
Aged Elation

When reaching that age where you fear getting slow,
The advent of faculties starting to go,
It’s great inspiration—you can’t ask for more—
To figure out something you couldn’t before.




We aren’t blessed with complete compatibility.
At times I’m not so sweet; you more than challenge me.
But we’re blessed everyday, from all that we’ve been through.
My words help light your way, while I’ve found strength in you.



Too Soft

When lunacy they push completely fails,
The Left’s practitioners will huff and puff,
And swear their policies flew off the rails,
Because they simply weren’t pushed hard enough.



Capturing the Truth

We must capture the truth as we see it,
Since as poets that’s simply our role,
And if feelings get hurt then so be it,
For the truth is beyond our control.



Russel Winick recently started writing poetry after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

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8 Responses

  1. Mark Stellinga

    Whimsical pieces with meaningful messages, Russel, always a delight to confront. Nice way to start the week – well done – all – 🙂

  2. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Each perceptive poem has a magical and crystal-clear message that makes us both smile and contemplate. 1.) “Aged Elation” certainly has been a part of my later years in life. The problem is I cannot do much about them anymore. 2.) “Adaptation” is a wonderful thought about the result of two souls bonding. 3.) “Too Soft” is a great description of the self-deception of the left. 4.) “Capturing the Truth” is the perfect summation of some will feel about the truth. These are all concise, clever, inspired poems of substance.

  3. Paul A. Freeman

    It is quite amazing the variety of things we can learn from. Often we don’t take a moment to stop and dwell on these little daily epiphanies.

    Complete compatibility would indeed be tedious. Unfortunately, too much polarisation abounds these days – even the spelling of ‘polarisation’ is polarised.

    Alas, lunacy isn’t exclusively the preserve of one side or the other.

    I fully agree that poets should capture the truth as they see it. It’s a pity we often belittle each other over a truth that’s so obvious.

    Thanks for the bite-size wisdom, Russel.

  4. Margaret Coats

    Russel, just yesterday I had to figure out how to get a new LED tube into the overhead kitchen light fixture. What elation to see it work when I turned on the switch! I did not risk falling because I had also figured out a crafty new means of using the step stool, and I adaptively lighted my husband’s way by saving him the trouble of doing the job with an injured shoulder. See how well your poems apply to real life!

  5. Russel Winick

    Congratulations on getting that great feeling, Margaret! Truthfully, I don’t get it very often, because my wife is great at the many things I’m lousy at, so she just takes care of them, including putting new LED tubes into overhead kitchen light fixtures!


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