
Feeding the Alligators

The orange king of lava tongue has won.
He sings a spangled song that rings throughout
A plundered land where dreams and gold once sprung.
He’s here to nourish hope and conquer doubt.
The bullet-bitten boomerang is back.
The cackle of the camel is no more.
The gravy train is skidding off its track.
The tusk has tossed the ass upon the floor.

But some won’t buy this pageantry and pomp
Sold at warp speed in a whirl of spin.
If MAGA gods are born to drain the swamp
Their chosen ones should not be mired in sin.
A shill for those who gag and jab and kill
Has sent a bitter, hypodermic chill.



Susan Jarvis Bryant is a poet originally from the U.K., now living on the Gulf Coast of Texas.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

26 Responses

  1. Mary Gardner

    Susan, I love your command of vivid phrases. “The tusk has tossed the ass upon the floor” stopped me in the reading so I could read it again, so good it was. The volta in the last four lines is a worthwhile warning.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mary, thank you very much. I’m glad you liked my tusk-tossing line – I will admit to laughing when I wrote it. What I’m most grateful for is your thoughts on the last four lines. I too believe they’re a worthwhile warning.

      • Saul

        Trump will make sure the remaining 20% of Americans who didn’t take his vax will also get a chance to have Warp Speed cancer or die suddenly. Trump works for the globalists and they want population reductions at Warp Speed.
        Watch “Trump is not on our side”
        153news net

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Thank you, Saul. I believe it pays to search beyond the MSM, and I will. As for the warp-speed jab – “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    Just because someone once worked for Big Pharma doesn’t mean she’s working for them now. Besides, who’s better suited to inform Trump about the shenanigans and deceptions that Big Pharma tries to perpetrate? Someone who has dealt with them knows a lot of first-hand stuff. Wiles is extremely skilled as a supervisor, planner, and coordinator. Trump would have been insane not to name her to be Chief of Staff.

    After World War II, we took plenty of German scientists into our country for our space, jet flight, and weaponry programs, simply because they were the top in their fields in many areas. We didn’t make a moral fuss about the fact that they had once worked for the Nazis. Politics isn’t about catechisms.

    I hope we’re not going to see the sort of thing that is too common after conservative victories — the moral nitpicking among small constituencies about how every little thing now has to be strictly in accord with someone’s rarefied conscience.

    One of the reasons that Trump won this election was that he dumped the pro-life albatross from his platform, with the proper assurance that after the reversal of the Roe-Wade decision the abortion question was no longer a federal one, but purely a state matter now.

    I dread that the pro-life people like Michael Matt will now start a drumbeat about how a national ban on abortion must be instituted, and that they will start howling and screeching about how Trump is “morally required” to do it.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Thank you for responding to my sonnet, Joe. You make some thought-provoking points.

      I agree. “Just because someone once worked for Big Pharma doesn’t mean she’s working for them now.” My concern is not that she worked for them, but when she worked for them. During the scamdemic –during the great reset – during a time when people were maimed and killed by “care” promoted by a government that cared not for the people but for money and power – during a time when Trump chose to throw independent doctors and scientists under the bus in favor of government-appointed “experts” – Susie Wiles was lobbying for, promoting, and strategizing with Big Pharma.

      Besides the German scientists you mention, America also brought in many Frankfurt School scholars who specialized in Hegelian philosophy and Marxist theory. No one should be judged on their origin of birth or their chosen career, only their deeds and intent. We now have first-hand experience of the effects of imported Critical Theory on our universities and our lives in general. Where Susie Wiles is concerned, only time will tell. I am bringing her background to public attention, so we the people know what we’re dealing with before the next plandemic strikes.

      As far as “moral nitpicking” is concerned, I don’t think the creation of a pandemic, the murderous hospital protocols (and especially the forced gagging, lockdown, and vaccination of billions) could in any reasonable world be described as a “nit” – that evil operation is far larger than a nit and is still the elephant in the room.

      As you know by my poetry, I have always shown support and afforded great respect to Donald Trump. I never write a poem without giving my words a great deal of consideration. This lest-we-forget sonnet is a reminder to be vigilant this time around – whoever the government in power is.

      I wish Trump all the very best and I hope America gets back on track under his watch. The responsibility for our country’s future also lies with we the people. We must NEVER let a government forcibly gag, jab, and imprison us again. I take your point – this new White House chief of staff deserves a fair chance. The people also deserve to know the facts – facts the MSM are loath to cover.

    • Peg

      I agree whole heartedly, Mr Salemi… thank you!
      Our past cannot define us, thank God.

  3. Yael

    Susan, only you could have articulated so beautifully what I’ve been thinking. I’ve had a “hypodermic chill” since I was a vaccine damaged toddler. It may also be in my DNA, since half of my ancestors voted for the guy who promised to make Deutschland great again, and the other half split in a hurry before the door to the promised land slammed shut in their faces. I’m watching from the gallery and I’m not buying. Thank you for another delightful poem which has brightened my day.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Yael, I thoroughly appreciate your comment. You bring a wealth of invaluable wisdom and experience to the site, and I am very sorry to hear of your personal horror with vaccines. Hearing about your family’s political choices and seeing how those sorts of choices tear relationships apart, makes me remember a quote I heard that goes something like this: we have to live life fowards, but we can only understand it backwards. I don’t like big surprises, which is why I read about everything from all sources… and still I’m shocked.

      I’m thrilled my poem has brightened your day – I’m sure it will bring a dark cloud of doom to others’ doorsteps… such is the nature of the subject I tackle. My muse can be a tad testing.

      • Yael

        The forwards and backwards of time has fascinated me ever since I read the German translation of One Hundred Years Of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez, as a teenager. I didn’t read the Bible until I was in my mid thirties, and I was immediately struck by how the history was written in advance. It’s something I play with in my own life a lot. Norman Blake & Tony Rice published the song Back In Yonder’s World, which to me expresses this idea quite beautifully:

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Thank you very much for this, Yael – what a poignant and beautiful song. I read Márquez’s “Love in the Time of Cholera” in my twenties. Your comment has inspired me to read “One Hundred Years of Solitude.” Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” touches on the passage of time and its significance – I found this book compelling way back then. The Bible really is the prime example of history being written in advance. I’m three quarters of the way through a complete re-read, and it speaks to me far more clearly in my mature years than it did in my youth. I’m humbled by it and realize just how little I know.

  4. Warren Bonham

    Skillfully crafted and eye-opening. I knew nothing about the background of Susan Wiles. The biggest issue with the first Trump administration was the fact that he surrounded himself with swamp-dwellers. I sure hope he learned his lesson but you’ve raised some early alarm bells here.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Thank you very much, Warren, for your appreciation of my poem. You get straight to my point with, “The biggest issue with the first Trump administration was the fact that he surrounded himself with swamp-dwellers.” If only the majority of the public knew the wicked history of Fauci, they might well have ignored his “expert” advice and looked to the honest, unpaid experts who signed the Great Barrington Declaration instead.

      Susie Wiles’ job will be to select senior White House staffers and supervise their offices’ activities, control the flow of people into the Oval Office, decide who gets to see the president, negotiate with Congress and manage much of the rest of the Executive Office of the President. This means she shapes the president’s and the public’s thinking with the people she selects to have a voice.

      This is precisely why the likes of Fauci had so much power. The people’s thoughts were shaped by biased and bogus information. Taking a good look at Susie Wiles’ background is (to my mind) essential. As the contrived and cruel Covid plandemic taught many – ignorance certainly isn’t bliss. I will be watching the political arena very closely and saying a firm “NO” to anything that looks remotely like manipulation to further the World Economic Forum’s globalist agenda.

  5. Mike Bryant

    Susan, first of all, this sonnet is perfectly written.

    You have been warning us about the predations of the Military/Medical Industrial Complex for years. During Covid, the first attempt at the Great Reset, we often talked about “PUSHBACK.” The Society of Classical Poets has always been where that’s possible, thanks to Evan Mantyk. I’ve tried to do my part, but you have never faltered in calling out the outright crimes against freedom perpetrated by bad actors around the world. Yes, this is a worldwide attempt to take us into serfdom. They haven’t stopped and they won’t stop. Thank God you haven’t and you won’t. I am right there with you.

    The graphic at the top of the page is particularly instructive. Why do we have Public Relations / Lobbyist firms (paid for by taxpayers) working to spin the sins of the Democrats, the Republicans, the Department of Defense, the Department of State, The United Nations Foundation, GAVI (The Vaccine Alliance), Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Monsanto, Bill Gates and, perhaps most troubling of all, Nanobiosym?

    Jeffrey Tucker of the Brownstone Institute documents some of the planning for the Great Reset in an article here:
    From his article:

    In four years of research, and encountering truly shocking documents and evidence of what happened in the Covid years, this one certainly ranks up at the top of the list of totalitarian schemes for pathogenic control prior to vaccination. It is quite simply mind-blowing that such a scheme could ever be contemplated.
    Who wrote it? What kind of deep institutional pathology exists that enabled this to be contemplated? The CDC has 10,600 full-time employees and contractors and a budget of $11.5 billion. In light of this report, and everything else that has gone on there for four years, both numbers should be zero.

    As co-chair of Mercury during Covid, Susie Wiles helped her clients sell the lies. We have talked to some of those who bought, and still buy, the lies in the comments under your poems.

    And now, some good news from twitchy:

    A Texas woman jailed for operating her salon despite COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns is moving from the big house to the state house.
    Shelley Luther was ordered to jail for seven days in 2020 after Dallas County judge found her guilty of civil and criminal contempt of court, according to Fox 4 Dallas.
    Luther had refused to shutter the business during lockdown. She was only released from jail after the personal intervention of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
    Now, however, she’s moving to the Lone Star state legislature, where she was elected this week to represent the northeast 62d district. Luther, a Republican, defeated Democrat Tiffany Drake with roughly 75% of the vote.

    Every little overstepping of authority must be immediately called down and then rectified in order to conquer the larger crimes.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mike, thank you. As one who has witnessed the grief of two friends who lost their husbands to money-making hospital protocols, and the death of others after receiving the jab – people need to keep a very close eye on who is choosing the voices the president and the people hear. I’m uncomfortable with the extremely successful voice behind the evil deeds of Big Pharma. Let’s hope President Trump does his own research this time, and listens to ALL the doctors and scientists, not just the ones steered in the direction of his ear.

  6. Margaret Coats

    Susan, you are correct to issue this warning. We forget that political policy decisions are ethical decisions! Even if it be a partisan decision about the best policy a party can follow, the choice of what is best is grounded in the decider’s ethics.

    Donald Trump has admitted to serious mistakes in personnel decisions during his first term. He chose some incompetent individuals and some disloyal ones to carry out his policies. This could happen again. His opponents will surely scream for such persons not to be fired. There is every reason for well-wishers to air their views about those being hired.

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      Policy decisions are not about ethics. Policy decisions are about power and necessity.

      The United States (like every major nation on this planet) carries out political assassinations when necessary. These are extra-legal, extra-judicial, and extra-ethical. But they have to be done. Ask the Israelis.

      What Trump has to keep in mind is this: Personnel is policy. You must only hire people you trust, and people who are personally loyal to your worldview and your policy decisions. Nobody else.

      • Susan Jarvis Bryant

        Joe, a few years back I would have agreed with every word of your comment. The huge event that changed my mind was Covid and the Great Reset. When your own government targets its people for ruin, a keen eye on the warp-speed guy is absolutely vital. When your own government cooks up a money-spinning eugenics scheme with Big Pharma and their worldwide experiment on humankind, and a co-chair for the company who assisted in making these liars rich, is hired to run the White House – the least we the people can do is keep an eye on things. If we are aware the second time around, maybe we can stop the collapse of the economy, lockdowns, masking, experimental jabbing, and silencing before they start.

        Fauci was a key figure in making decisions that were extra-legal, extra-judicial, and extra-ethical, but they weren’t against our enemies. They were against us. Many have died and been maimed as a result. Susie Wiles was working for the very people Fauci was forcing on us. She may be a great choice. Only time will tell.

        I realized when I wrote this poem, I may make many unhappy. So be it.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Thank you, Margaret. I believe everything should be grounded in the truth, which is why I’m constantly disappointed with politics and religion – frequent bedfellows.

  7. Mark Stellinga

    I share your pessimism, Susan. As good of overall job as he managed in his first term, all the while hampered by the Faucis, the Barrs, the Roves, et., etc., etc – with what he’s learned the hard-hard-hard way concerning building a totally trustworthy team, I’m confident far better days lie ahead, provided, that is, the continuous assassination attempts we can expect are thwarted. Wray has to go first thing and be investigated by Trump’s new appointee. Fingers crossed –

    • Joseph S. Salemi

      I remember back in 1970, when President Nixon fired that disloyal creep Wally Hickel. The leftist press and media moaned and groaned and made out Hickel to be some kind of heroic martyr.

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Mark, thank you. It’s fingers crossed from me as well. I sincerely hope Trump has “learned the hard-hard-hard way concerning building a totally trustworthy team” – I wish him every success!

  8. Dan Tuton

    Susan, what a brilliantly written poem! I’ll leave it to the other respondents to hash out the present controversy (while simply stating that my own aging father-in-law was one of the very first New Mexico fatalities of pre-vaccine Covid), and simply say how much I appreciate your crisp, alliterative, humorous presentation of a salient issue in a complex time. Thank you!

    • Susan Jarvis Bryant

      Dan, thank you so much for your most encouraging and appreciative words on my sonnet. I had a burning urge to write about this subject. I like to inject a little joy into every topic I choose to address, and the fact you homed in on the creative elements (especially the glimmer of humor) in my poem makes me very happy indeed.

      I would also like to say how sorry I am to hear you lost your father-in-law. This is indeed a complex time… a very cruel one. I am certain the extent of this Covid-era criminality will be covered up for many years to come… but the truth will out – it always does. Thanks again.


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