
Our National Precipice

The time has come for all good men
To recognize our nation’s end.
We have been silent much too long,
Just caught up in a siren’s song.

That song, that beckons our demise,
Brought on by fools that think they’re wise.
They spend our wealth without regard
For how it will our growth retard.

Inclusion is but just one theme
dividing us with a false dream.
And equity is false as well,
Installing it has been pell-mell.

Our press has lost its role as well.
Not sharing truth, I’m sad to tell.
It cowers to the power base
And does its best to taint the race.

Our halls of learning have been lost
To those that disregard the cost.
Corrupting youth that toe the line,
Insuring they’re forever blind.

That youth someday shall lead us forth
With ignorance, for what it’s worth.
Our nation will no longer be
What does survive, I cannot see.

The future shall be one of pain,
Where efforts go without much gain.
But rest assured that those who rule
Will always be in better gruel.

And rights we’ve known in years long gone
Will be a memory we mourn.
We now look back but fail to see
The threat that conquered you and me.



Kenneth Horne resides in Fort Collins, Colorado.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

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4 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Kenneth, your excellent depiction is both real and frightening. Unlike Jeremiah crying in the wilderness, you have reached out to us brothers and sisters mostly of like mind and fears that “The National Precipice” has not only been reached, but we are hanging over the edge.

  2. Mark Stellinga

    Great job, Kenneth – I’m betting big you’re a rightly frustrated, rightly-leaning gentleman, like myself, and most, by far of us here at the SCP. Points well made, and well taken, all…

  3. Pamela Ruggiero

    Hi, Kenneth

    I could not tell while reading this whether you were right oriented or Left oriented. It all depends on what expenses you’re talking about. There is excess on both sides.

    And you talk about suppression. In this case, I think you’re talking about far right leaning publications and comments being suppressed or attempting to be suppressed.

    When you talk about expenses, that’s where I felt your right leaning perspective

    As for the poem itself, it’s excellent, but you will later see things by me. I hope that are more left-leaning.

    I believe that it doesn’t matter in the end whether you’re left or right leaning as long as you’re a good person

  4. Margaret Brinton

    Your fears for our nation’s future are shared by many , including me.


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