
A Summer Evening

The sky begins to cloak its face,
Removing every streak of red.
Above, two weary flyers trace
The way back to their bough-held bed.

A boy, awash with joy, returns
Soil-vested from a football field.
To celebrate the victory earned,
He swaggers with his pride revealed.

Along the lined tobacco stands,
Job-holders at long last release
Workloads with cigarettes in their hands,
Exhaling little rings of peace.

Now earthen lamps begin to glow
In homes—it’s time for evening prayer.
Sweet wafts of scented incense flow,
Cleansing the jaded summer air.

first published by Third Wednesday



Shamik Banerjee is a poet from Assam, India, where he resides with his parents. His poems have been published by Sparks of Calliope, The Hypertexts, Snakeskin, Ink Sweat & Tears, Autumn Sky Daily, Ekstasis, among others. He received second place in the Southern Shakespeare Company Sonnet Contest, 2024.

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2 Responses

  1. Paul A. Freeman

    A lovely snapshot of life.

    Loved the description of the birds, especially.

    Thanks for the read, Shamik.

  2. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Wonderful imagery of “A Summer Evening” in India with the sights, sounds, and smells invigorating the senses. I almost felt as though I was there.


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