
Anticipating President Trump’s Golden Age

Unburdened from that which has recently been.
An era of progress about to begin.

Mending the messes afflicting our nation.
Ending the slow California-cation.

Money for groceries, and eggs by the crate.
Payments to credit cards, never made late.

Dining, at times, at a fine restaurant.
Freedom to purchase the car that we want.

Swapping our cloth coats for ones made of leather.
Living the dream, as we prosper together.

Artfully dealing with those on The Hill.
Passing a single big, beautiful bill.

Spending without every snout in the trough.
Cutting out waste, when decisions are tough.

Curbing the debt that our kids will inherit.
Hiring for jobs based on nothing but merit.

Telling disruptors, “Go pack up. You’re fired!”
Letting the best and the brightest be hired.

Purging with urgency from the Deep State.
Shutting down censors who shut off debate.

Prison for perps, not political foes.
Borders with laws on who comes and who goes.

Making America healthy… and thinning!
A leader who never grows tired of winning.

Vision and values that mirror my own.
Loving our country and making it known.

Yearning for peace as we’re turning the page.
Joy as we enter a new Golden Age.



Mark F. Stone worked as an attorney (active duty and civil service) for the United States Air Force for 33 years and is retired. He began writing poems in 2005, as a way to woo his bride-to-be into wedlock. His poems have been published by The Epoch Times, Light, Lighten Up Online, The Ohio Poetry Association, The Road Not Taken: The Journal of Formal Poetry, Ric Edelman’s The Truth About Your Future podcast, and the Seeking Alpha Alpha Picks podcast.

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21 Responses

  1. Cynthia Erlandson

    “Ending the slow” (but speeding up) “Californiacation”, indeed! This is wonderful, Mark — it has me smiling, as did last night’s rally, and as will today’s historic inauguration.

    • Mark F. Stone

      Cynthia, Thank you. Three smiles in a row is a great way to start a new administration! Mark

  2. Phil S. Rogers

    Excellent++++ Every line makes an important point for the change we so badly need. A historic day for America. Thank you Mark!

  3. Gigi Ryan

    A grand poem for a grand day. May this next season be as beautiful as your words describe.

  4. Roy Eugene Peterson

    That is a great poem with each couplet of primary significance and hope!

  5. Joseph S. Salemi

    One of President Trump’s very first executive orders will be to formally repudiate our participation in the stupid Paris Climate Accords. He will tell the goddamned Europeans to shove their environmentalist treaty up their derrieres.

    • Paul A. Freeman

      What a shame that Felon Trump admits to global warming in his quest to annex / invade Greenland, where the melting sheet ice is opening up areas of other people’s abundant natural resources, as well as waterways to circumvent Panama’s Panama Canal (soon to be the ‘Canal of America’, perhaps), yet he denies global warming when it suits him.

      • Joseph S. Salemi

        Paul. we all know that fictions like “climate change” and “global warming” are parts of your fundamentalist left-liberal religion. But is there any need for you to preach such dogmas here?

        You know very well that the SCP is heavily dominated by persons who disagree with you, and yet you take every opportunity to insult them and their leaders. Is that what your types call “dialogue” and “having a conversation”?

        Yes, we will take Greenland because of strategic and military necessity (as we did in World War II), and we will take the Panama Canal out of the hands of the CCP.

        We know this goes against the tenets of your religion, but we’re going to do it anyway.

      • Mike Bryant

        Alan Dershowitz, a prominent attorney and legal scholar, has consistently maintained that Donald Trump is not a convicted felon. In an interview with Newsmax, Dershowitz stated, “I will never call Donald Trump a convicted felon… You can’t be a convicted felon if there’s no crime, and there is no crime.”

        Following Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts, Dershowitz criticized the verdict, describing it as the “worst legal verdict I’ve seen in 60 years.”

        He further commented that the jury “got it completely wrong.”

        Despite the conviction, Dershowitz’s position underscores his belief that the legal proceedings lacked merit, and he does not acknowledge Trump as a convicted felon.

        Apparently, though, Dershowitz must have it wrong because I know of a school teacher/troll in a third world country (oops, I mean an LDC) that is positive that President Trump IS a felon. I guess he has to pop off somewhere since there is no freedom of speech in the Sahara.

      • Brian A. Yapko

        Mike, you’re wasting your breath. Neither evidence nor legal consensus is going to interfere with Paul’s obnoxious and unhinged desire to attack our new president, no matter how discredited the basis. I just can’t figure out why a non-citizen living in Africa is so invested in telling Americans what to think, or why he chooses a conservative-leaning poetry site to do so when he knows it will offend 95% of the poets and readers. It’s breathlessly arrogant. I must start going on Mauritanian-poetry sites and start criticizing the Mauritanian president. After reading the Wikipedia article on Mauritanian politics, they actually seem far more interesting than American politics. Maybe I’ll write a poem. Maybe a series of poems because I’ve been thinking a lot lately about that treasonous Felon Gandhi, that treasonous terrorist Felon Mandela, that treasonous espionage conspirator Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and that recidivist criminal who was imprisoned 29 times, Dr. Martin Luther King.

  6. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mark, what a superb poem for an historic day in America. I love the use of that infamous word “unburdened” in the opening line, and oh how you throw it back in the faces of those who have burdened we the people with the “new normal”. This is a poem of triumph and hope. I wish the triumphant President Donald J. Trump all the very best and hope with all my heart he makes America great again! Mark, thank you!

    • Mark F. Stone

      Susan, Yes, triumph and hope were my goals. I appreciate your kind words! Mark

  7. Norma Elizabeth Okun

    The best thing about America is the government is like a revolving door it does not govern America. America is owned by the people who vote, care and love their country. We welcome continuity and change for the better.


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