this kind comment on a subject which is of great importance to me. I stand with you in amazement at Donald Trump’s courage. I’m pleased about the Teamsters and I also heard that 60,000 people showed up for his rally in Long Island at a venue that could only accomodate 16,000. Long Island!! This gives me hope. Reply
Adam Wasem September 19, 2024 Economical and skillful as always, Brian, albeit with a few more archaisms in word choice and syntax than a wider audience would care to swallow, IMHO, albeit fitting for the high church theme, granted. And perhaps that’s just my yen to reach the masses talking. The struggle within the poem reminds me of the old saw about God using highly imperfect men to achieve his purposes. While I’m not as certain as the “I” in the poem about Trump’s Providential blessing, the poem certainly makes you feel the urgency in this election. From your mouth to God’s ears, as they say. Here’s hoping it gets out into the wild. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 19, 2024 Thank you so much for commenting, Adam! And I appreciate very much your zeroing in on language and imagery that is a bit biblical — perhaps even over-the-top. If this second assassination attempt hadn’t taken place I would have continued revising the piece and maybe it wouldn’t come off quite so King Jamesy. But as I said to Margaret above, Trump is a giant of a man and maybe the biblical theme, archaic usage included, is not inappropriate. For better or worse, I own it. If this poem does find life beyond the SCP I would be overjoyed. It was picked up by Whatfinger News a few days ago so that’s encouraging. Reply
C.B. Anderson September 20, 2024 I’m not comfortable with the apotheosis of Donald Trump, but, dammit, something wierd has happened here, and, as Vanukov stated, there are no accidents. Sometimes pawns such as us must learn to be content with signs and suggestions of intervention. The blood on Trump’s ear is a small thing compared to the blood on KH’s hands. Reply
Brian A. Yapko September 20, 2024 I fully agree, C.B. An apotheosis of Trump is contrary to normal intuition I would have on the subject. And yet… no, there are no accidents. Perhaps he is exactly what the times call for. History will judge, but in my view Trump has already demonstrated that he is not only consequential but one for the ages. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi September 20, 2024 No one wants to make Donald Trump a god. In fact, the very conservative Roman Republic loathed the idea of any leader or public figure taking divine attributes to himself. They assigned a slave to ride next to him in a chariot, whispering to the man, over and over, the words “Memento te non esse deum” (Remember that you are not a god). The great thing about Trump is that he is fully and refreshingly human, and at this point in time he is the only hope we have to avoid enduring the dangerously stupid Kamala Harris and the truly tyrannical policies that she will attempt to shove down our throats if elected. Reply