
A Present Unclaimed

Under the tree is a present unclaimed
Paper and ribbon and bows, good to go.
Who is it for? “Who it’s from” isn’t named.
Where is the tag? No one here seems to know!

“Maybe,” Mom says, “There’s a misunderstanding.”
“Bet it’s a joke,” says young Rob with a frown.
“Somebody open it!” Papa’s demanding.
“Dinner is ready. It’s time to sit down.”

Mom says, “Relax, dear, the dinner can wait.”
“Look,” Papa says, “We’ve been opening stuff
“Since we got up at a quarter to eight.
“It’s almost Noon, so enough is enough!”

“Thanks for the presents,” says Rob with groan,
“Christmas is over, I’m ready to eat.”
“First,” Papa says, “put away your iPhone.
“Then, when it’s off, we can all take a seat.”

“No!” shouted Susie, who just has turned ten,
“Open the present first, see what’s inside.”
“Okay,” said Papa, “Let’s do it, but then
“Dinner is served, and I’m fit to be tied!”.

“Oh, I forgot,” interrupted Rob, blurting.
“There is a football game starting at Noon.
“Let’s see if Kelse and Swifty are flirting;
“Which player’s face looks most like a raccoon!”

“Don’t be sarcastic!” says Mom with a grin.
“You can’t stand football, you say that it’s dumb.”
“All of this talk’s getting under my skin,”
Papa says, downing a short shot of rum.

Susie is frowning, “The present is waiting!
“Forget the football! Just open it up.”
“Okay,” says Rob, with a voice that is grating.
“Maybe a kitten’s inside, or a pup.”

Rob tears the bow, then the ribbon’s untied.
Rips off the paper and lifts up the lid.
“Empty!” Rob cries, “Only paper inside,
“Wait! I found something that someone has hid!

“What did you find?” Papa asks. “Who’s it for?”
“Hold it up higher,” Mom says. “Let me see!”
“It’s only Jesus,” Rob sighs. “Nothing more.
“Part of our manger scene by the TV.”

“Who would put Jesus inside of a box?”
Rob is confused. Susie says, “It was me.
“Sweaters and underwear, t-shirts and socks,
“Can’t take the place of what Christmas should be!”

“I took him out from the creche yesterday.
“None of you noticed that Jesus was gone,
“None of you noticed last night or today.
“And we’ve been up since this morning at dawn!

“Not only that, no one’s mentioned his name!
“Might as well lock him outside the front door.
“Jesus—left out as if he never came!
“We’ve all forgotten what Christmas is for!”

Papa turns red, not with anger, but shame.
“Susie,” he says, “you have done the right thing.
“Christmas is not about watching a game.
“Christ is the reason the angel choirs sing.”

So, ‘round the table, each holding a hand,
Bowing their heads, Papa offers a prayer:
“God bless this food; help us all understand
“Christmas is Christmas when Jesus is there.”



James A. Tweedie is a retired pastor living in Long Beach, Washington. He has written and published six novels, one collection of short stories, and four collections of poetry including Sidekicks, Mostly Sonnets, and Laughing Matters, all with Dunecrest Press. His poems have been published nationally and internationally in both print and online media. He was honored with being chosen as the winner of the 2021 SCP International Poetry Competition.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

11 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    What a great way to teach us, one and all, of the real meaning of Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. Mary Gardner

    A funny beginning, a stark volta, and a happy ending – Pastor James, this poem has given us a good reminder without being preachy about it. I enjoyed it very much.

  3. James A. Tweedie

    Ty, Mary. I suspect that your home has kept Christ in Christmas where he belongs! And thanks for the nifty summary outline of the poem. May we all experience a happy ending to our Christmas Day celebrations!

  4. Jeff Eardley

    Wonderful to read and lots of fun. We seem to have lost the Christian message over here. You have reminded us of what this time of year used to be about. It’s a privilege to share today’s SCP with such illustrious poetic talent.

  5. James A. Tweedie

    Ty, Jeff. It’s all too easy to forget why we celebrate Christmas in the first place! Just as so many people try to live a “Christian” life while rejecting Jesus. Sad but true.

  6. Paul Freeman

    A timely reminder that Xmas is more than presents and eating and drinking and TV.

  7. Margaret Coats

    “A little child shall lead them.” Good story illustrating mistaken pre-occupations of the holy day, James, and a fine one-liner to conclude. Blessings for the new year to come!

  8. Adam Sedia

    This is a fully-developed story complete with characterization that achieves its purpose more successfully than I think it could as prose. I like how you leave the title open-ended to engage us until the very end.

    • James A. Tweedie

      Ty, Adam. May your holiday season be blessed and your new year filled with challenges that bring joy to others as well as you and your family.


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