


Andrew Benson Brown has had poems and reviews published in a few journals. His epic-in-progress, Legends of Liberty, will chronicle the major events of the American Revolution if he lives to complete it. Though he writes history articles for American Essence magazine, he lists his primary occupation on official forms as ‘poet.’ He is, in other words, a vagabond.

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14 Responses

  1. James Sale

    An all-round excellent production: the poem, the reading, and the video itself. Very engaging and very relevant too! Well done both.

    • ABB

      Thanks James. I was surprised with some of the panoramic images Chat GPT came up with. Relieves some of the time-consuming burden of visualization.

  2. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Susan, you may have outdone yourself with this magnificent, maleficent poem. How classically great was the intensive reading including the perfect voice for Satan. I never cease to be amazed at your incandescent phrasing and terminology, that as I have told you before is a unique and fascinating blend of American English and English English (like posh from UK speech). My admiration knows no bounds not only for the mellifluous, menacing flow, but for the way you sling your arrows at your intended targeted malefactors.

    • ABB

      Susan is certainly the wordsmith. Mike Bryant suggested I would have a good evil Satan voice, never realized I had a talent for that.

  3. Joseph S. Salemi

    Immaculately done, by both the poet and by ABB. The poem is a devastating dramatic monologue in the voice of an outclassed Satan, who is bowled over by the horrors perpetrated by his human minions. And the visual and auditory accompaniment put together by Andrew is both appropriate and compelling. This a truly memorable piece, and I hope it goes viral.

    • ABB

      YouTube took away several hundred of my views. Recently I’ve noticed they’ve been doing this kind of thing more–throttling down my metrics. Any speculations as to motive are impossible to prove.

  4. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Andrew, I thank you wholeheartedly for bringing my words to life with a deliciously devilish reading and an excellent visual production. You have a gift my poem most certainly benefits from. I’m most grateful.

  5. Brian A. Yapko

    This is absolutely, fiendishly delicious, both words and speech, plus the media is extremely entertaining. Susan, I’ve loved this poem since it first appeared. And Andrew, you chew the scenery. A perfect poetic choice to make into a video and a great collaboration. A most funny if painful commentary on present-day society.

  6. Norma Pain

    Just tuned in after a longish break from the computer screen. Susan, this poem is absolutely one of my favorites of yours (there are many!). It is so fiendishly clever and, all of the sentiments are spot on in describing all that is evil in a relatively small but powerfully rich, segment of society. Andrew does a perfect job of speaking and portraying your creative thoughts. Thank you both.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Norma, it’s always lovely to hear from you and I am especially thrilled that you like my poem. The words are most certainly enhanced by the excellent visuals and delightfully devilish voice of ABB – what a talent he has! I thoroughly look forward to reading more of your spirit-lifting linguistic gems. Thank you very much indeed, my friend!


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