
Speak Loud God’s Praise

—to the tune of Ellacombe
(“I Sing the Mighty Power of God”)

Speak loud the praise of God most high!
__Give thanks for He is good!
Let those who know His power to save
__Be first to speak the word.
God’s power is seen in ocean depths.
__The surging waters show
That God commands the wind and waves.
__He speaks; His voice they know.

No matter how the storms of life
__May cause our faith to fail,
There is no place where we may go
__That God does not control.
Our courage melts, our hearts are faint,
__We stagger under stress.
Still, God will hear our faintest cry;
__He knows and does what’s best.

The rest and quiet God provides,
__The peace that knows no bounds,
The haven of His steadfast love
__Puts life on solid ground.
Speak loud the praise of God most high!
__His wondrous works declare!
May His renown fill all the world,
__For with Him none compares.



Rusty Rabon lives in Cayce, SC. He has spent over forty years in Christian ministry as a pastor, worship leader, and radio broadcaster, and continues to serve as an itinerant preacher and worship leader in the Church of the Nazarene in South Carolina.  He has two self-published books of devotionals: DO ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD: A Lenten Journey through First Corinthians, and LIFT UP YOUR VOICE AND SING: Devotional Readings and Hymns for Advent and Christmas. Both are available in the bookstore at lulu.com.

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

10 Responses

  1. T.M.

    Rusty: Thank you for this powerful hymn! What encouragement is contained here, and what helpful reminders of the larger unseen reality within which we live and move and have our being. I found singing it even more joyous than reading it. Thanks, my friend.

    T. M.

  2. Roy Eugene Peterson

    This song should be destined for hymnals of all denominations. Glorious and meaningful. A joy to sing in praise.

  3. V. Paige Parker

    What a beautiful hymn! I love it! The form is fitting with the weaving of tetrameter and trimeter lines. I especially admire the phrases, “There is no place where we may go / That God does not control” and “The haven of His steadfast love / Puts life on solid ground.” I also rejoice that your hymn gives glory to. God! Well done!

  4. Cynthia Erlandson

    This energetic text fits both the mood and meter of “Ellacombe” very well.

  5. Gigi Ryan

    Dear Rusty,
    This is a victorious hymn. The tune you chose suits your text; I enjoyed singing it in my head. Your words flow perfectly to Ellacombe. Thank you for this delight!

  6. George Winger

    What a beautiful piece. What a wonderful way to praise God.
    Thank you for your work

  7. Yael

    Amen! Great praise hymn, and good job fitting it in with Ellacombe. I just tested it with fiddle and voice and it sounds nice.


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