
Magna Lex

—to the choirmaster, a Psalm (19) of David.



The heavens herald God’s resplendency;
The skies above display his artistry.
By day the discourse spills like falling rain;
Deep verities the night’s dim lights explain.

There is no language, not a jangling word,
No resonance, no sound that can be heard.
And yet their message tours across the earth
With missives sent throughout its massive girth.

Therein God set a shelter for the sun
That will emerge to make its circuit run
As does a bridegroom from his chamber bed,
And as a champion racing on ahead.

It rises from the distant heavens’ end
And to the far extremity does wend
Its circuit’s course, accomplished and complete,
And nothing can be hidden from its heat.



Yahweh’s Torah is the perfect moor;
__It bids the soul arise.
Yahweh’s testimony is secure;
__It makes the simple wise.

Yahweh’s statutes map the proper tour;
__They reap a joyful prize.
Yahweh’s mandates are refined and pure;
__They radiate the eyes.

Yahweh’s fearfulness will ever endure
__As clear, azurean skies.
Yahweh’s rulings are steadfast and sure,
__A righteous enterprise.



These are to be desired far more than gold
And coveted beyond the gold that’s best.
And sweeter they, than honey’s sweet threshold,
The drippings from a honeycomb’s arrest.

Moreover, they will give your servant pause;
Adhering to them reaps a grand reward.
But who can understand my faults and flaws?
Absolve me from my hidden sins, my Lord!

Withhold your servant from presumptuous wrongs;
Do not allow their power over me.
Then, guiltless, I can join your blameless throngs,
Acquitted of the foulest felony.

Now let the words, the sayings from my lips,
And the deliberations of my heart
Be pure in your sight under your eclipse,
Oh Yahweh, Rock, Redeemer, my Rampart.



Jeff Kemper has been a biology teacher, biblical studies instructor, editor, and painting contractor. He lives in York County, Pennsylvania.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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10 Responses

  1. T. M. Moore

    Jeff: Well done. I encourage you to continue creating new settings for the Psalms and other portions of Scripture. I’m persuaded that this is one way to attract more people to the Word, when they are able to delight in it through poetic renderings such as yours. Please do more of this kind of excellent work. T. M.

  2. Roy E. Peterson

    This is a beautiful and faithful poetic rendition of Psalm 19. I have written a few poems on other Psalms and am mesmerized by your wonderfully adept writing.

  3. Cynthia Erlandson

    This is a wonderfully impressive poetic paraphrase of this Psalm! “And yet their message tours across the earth….” is especially exciting and lovely. I agree with T.M. that it would be great if you do more of these. (Perhaps even set some to hymn tunes?)
    Just yesterday I happened to re-read your “Three Death Musings”, which is truly marvelous!

    • Jeff Kemper

      Well, thank you very much, Cynthia! I have completed 16 Psalms so far and a number of other passages. As for accompanying music, I fear that may be beyond my talents. I have thought of submitting some poems to someone with such an ability.

  4. Satyananda Sarangi

    Dear Jeff,

    When beauty, divinity and spirituality are put together, we get a masterpiece like this poem. This made my week.

    Best wishes!

  5. Margaret Coats

    Jeff, this is a wonderfully thoughtful rendition of one of the most beautiful of psalms. This one is often presented as a two-part poem; you’ve made it three, with each of the three portions contributing distinctly to the whole. Glad to see your work on a project that is intrinsically of the highest worth, precisely because every psalm is divinely inspired.


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