Zelensky, Trump, and Vance (The White House)‘Zelensky Gets a Hard Lesson’: A Poem by Joseph S. Salemi The Society March 1, 2025 Culture, Poetry 34 Comments . Zelensky Gets a Hard Lesson Zelensky comes strutting, in hope of a payout— Trump and young J.D. are trusting that he’ll Accept their diplomacy’s well-crafted layout Of how the Ukraine needs a cease-fire deal. Zelensky has burned through a mountain of dollars— (Three hundred billion is what he’s received). But here in the White House he argues and hollers How that’s not enough, and he’s angry and peeved. Trump says “You’re not thinking of your shattered nation— Your country’s a shambles, and that is the truth. To fight on is only a sick prolongation Of bloodshed and death for Ukrainian youth.” Zelensky, alas, is not used to straight talking— (In Europe the leaders all kiss the guy’s ass). His normal response is to heighten his squawking If he isn’t treated like Hosts at High Mass. That’s when he gets a full cannonade’s thunder As Trump says “Don’t tell us how we have to think. This war you provoked was an imbecile blunder And much worse than that, we are now on the brink Of a World War, and we’re not gonna let it Happen a third time. So just shut your trap. We need a cease-fire. And NATO? Forget it— Zelensky, we’re sick of your posturing crap.” . . Joseph S. Salemi has published five books of poetry, and his poems, translations and scholarly articles have appeared in over one hundred publications world-wide. He is the editor of the literary magazine TRINACRIA and writes for Expansive Poetry On-line. He teaches in the Department of Humanities at New York University and in the Department of Classical Languages at Hunter College. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. Trending now: 34 Responses Brian A. Yapko March 1, 2025 Joe, you must have been on fire to write an excellent poem this quickly on a topic of utmost newsworthiness. You present this amazing scene between Trump, Vance and Zelensky with exceptional accuracy as well as insight. It is refreshing to have a president who actually “tells it like it is” rather than coddles and enables an impossible position. Zelensky has not served his country in this situation. If the U.S. were to actually guarantee military protection to Ukraine (whether individually or through NATO) in the event of some future Russian attack then war between Russia and the U.S. would become inevitable. Such a war would be a disaster for both sides and for Europe. Trump knows this. Clearly. And Trump and the countries that still value rationality over TDS recognize that China would necessarily get involved and almost certainly on the side of Russia. This is what was meant by Trump and Vance cautioning about flirting with World War III. Trump’s offering is much more subtle and much more effective. The U.S. would have a presence in Ukraine for industrial purposes (mining, etc.) — a multi-billion dollar presence. And our very massive investment there would neutralize Russia’s willingness to wage war against Ukraine. A sensible and creative realpolitik solution rather than a forever war or World War III. If only people could get over themselves and their ideological biases long enough to actually run the tape forward. Foreseeability is in short supply on the Left. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Brian, I wrote the poem in a white heat after seeing the live broadcast made from the Oval Office. I was never more proud of Our Guy from Queens County! And J.D. Vance spoke with the same force and precision as he did to those assembled E.U. timeservers recently! What a difference from the mealy-mouthed, sail-trimming, script-reading bureaucrats and speechifiers who make up the rest of the world’s political community. Can you imagine what a cliche-laden, touchy-feely word salad that idiot Kamala Harris would have emitted if she were the President? And imagine the placating, syrupy, make-nice, oh-so-very-British love talk that is being lavished on Zelensky right now by Starmer in 10 Downing Street. This totally unnecessary war in the Ukraine is completely the fault of neocon meddlers in previous American administrations. They orchestrated the 2014 coup, they funded the Maidan demonstrators, they pushed for E.U. and NATO membership for the Ukraine, they encouraged Ukrainian Nazis, and that truly evil, sick bitch Victoria Nuland made sure there was plenty of funding for the forced metamorphosis of the Ukraine into a U.S. sphere of influence, and a rainbow-flag-waving trannie sanctuary. The Ukraine is a natural gateway into Russia. In World War II the German Wehrmacht swept through it easily. Russia has to protect itself against the possibility of the Ukraine becoming a jump-off point for invasion, just as we had to prevent Cuba from becoming a nuclear missile launch pad for the Soviets in 1962. The Russian invasion was inevitable and justified. Reply enzo condello March 2, 2025 yr spot on Joe in yr anaylsis. And yr poem is terrific, saluti Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Mille grazie. Mark Stellinga March 1, 2025 Great job, Joe – this could easily pass for a first-rate Newsmax monolouge! Zelensky’s been schmoozing his way into tax payers’ pockets from the git-go, and I’ve no doubt that somewhere close to half of the Biden-cover-up-portion he sent to Ukraine is now safely hidden in their collective Swiss accounts. Hopefully Kash will quickly find his millions in cash… Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Yes, Zelensky has a net worth of over 500 million dollars. (See Mike Bryant’s link below.) How does a failed comedian and heavy cocaine addict get that much cash? Reply Julia Griffin March 1, 2025 I thought nothing could be more disgusting than the sight of coward Trump and toady Vance insulting that brave man for refusing to buy their unguaranteed support for his country against unprovoked invasion by an evil tyrant, but your “poem” and the responses to it show me I was wrong. Dear God. Dear GOD. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Dear God what? If you say a prayer you ought to finish it. Reply Mia March 1, 2025 In my opinion, the most absolutely disgusting thing is that the world has allowed a war where a million have either died or have been injured. I find that incomprehensible. Where is the media coverage. Where are the demonstrations. The cries of genocide. I can’t help but wonder whether it is because those suffering are mostly Christian. It is much easier to be brave when Zelensky’s family is safe in an undisclosed location. And he is probably so well protected in his pretend, pristine outfit that has never seen action. You would think he would just have had enough , some compassion for his countrymen and would be trying to achieve peace through diplomatic means. May God have mercy. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Mia, the war came about because American neocons wanted it to happen. So did influential globalists, who hate Putin because he refuses to let his nation become prey to a worldwide banking kleptocracy. People of all faiths and opinions are suffering in this pointless war: Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, atheists. Wars have a way of being all-consuming when it comes to the killing and mutilation. As for demonstrations, what enrages me is to see those stupid demonstrators packing the sidewalks near 10 Downing Street to show their support for Zelensky. Maybe they haven’t heard that he has sent over half a million of his young men into a hopeless meat grinder. Paul A. Freeman March 1, 2025 Well put, Julia. Trump Diplomacy Limerick Though Don aimed to show off his clout, by fuming and choosing to shout, the White House’s bully exposed to us fully he’s just an insufferable lout. The Art of… Diplomacy Limerick To jump up and down, shout and scream, some think to an audience may seem a great show of strength, alas, though, at length, you’ll end up an internet meme. Reply Mia March 1, 2025 It isn’t just that Z is out of his depth, as a diplomat he is deeply inept, he has lined his pockets by allowing rockets to kill those he is meant to protect. Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Poor Julia and Paul make a pair — The first with an unfinished prayer, The second by trying To tart up his lying With “facts” that are not really there. Nobody jumped up and screamed — That’s something that Paul Freeman dreamed. Our fellows told Zel He could just go to hell, And Zel’s pious puss came unseamed. People like Julia and Paul Are examples of minds that are small. Their brains only function With sobs of compunction Over what leftist newscasters bawl. Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 You nailed it, Doctor! Zelensky’s gig pays a lot more than his last gig as a comedian… although his begging for money to enable the slaughter of even more Ukrainians, Russians, Britons (if two tier Kier has his way) and potentially, French, American, and… (Place Your Favorite Citizens of Earth Here), could guarantee his joining the ranks of the billionaires getting rich from the bloodshed of our children. https://caknowledge.com/zelensky-net-worth/ And these are LAST years numbers! Peace doesn’t pay… Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 This war is making many people very rich. And that is why they want it to continue, and hopefully ignite another bigger war with Russia. Reply Julia Griffin March 1, 2025 “Dear God” was a cry of despair, not a prayer – despair at the heartlessness, the smug arrogance, the sheet baseness of this government and its stooges. Suppose this country were invaded by a brutal foreign autocrat. Would you clamour for appeasement and sneer at those who asked for justice? If not, you are a hypocrite. If so – well, there are other names for people like you. Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Has it not occurred to you, Julia, from reading all of the information brought up in this discussion thread, that the invasion of Ukraine was the direct result of the instigation of American neocons and their warmongering need to antagonize Russia? Or are you still so mesmerized by the bullshit put out by Mainstream Media that you can’t think clearly? As for your stupid hypothetical case, answer me this: If a hostile foreign power decided to foment trouble for the U.S. in the Florida Keys, or in the coastal islands off Georgia and the Carolinas, would you object to our sending troops there to prevent it? The Ukraine has always been closely associated with Russia and Russian security, and there was no way Russia could ignore the stupid neocon meddling and U.S. subversion that was going on there. There’s also a name for persons like you: a dumb left-liberal sentimentalist. Mia March 2, 2025 Julia , I , like many others believe in free speech. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion as am I. Let us say your opinion was the correct one . That this war should continue because Putin is a tyrant. That the USA and Europe send young men and money to extend this war. Then what. When say ten million are dead and Putin is cornered do you think he would come out with a white flag and surrender. Or might he push a few buttons. And the west knowing this might try to justify and pre-empt this by doing a Nagasaki on St Petersburg. That is the kind of scenario we should be thinking about not the one whether the USA might one day face the same problem . It may or may not. But if it does after carrying out a prolonged war in Europe will it even be able to defend itself. How the enemies of the west will laugh and rub their hands in glee at so much death and destruction. we are entitled to our opinions, but when those opinions mean death and destruction, it behoves us all to debate them vigorously. Thank you for your contribution as I firmly believe that all sides should be heard and examined. Reply Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 The faces of the few that believe war is a winning game… https://x.com/ingrahamangle/status/1895587166937628822?s=61 Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Mike, those faces are frightening. I’m sure that all the government centers of Europe in August 1914 were filled with faces similarly horrid and filled with blood-lust, champing at the bit for slaughter. Yes, the Democrats definitely want a war with Russia. In 2016 Hillary Clinton was actually wet in the crotch at the thought of it. Reply Susan Jarvis Bryant March 1, 2025 Joe, thank you for offering poetic food for thought. I come to this from an English and an American perspective. All the way back to the guy who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his endless warmongering in the Middle East – Tony Blair (George W. Bush’s poodle) who had a lucrative reign in Britain. Most of the rulers of the Western world have continued to ruin countries in the name of “democracy”, while lining their fat-cat pockets and grinning all the way to the banks that rule the world. Are we the people so blind we cannot see the devastation caused by these endless wars – the latest failure being Afghanistan, where the Taliban now rule, and a glut of weapons (left behind on Biden’s watch) is being utilized to nefarious ends? This serves to prove war is a business for those with money in the game. Surely Joe Biden’s subversion of the Ukraine’s democratic process when he got Victor Shokin fired for investigating the corruption of Burisma Oil (most lucrative for Biden and his son) points in that direction. These wars have nothing to do with “democracy”. Yet when Trump (whom I didn’t vote for because I don’t trust any president or prime minister after the horrors of 2020) wants to stop the flow of blood and blood money – all hell breaks loose. I’d like to know why anyone would trust the reasons for war we are sold daily by the bought and paid for media after the fake weapons-of-mass-destruction claim… yet we still listen to the growing-richer-than-Croesus politicians impoverishing the people and pocketing money we’re told will solve problems they created in the first place… problems that never end. Perhaps we should all start following the money instead of our media-plucked heartstrings. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Susan, you are always lucid and incisive in your commentary. And I have to agree that behind all of this sheer madness is money, money, money! The French have an expression, “Cherchez la femme,” which says that a woman is always behind anything that one might find hard to explain. When it comes to these goddamned wars, I think “Cherchez l’argent” might be a more trustworthy guide. Zelensky, who twenty years ago was a complete nobody, has a net worth of over 500 million dollars. This is so staggering that I need a stiff brandy and soda. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson March 1, 2025 Dr. Salemi, the following poem contains my thoughts as a geopolitical and geostrategic thinker. I pray Trump and the administration have chosen the wise way, yet I would be remiss in not critiquing the meltdown and potential results. My primary concern is having a public meltdown that likely emboldens Putin. THE TRUMP-ZELENSKY MELTDOWN By LTC Roy E. Peterson (March 1, 2025) Let’s forget geopolitics and let’s debate Over what is the fashion and who’s looking great. Let’s invest in a nation and leave it to fate While the wolf in sheep’s clothing has opened the gate. Leverage has been lost against tyrants of men By such public displays that eschew acumen. The wolf has been emboldened by us once again To emerge from his shelter and to leave his den. Herr Hitler, of course, knew how to play such a game. Propaganda always will find someone to blame. Build up the Wehrmacht pretending that you are tame Then igniting a torch as the world you inflame. As history tells us, you must meet force with force. We know Chamberlain learned such a lesson, of course. Toothless strategies taken I cannot endorse. The tides of the future will trace to this source. The neo-peacemakers are light in the head. Such cowards they are who from battles have fled. We are back to the fifties, “better red than dead.” While the rest of the world by the wolf is misled. I am not a warmonger, peace lover instead, Yet, force must block force by someone else’s beachhead. The wolf is the winner who loves when sheep have bled. Lord, help us prevent war that we all surely dread. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 LTC Peterson, you are trained in military strategy and geopolitical thinking. I think you must know that any nation’s leadership must not think emotionally or glandularly about making war, or about using feel-good moral categories to judge how war is carried on tactically, in the field. A leader’s job is to protect his country, and that means taking pre-emptive action if necessary to wreck hostile preparations. See what I have written below, in response to Cheryl A. Corey. And then read George Christensen’s powerful article from Nation First (linked to by Mike Bryant) about the horrible history of our meddlesome interference and anti-Russian agitation in the Ukraine, and how it was deliberately done by arrogant neocons to stir up a major war. And then see if you can still tell us that Putin is a “wolf” and a “warmonger.” Stopping Zelensky (and the huge cabal of left-liberals, globalists, kleptomaniac bankers, mainstream media networks, armaments dealers, and verminous neocons that are backing his insane war) is the REAL job of genuine peacemakers today. And part of the task is convincing Zelensky that the Ukraine is NOT a major power, and never will be. Trump and Vance are trying to do that. Reply Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 Zelensky was created by us… yes by the good old taxpayers of the USA. At least, with our money through the Neo-Con War-mongers in BOTH parties. The funny thing… the guys in Ukraine really are the remnants of the Nazis. They’ve never forgiven Russia for winning WWII. Putin is a bad man, yes. But he did not start the war in Ukraine. We did. https://choiceclips.whatfinger.com/2025/03/01/deep-state-scum-using-our-stolen-usaids-money-created-zelensky-with-films-and-propaganda-all-paid-by-you-and-me/ Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Amen to that, Mike Bryant. Zelensky is a pure Made-In-USA product, designed by our intelligence and security agencies to foment a proxy war with Russia, using Ukrainian troops as cannon fodder. Reply Cheryl A Corey March 1, 2025 If anything, Trump’s the only one out there with the courage and vision to propose a plan to end the war. The economic investment, with the backing, power, and prestige of the United States, would have been Ukraine’s “security guarantee”. It says a lot that immediately after being kicked out of the White House, Zelensky immediately high-tailed it to the UK to shake them down for money to continue the war! You could also say that Zelensky is something of a tyrant. He has shut down elections, churches, and free press. Before the meeting with Trump, he met with a “bipartisan” group of Dems and Rhinos, who perhaps tried to coach him on how to deal with Trump and/or led him to believe the US would continue to provide money and weapons. By the way, I’ve read that even before Russia’s invasion, Ukraine was bombing the Russian speakers in the Donbas. We’re not dealing with saints here, and both sides need to give. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. (Kudos to Roy as well for whipping up more verse!) Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Yes, the Ukraine has a strong neo-Nazi element that terrorized the Russian-speaking inhabitants of the Donbas and other eastern parts of the country. Thousands of Russian-speaking inhabitants were killed. It was precisely these murderous acts that constituted the last straw for Putin, and drove him to attack. But the dominant geopolitical facts are these. The Ukraine is an open gate into Russia, made up mostly of low-lying steppes and flat plateaus. Massed armored divisions can cross it easily. Putin, as a competent Russian leader, cannot allow the area to become an E.U. and NATO base, or let it be controlled by a hostile party or power. During the Cold War, we knew that if the Russians had attacked Western Europe through the Fulda Gap in Germany we would be hard pressed to stop them. That’s why we kept the area of the Fulda Gap fully militarized IN OUR FAVOR. All Putin is doing is protecting his country from the machinations of neocon and globalist scum. Reply Julia Griffin March 1, 2025 Such a pity you couldn’t have explained that to Navalny! I’m sure he would have been as edified as I am. But at this point I suspect I’m just talking to a Russian bot. Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Alexei Navalny? You mean the Russian extremist gadfly who was stripped of his “Prisoner of Conscience” status by Amnesty International? You’d better pick your moral heroes more carefully, Julia. If you think I’m a Russian bot, that fine. As for me, I know that you are a brainwashed left-liberal sentimentalist. Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 I have taken the liberty of copying this from a substack article on Nation First, by George Christensen https://nationfirst.substack.com/p/zelenskyys-meltdown-and-a-history Zelenskyy’s Meltdown & a History Lesson Nation First looks behind the blow-up in the White House to see who Zelenskyy really is and whether the mainstream narrative around Ukraine stacks up. MAR 01, 2025 Dear friend, Many would have been shocked to see this—Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the so-called hero of democracy, in an outright shouting match with Donald Trump and JD Vance in the White House. For years, the media painted Zelenskyy as a courageous leader, a beacon of freedom, standing up to Russian “aggression.” But yesterday, the mask slipped. * Zelenskyy’s mask slipped during a fiery confrontation with Trump and JD Vance in the White House, proving he is not a grateful ally but a desperate puppet. * Ukraine has always been historically tied to Russia, and its so-called independence was only ever made possible by Western interference. * The US and NATO deliberately orchestrated Ukraine’s turn against Russia, using coups and propaganda to install a puppet regime that serves their interests. * Zelenskyy is possibly a Western intelligence asset, propped up by globalist elites while enriching himself at the expense of his own people. * The war in Ukraine was never about democracy—it was a Western-provoked disaster meant to weaken Russia, and now that it has failed, Zelenskyy is being cast aside. When Vance asked a simple question—why isn’t Ukraine showing gratitude for the billions of dollars in aid—it triggered an outburst. Zelenskyy, instead of thanking the US for bankrolling his war effort, accused America of not understanding what’s coming. Trump, never one to back down, reminded him exactly where he stands: “You don’t have the cards right now.” And he’s right. Zelenskyy has never been in control of this war. He isn’t some heroic leader calling the shots. He’s a desperate man clinging to power in a crumbling regime, propped up by Western money, Western weapons, and Western propaganda. And now, as Ukraine’s battlefield losses mount, as conscripts are dragged off the streets to fight, as the tide of public opinion in the West shifts—Zelenskyy is panicking. And why wouldn’t he be? He was never the real power in this war. The real architects of this disaster have been sitting in Washington, Brussels, and London, playing their geopolitical games. The war in Ukraine was never about protecting democracy, and it certainly wasn’t “unprovoked.” It was engineered—deliberately—by the West. But to understand that, you need to know the real history of Ukraine and Russia—history the mainstream media will never tell you. The Deep Ties Between Ukraine and Russia The Ukraine and Russia have been bound together for over a thousand years. Kyiv, the modern capital of the Ukraine nation, was once the heart of Kievan Rus, the first great Slavic state, which laid the foundations for Russian civilization itself. When the Mongols destroyed Kievan Rus in the 13th century, Moscow eventually rose to prominence, but the connection between Russians and Ukrainians never disappeared. By the 17th century, the Ukraine was a contested frontier between Poland and Russia. Notice I am saying “the Ukraine”. This is important. The nation of Ukraine is a modern invention. The Ukraine was always considered as being part of greater Russia. In fact, the name Ukraine derives from the Old East Slavic word “ukraina” meaning “borderland” by which they mean the borderlands of Russia. Except, for some time, it was under the control of foreign invaders… and the locals revolted. In 1654, the Ukrainian Cossacks, seeking protection from Polish rule, chose to join Russia in 1654 under the Treaty of Pereyaslav. This wasn’t some act of conquest—the Ukraine’s own leaders asked to be under Russian rule. And why wouldn’t have they; they were practically from the same ethnic stock. For centuries afterward, the Ukraine was an integral part of the Russian Empire, contributing to its military, economy, and culture. Even during the Soviet period, Ukraine, now a nation, wasn’t occupied—it was central to the USSR, producing its leadership, its industry, and its agriculture. Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader who gave Crimea to Ukraine in 1954, was himself Ukrainian. So when Western politicians and media talk about Ukraine as a permanently oppressed nation under Russian rule, they ignore the fact that for most of its history, the Ukraine was a key part of the Russian world. The real division started not because of Russian oppression, but because of Western interference. The West’s Long War Against Russia After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Ukraine became independent. But Washington didn’t see Ukraine as just another new country—it saw it as a tool to weaken Russia. The US and NATO promised Mikhail Gorbachev that they wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward.” That was a lie. NATO quickly swallowed up Poland, the Baltic States, and much of Eastern Europe, bringing its military presence right up to Russia’s borders. Ukraine was the big prize. If NATO could pull Ukraine into its orbit, it would deal a devastating blow to Russia’s security. Moscow made it clear—Ukraine joining NATO was a red line. But the West didn’t care. Instead of letting Ukraine develop as a neutral state between Russia and the West, Washington started pouring billions of dollars into the country, funding pro-Western political groups, media outlets, and NGOs. Their goal? To turn Ukraine against Russia and bring it fully into the Western camp. In 2004, the CIA and State Department backed the so-called “Orange Revolution,” a Western-funded uprising that overturned an election result that had favoured a Russia-friendly candidate. That was their first attempt to hijack Ukraine’s government. But the real turning point came in 2014, when Washington orchestrated an outright coup. The 2014 Coup: How the West Installed a Puppet Regime in Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s democratically elected president, wanted to balance Ukraine between East and West. He rejected a terrible EU trade deal that would have gutted Ukraine’s industry and instead sought closer ties with Russia. That was unacceptable to Washington. What followed was the Maidan coup—not a “people’s revolution,” but a Western-backed takeover. US officials, including Victoria Nuland and John McCain, openly supported the protests. Nuland was caught on a leaked call choosing Ukraine’s next leaders before Yanukovych was even removed. The violent street protests were driven by neo-Nazigroups like the Azov Battalion and Right Sector—groups that openly admire Hitler’s collaborators in Ukraine. Yanukovych fled, and Washington’s hand-picked government took over. One of its first moves? Banning the Russian language in official settings—a direct attack on the millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the east. And that’s when Donbass and Crimea said enough! The War in Donbass: Ukraine’s War on Its Own People The people of Donetsk and Luhansk (also known as the Donbass) didn’t recognise the new, Western-backed regime in Kiev. They held referendums and voted to break away. Crimea, home to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, also held a vote—with over 90% choosing to rejoin Russia. The response from Kiev? Brutal war. Instead of letting the Donbass go, Ukraine launched a military assault. For eight years, the people of Donetsk and Luhansk endured shelling, airstrikes, and blockades. Thousands of civilians died. Where was the Western outrage? Nowhere—because the media ignored it. Ukraine even used Nazi-linked militias like Azov to wage war on these civilians. These groups wore SS symbols, celebrated Nazi war criminals, and committed atrocities. And yet, the West armed them, trained them, and lied about their existence. Zelenskyy: A Western Intelligence Puppet? In 2013, the left-wing Covert Action magazine published an explosive revelation about Zelenskyy that should shock anyone who still believes the mainstream narrative. In October 2020, long before Russia’s military operation, Zelenskyy secretly met with Sir Richard Moore, the head of MI6. Not the British Prime Minister. The head of British intelligence. Diplomatically, that makes no sense. But if Zelenskyy was an MI6 asset, it makes perfect sense. According to Andriy Mishin, a former employee of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, this meeting signified that Zelenskyy was a professional intelligence agent and that Moore was his direct handler, telling him what to do. Since 2020, he has surrounded himself with British—not Ukrainian—security guards. When Zelenskyy visited the Vatican in May 2023, he snubbed Pope Francis and instead spent his time with British Bishop Paul Gallagher. His handler, Sir Richard Moore, was also present. Are we really supposed to believe this is all coincidence? And if Zelenskyy is an intelligence asset, then his entire presidency—his entire persona—is an illusion crafted for Western audiences. And that brings us to his rise to power. Hollywood Presidency: How Zelenskyy Was Manufactured Before he was president, Zelenskyy was a comedian—a TV actor in a scripted Ukrainian drama called Servant of the People, where he played a humble teacher who miraculously becomes president. It was pure political fiction. And then, suddenly, it became real life. His campaign was managed by Western PR specialists—including an Obama speechwriter—and heavily financed by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, one of the most corrupt men in Ukraine. Kolomoisky, conveniently, owned Ukraine’s largest oil and gas company and bank. And when Zelenskyy took power, his first priority wasn’t fighting corruption—it was ensuring Western financial houses like BlackRock took over Ukraine’s economy. We now know that Zelenskyy funneled millions of dollars into offshore accounts—money that could have gone to his people. He allegedly used it to buy: * A $34 million mansion in Miami * A seaside home for his parents in Israel * A $3.8 million luxury apartment in London This is the man the media calls a hero. And once he was installed, his real job began: provoking war with Russia on behalf of the West. The War the West Wanted By 2022, NATO had armed Ukraine to the teeth, and Kiev had massed forces near the Donbass. Russia had a choice—let the ethnic Russian people in Donbass face an ethnic cleansing, and then let NATO turn Ukraine into a de facto launchpad for war, or step in. They stepped in. The media screamed that it was an “unprovoked invasion.” But it was provoked. NATO expansion, the 2014 coup, eight years of war on Donbass—this war was manufactured in Washington and, if the allegations around Zelenskyy being a MI6 asset are right, also in London. Time to Wake Up Zelenskyy can yell all he wants in the White House, but his game is up. Ukraine was never an independent player in this war—it was a pawn. A pawn used by Deep State actors in Washington to weaken Russia. And now that the war is lost, that pawn is being abandoned. So when Trump tells Zelenskyy “you don’t have the cards,” he’s not just talking about negotiations—he’s exposing the truth. And why would Trump do this if Zelenskyy is a Western puppet or, worse still, intelligence asset? Because that would mean he’s a puppet or agent of the Deep State—the same Deep State who have tried to destroy Trump since he was first elected in 2016. Perhaps President Trump wants payback, perhaps he wants justice, or perhaps he just wants peace and an end to this pointless war. The war in Ukraine didn’t need to happen. It was deliberately provoked. And it’s time for the world to wake up to that reality. Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation. Take care, George Christensen Nation First, by George Christensen is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Thank God for the truth. Even if just one man says it, it echoes through the heavens. Reply Mike Bryant March 2, 2025 RFK Jr. (Democrat) explains the Ukraine puzzle… https://x.com/nichole05507742/status/1895955442897207515?s=61 Does this sound like Democracy? Is this the type of world YOU want to live in? Anyone pushing for war in Ukraine is terribly uninformed/misinformed or making money from death and destruction. Reply Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Robert Kennedy is exactly correct. He has expressed the truth that dare not speak its name. Mike, I watched the photo and TV ops on the BBC that followed the summit meeting of E.U. leaders and Starmer with Zelensky. This was the “Let’s save face and do some damage control” session that Zelensky wanted after having his clock cleaned by Trump and Vance. There was a huge picture of Zelensky, smiling like a cat who had just eaten the canary, and surrounded by a pack of fatuous, clueless Europeans who were pledging support for him and for his refusal of a cease-fire. And that Labourite moron Starmer was actually talking about sending U.K. “peacekeepers” to the Ukraine, and hoping that other NATO members would do the same. Are these people insane? Do they know that if NATO soldiers are killed in a combat zone it could very well mean that all of NATO might be drawn into a major war? I’ll tell you who DOES know it — all of those armaments companies that Kennedy mentions in his speech. And they are just drooling at the prospect of such a bloodbath. Those stupid, smiling faces at Starmer’s photo op could have been a tableau vivant of Europe in 1914, when everyone was madly enthused with the prospect of a world war, all because of some daft dispute in the Balkans. 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Brian A. Yapko March 1, 2025 Joe, you must have been on fire to write an excellent poem this quickly on a topic of utmost newsworthiness. You present this amazing scene between Trump, Vance and Zelensky with exceptional accuracy as well as insight. It is refreshing to have a president who actually “tells it like it is” rather than coddles and enables an impossible position. Zelensky has not served his country in this situation. If the U.S. were to actually guarantee military protection to Ukraine (whether individually or through NATO) in the event of some future Russian attack then war between Russia and the U.S. would become inevitable. Such a war would be a disaster for both sides and for Europe. Trump knows this. Clearly. And Trump and the countries that still value rationality over TDS recognize that China would necessarily get involved and almost certainly on the side of Russia. This is what was meant by Trump and Vance cautioning about flirting with World War III. Trump’s offering is much more subtle and much more effective. The U.S. would have a presence in Ukraine for industrial purposes (mining, etc.) — a multi-billion dollar presence. And our very massive investment there would neutralize Russia’s willingness to wage war against Ukraine. A sensible and creative realpolitik solution rather than a forever war or World War III. If only people could get over themselves and their ideological biases long enough to actually run the tape forward. Foreseeability is in short supply on the Left. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Brian, I wrote the poem in a white heat after seeing the live broadcast made from the Oval Office. I was never more proud of Our Guy from Queens County! And J.D. Vance spoke with the same force and precision as he did to those assembled E.U. timeservers recently! What a difference from the mealy-mouthed, sail-trimming, script-reading bureaucrats and speechifiers who make up the rest of the world’s political community. Can you imagine what a cliche-laden, touchy-feely word salad that idiot Kamala Harris would have emitted if she were the President? And imagine the placating, syrupy, make-nice, oh-so-very-British love talk that is being lavished on Zelensky right now by Starmer in 10 Downing Street. This totally unnecessary war in the Ukraine is completely the fault of neocon meddlers in previous American administrations. They orchestrated the 2014 coup, they funded the Maidan demonstrators, they pushed for E.U. and NATO membership for the Ukraine, they encouraged Ukrainian Nazis, and that truly evil, sick bitch Victoria Nuland made sure there was plenty of funding for the forced metamorphosis of the Ukraine into a U.S. sphere of influence, and a rainbow-flag-waving trannie sanctuary. The Ukraine is a natural gateway into Russia. In World War II the German Wehrmacht swept through it easily. Russia has to protect itself against the possibility of the Ukraine becoming a jump-off point for invasion, just as we had to prevent Cuba from becoming a nuclear missile launch pad for the Soviets in 1962. The Russian invasion was inevitable and justified. Reply
Mark Stellinga March 1, 2025 Great job, Joe – this could easily pass for a first-rate Newsmax monolouge! Zelensky’s been schmoozing his way into tax payers’ pockets from the git-go, and I’ve no doubt that somewhere close to half of the Biden-cover-up-portion he sent to Ukraine is now safely hidden in their collective Swiss accounts. Hopefully Kash will quickly find his millions in cash… Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Yes, Zelensky has a net worth of over 500 million dollars. (See Mike Bryant’s link below.) How does a failed comedian and heavy cocaine addict get that much cash? Reply
Julia Griffin March 1, 2025 I thought nothing could be more disgusting than the sight of coward Trump and toady Vance insulting that brave man for refusing to buy their unguaranteed support for his country against unprovoked invasion by an evil tyrant, but your “poem” and the responses to it show me I was wrong. Dear God. Dear GOD. Reply
Mia March 1, 2025 In my opinion, the most absolutely disgusting thing is that the world has allowed a war where a million have either died or have been injured. I find that incomprehensible. Where is the media coverage. Where are the demonstrations. The cries of genocide. I can’t help but wonder whether it is because those suffering are mostly Christian. It is much easier to be brave when Zelensky’s family is safe in an undisclosed location. And he is probably so well protected in his pretend, pristine outfit that has never seen action. You would think he would just have had enough , some compassion for his countrymen and would be trying to achieve peace through diplomatic means. May God have mercy. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Mia, the war came about because American neocons wanted it to happen. So did influential globalists, who hate Putin because he refuses to let his nation become prey to a worldwide banking kleptocracy. People of all faiths and opinions are suffering in this pointless war: Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, atheists. Wars have a way of being all-consuming when it comes to the killing and mutilation. As for demonstrations, what enrages me is to see those stupid demonstrators packing the sidewalks near 10 Downing Street to show their support for Zelensky. Maybe they haven’t heard that he has sent over half a million of his young men into a hopeless meat grinder.
Paul A. Freeman March 1, 2025 Well put, Julia. Trump Diplomacy Limerick Though Don aimed to show off his clout, by fuming and choosing to shout, the White House’s bully exposed to us fully he’s just an insufferable lout. The Art of… Diplomacy Limerick To jump up and down, shout and scream, some think to an audience may seem a great show of strength, alas, though, at length, you’ll end up an internet meme. Reply
Mia March 1, 2025 It isn’t just that Z is out of his depth, as a diplomat he is deeply inept, he has lined his pockets by allowing rockets to kill those he is meant to protect.
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Poor Julia and Paul make a pair — The first with an unfinished prayer, The second by trying To tart up his lying With “facts” that are not really there. Nobody jumped up and screamed — That’s something that Paul Freeman dreamed. Our fellows told Zel He could just go to hell, And Zel’s pious puss came unseamed. People like Julia and Paul Are examples of minds that are small. Their brains only function With sobs of compunction Over what leftist newscasters bawl.
Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 You nailed it, Doctor! Zelensky’s gig pays a lot more than his last gig as a comedian… although his begging for money to enable the slaughter of even more Ukrainians, Russians, Britons (if two tier Kier has his way) and potentially, French, American, and… (Place Your Favorite Citizens of Earth Here), could guarantee his joining the ranks of the billionaires getting rich from the bloodshed of our children. https://caknowledge.com/zelensky-net-worth/ And these are LAST years numbers! Peace doesn’t pay… Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 This war is making many people very rich. And that is why they want it to continue, and hopefully ignite another bigger war with Russia. Reply
Julia Griffin March 1, 2025 “Dear God” was a cry of despair, not a prayer – despair at the heartlessness, the smug arrogance, the sheet baseness of this government and its stooges. Suppose this country were invaded by a brutal foreign autocrat. Would you clamour for appeasement and sneer at those who asked for justice? If not, you are a hypocrite. If so – well, there are other names for people like you.
Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Has it not occurred to you, Julia, from reading all of the information brought up in this discussion thread, that the invasion of Ukraine was the direct result of the instigation of American neocons and their warmongering need to antagonize Russia? Or are you still so mesmerized by the bullshit put out by Mainstream Media that you can’t think clearly? As for your stupid hypothetical case, answer me this: If a hostile foreign power decided to foment trouble for the U.S. in the Florida Keys, or in the coastal islands off Georgia and the Carolinas, would you object to our sending troops there to prevent it? The Ukraine has always been closely associated with Russia and Russian security, and there was no way Russia could ignore the stupid neocon meddling and U.S. subversion that was going on there. There’s also a name for persons like you: a dumb left-liberal sentimentalist.
Mia March 2, 2025 Julia , I , like many others believe in free speech. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion as am I. Let us say your opinion was the correct one . That this war should continue because Putin is a tyrant. That the USA and Europe send young men and money to extend this war. Then what. When say ten million are dead and Putin is cornered do you think he would come out with a white flag and surrender. Or might he push a few buttons. And the west knowing this might try to justify and pre-empt this by doing a Nagasaki on St Petersburg. That is the kind of scenario we should be thinking about not the one whether the USA might one day face the same problem . It may or may not. But if it does after carrying out a prolonged war in Europe will it even be able to defend itself. How the enemies of the west will laugh and rub their hands in glee at so much death and destruction. we are entitled to our opinions, but when those opinions mean death and destruction, it behoves us all to debate them vigorously. Thank you for your contribution as I firmly believe that all sides should be heard and examined. Reply
Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 The faces of the few that believe war is a winning game… https://x.com/ingrahamangle/status/1895587166937628822?s=61 Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Mike, those faces are frightening. I’m sure that all the government centers of Europe in August 1914 were filled with faces similarly horrid and filled with blood-lust, champing at the bit for slaughter. Yes, the Democrats definitely want a war with Russia. In 2016 Hillary Clinton was actually wet in the crotch at the thought of it. Reply
Susan Jarvis Bryant March 1, 2025 Joe, thank you for offering poetic food for thought. I come to this from an English and an American perspective. All the way back to the guy who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his endless warmongering in the Middle East – Tony Blair (George W. Bush’s poodle) who had a lucrative reign in Britain. Most of the rulers of the Western world have continued to ruin countries in the name of “democracy”, while lining their fat-cat pockets and grinning all the way to the banks that rule the world. Are we the people so blind we cannot see the devastation caused by these endless wars – the latest failure being Afghanistan, where the Taliban now rule, and a glut of weapons (left behind on Biden’s watch) is being utilized to nefarious ends? This serves to prove war is a business for those with money in the game. Surely Joe Biden’s subversion of the Ukraine’s democratic process when he got Victor Shokin fired for investigating the corruption of Burisma Oil (most lucrative for Biden and his son) points in that direction. These wars have nothing to do with “democracy”. Yet when Trump (whom I didn’t vote for because I don’t trust any president or prime minister after the horrors of 2020) wants to stop the flow of blood and blood money – all hell breaks loose. I’d like to know why anyone would trust the reasons for war we are sold daily by the bought and paid for media after the fake weapons-of-mass-destruction claim… yet we still listen to the growing-richer-than-Croesus politicians impoverishing the people and pocketing money we’re told will solve problems they created in the first place… problems that never end. Perhaps we should all start following the money instead of our media-plucked heartstrings. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Susan, you are always lucid and incisive in your commentary. And I have to agree that behind all of this sheer madness is money, money, money! The French have an expression, “Cherchez la femme,” which says that a woman is always behind anything that one might find hard to explain. When it comes to these goddamned wars, I think “Cherchez l’argent” might be a more trustworthy guide. Zelensky, who twenty years ago was a complete nobody, has a net worth of over 500 million dollars. This is so staggering that I need a stiff brandy and soda. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson March 1, 2025 Dr. Salemi, the following poem contains my thoughts as a geopolitical and geostrategic thinker. I pray Trump and the administration have chosen the wise way, yet I would be remiss in not critiquing the meltdown and potential results. My primary concern is having a public meltdown that likely emboldens Putin. THE TRUMP-ZELENSKY MELTDOWN By LTC Roy E. Peterson (March 1, 2025) Let’s forget geopolitics and let’s debate Over what is the fashion and who’s looking great. Let’s invest in a nation and leave it to fate While the wolf in sheep’s clothing has opened the gate. Leverage has been lost against tyrants of men By such public displays that eschew acumen. The wolf has been emboldened by us once again To emerge from his shelter and to leave his den. Herr Hitler, of course, knew how to play such a game. Propaganda always will find someone to blame. Build up the Wehrmacht pretending that you are tame Then igniting a torch as the world you inflame. As history tells us, you must meet force with force. We know Chamberlain learned such a lesson, of course. Toothless strategies taken I cannot endorse. The tides of the future will trace to this source. The neo-peacemakers are light in the head. Such cowards they are who from battles have fled. We are back to the fifties, “better red than dead.” While the rest of the world by the wolf is misled. I am not a warmonger, peace lover instead, Yet, force must block force by someone else’s beachhead. The wolf is the winner who loves when sheep have bled. Lord, help us prevent war that we all surely dread. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 LTC Peterson, you are trained in military strategy and geopolitical thinking. I think you must know that any nation’s leadership must not think emotionally or glandularly about making war, or about using feel-good moral categories to judge how war is carried on tactically, in the field. A leader’s job is to protect his country, and that means taking pre-emptive action if necessary to wreck hostile preparations. See what I have written below, in response to Cheryl A. Corey. And then read George Christensen’s powerful article from Nation First (linked to by Mike Bryant) about the horrible history of our meddlesome interference and anti-Russian agitation in the Ukraine, and how it was deliberately done by arrogant neocons to stir up a major war. And then see if you can still tell us that Putin is a “wolf” and a “warmonger.” Stopping Zelensky (and the huge cabal of left-liberals, globalists, kleptomaniac bankers, mainstream media networks, armaments dealers, and verminous neocons that are backing his insane war) is the REAL job of genuine peacemakers today. And part of the task is convincing Zelensky that the Ukraine is NOT a major power, and never will be. Trump and Vance are trying to do that. Reply
Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 Zelensky was created by us… yes by the good old taxpayers of the USA. At least, with our money through the Neo-Con War-mongers in BOTH parties. The funny thing… the guys in Ukraine really are the remnants of the Nazis. They’ve never forgiven Russia for winning WWII. Putin is a bad man, yes. But he did not start the war in Ukraine. We did. https://choiceclips.whatfinger.com/2025/03/01/deep-state-scum-using-our-stolen-usaids-money-created-zelensky-with-films-and-propaganda-all-paid-by-you-and-me/ Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Amen to that, Mike Bryant. Zelensky is a pure Made-In-USA product, designed by our intelligence and security agencies to foment a proxy war with Russia, using Ukrainian troops as cannon fodder. Reply
Cheryl A Corey March 1, 2025 If anything, Trump’s the only one out there with the courage and vision to propose a plan to end the war. The economic investment, with the backing, power, and prestige of the United States, would have been Ukraine’s “security guarantee”. It says a lot that immediately after being kicked out of the White House, Zelensky immediately high-tailed it to the UK to shake them down for money to continue the war! You could also say that Zelensky is something of a tyrant. He has shut down elections, churches, and free press. Before the meeting with Trump, he met with a “bipartisan” group of Dems and Rhinos, who perhaps tried to coach him on how to deal with Trump and/or led him to believe the US would continue to provide money and weapons. By the way, I’ve read that even before Russia’s invasion, Ukraine was bombing the Russian speakers in the Donbas. We’re not dealing with saints here, and both sides need to give. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. (Kudos to Roy as well for whipping up more verse!) Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Yes, the Ukraine has a strong neo-Nazi element that terrorized the Russian-speaking inhabitants of the Donbas and other eastern parts of the country. Thousands of Russian-speaking inhabitants were killed. It was precisely these murderous acts that constituted the last straw for Putin, and drove him to attack. But the dominant geopolitical facts are these. The Ukraine is an open gate into Russia, made up mostly of low-lying steppes and flat plateaus. Massed armored divisions can cross it easily. Putin, as a competent Russian leader, cannot allow the area to become an E.U. and NATO base, or let it be controlled by a hostile party or power. During the Cold War, we knew that if the Russians had attacked Western Europe through the Fulda Gap in Germany we would be hard pressed to stop them. That’s why we kept the area of the Fulda Gap fully militarized IN OUR FAVOR. All Putin is doing is protecting his country from the machinations of neocon and globalist scum. Reply
Julia Griffin March 1, 2025 Such a pity you couldn’t have explained that to Navalny! I’m sure he would have been as edified as I am. But at this point I suspect I’m just talking to a Russian bot.
Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Alexei Navalny? You mean the Russian extremist gadfly who was stripped of his “Prisoner of Conscience” status by Amnesty International? You’d better pick your moral heroes more carefully, Julia. If you think I’m a Russian bot, that fine. As for me, I know that you are a brainwashed left-liberal sentimentalist.
Mike Bryant March 1, 2025 I have taken the liberty of copying this from a substack article on Nation First, by George Christensen https://nationfirst.substack.com/p/zelenskyys-meltdown-and-a-history Zelenskyy’s Meltdown & a History Lesson Nation First looks behind the blow-up in the White House to see who Zelenskyy really is and whether the mainstream narrative around Ukraine stacks up. MAR 01, 2025 Dear friend, Many would have been shocked to see this—Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the so-called hero of democracy, in an outright shouting match with Donald Trump and JD Vance in the White House. For years, the media painted Zelenskyy as a courageous leader, a beacon of freedom, standing up to Russian “aggression.” But yesterday, the mask slipped. * Zelenskyy’s mask slipped during a fiery confrontation with Trump and JD Vance in the White House, proving he is not a grateful ally but a desperate puppet. * Ukraine has always been historically tied to Russia, and its so-called independence was only ever made possible by Western interference. * The US and NATO deliberately orchestrated Ukraine’s turn against Russia, using coups and propaganda to install a puppet regime that serves their interests. * Zelenskyy is possibly a Western intelligence asset, propped up by globalist elites while enriching himself at the expense of his own people. * The war in Ukraine was never about democracy—it was a Western-provoked disaster meant to weaken Russia, and now that it has failed, Zelenskyy is being cast aside. When Vance asked a simple question—why isn’t Ukraine showing gratitude for the billions of dollars in aid—it triggered an outburst. Zelenskyy, instead of thanking the US for bankrolling his war effort, accused America of not understanding what’s coming. Trump, never one to back down, reminded him exactly where he stands: “You don’t have the cards right now.” And he’s right. Zelenskyy has never been in control of this war. He isn’t some heroic leader calling the shots. He’s a desperate man clinging to power in a crumbling regime, propped up by Western money, Western weapons, and Western propaganda. And now, as Ukraine’s battlefield losses mount, as conscripts are dragged off the streets to fight, as the tide of public opinion in the West shifts—Zelenskyy is panicking. And why wouldn’t he be? He was never the real power in this war. The real architects of this disaster have been sitting in Washington, Brussels, and London, playing their geopolitical games. The war in Ukraine was never about protecting democracy, and it certainly wasn’t “unprovoked.” It was engineered—deliberately—by the West. But to understand that, you need to know the real history of Ukraine and Russia—history the mainstream media will never tell you. The Deep Ties Between Ukraine and Russia The Ukraine and Russia have been bound together for over a thousand years. Kyiv, the modern capital of the Ukraine nation, was once the heart of Kievan Rus, the first great Slavic state, which laid the foundations for Russian civilization itself. When the Mongols destroyed Kievan Rus in the 13th century, Moscow eventually rose to prominence, but the connection between Russians and Ukrainians never disappeared. By the 17th century, the Ukraine was a contested frontier between Poland and Russia. Notice I am saying “the Ukraine”. This is important. The nation of Ukraine is a modern invention. The Ukraine was always considered as being part of greater Russia. In fact, the name Ukraine derives from the Old East Slavic word “ukraina” meaning “borderland” by which they mean the borderlands of Russia. Except, for some time, it was under the control of foreign invaders… and the locals revolted. In 1654, the Ukrainian Cossacks, seeking protection from Polish rule, chose to join Russia in 1654 under the Treaty of Pereyaslav. This wasn’t some act of conquest—the Ukraine’s own leaders asked to be under Russian rule. And why wouldn’t have they; they were practically from the same ethnic stock. For centuries afterward, the Ukraine was an integral part of the Russian Empire, contributing to its military, economy, and culture. Even during the Soviet period, Ukraine, now a nation, wasn’t occupied—it was central to the USSR, producing its leadership, its industry, and its agriculture. Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader who gave Crimea to Ukraine in 1954, was himself Ukrainian. So when Western politicians and media talk about Ukraine as a permanently oppressed nation under Russian rule, they ignore the fact that for most of its history, the Ukraine was a key part of the Russian world. The real division started not because of Russian oppression, but because of Western interference. The West’s Long War Against Russia After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Ukraine became independent. But Washington didn’t see Ukraine as just another new country—it saw it as a tool to weaken Russia. The US and NATO promised Mikhail Gorbachev that they wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward.” That was a lie. NATO quickly swallowed up Poland, the Baltic States, and much of Eastern Europe, bringing its military presence right up to Russia’s borders. Ukraine was the big prize. If NATO could pull Ukraine into its orbit, it would deal a devastating blow to Russia’s security. Moscow made it clear—Ukraine joining NATO was a red line. But the West didn’t care. Instead of letting Ukraine develop as a neutral state between Russia and the West, Washington started pouring billions of dollars into the country, funding pro-Western political groups, media outlets, and NGOs. Their goal? To turn Ukraine against Russia and bring it fully into the Western camp. In 2004, the CIA and State Department backed the so-called “Orange Revolution,” a Western-funded uprising that overturned an election result that had favoured a Russia-friendly candidate. That was their first attempt to hijack Ukraine’s government. But the real turning point came in 2014, when Washington orchestrated an outright coup. The 2014 Coup: How the West Installed a Puppet Regime in Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s democratically elected president, wanted to balance Ukraine between East and West. He rejected a terrible EU trade deal that would have gutted Ukraine’s industry and instead sought closer ties with Russia. That was unacceptable to Washington. What followed was the Maidan coup—not a “people’s revolution,” but a Western-backed takeover. US officials, including Victoria Nuland and John McCain, openly supported the protests. Nuland was caught on a leaked call choosing Ukraine’s next leaders before Yanukovych was even removed. The violent street protests were driven by neo-Nazigroups like the Azov Battalion and Right Sector—groups that openly admire Hitler’s collaborators in Ukraine. Yanukovych fled, and Washington’s hand-picked government took over. One of its first moves? Banning the Russian language in official settings—a direct attack on the millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the east. And that’s when Donbass and Crimea said enough! The War in Donbass: Ukraine’s War on Its Own People The people of Donetsk and Luhansk (also known as the Donbass) didn’t recognise the new, Western-backed regime in Kiev. They held referendums and voted to break away. Crimea, home to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, also held a vote—with over 90% choosing to rejoin Russia. The response from Kiev? Brutal war. Instead of letting the Donbass go, Ukraine launched a military assault. For eight years, the people of Donetsk and Luhansk endured shelling, airstrikes, and blockades. Thousands of civilians died. Where was the Western outrage? Nowhere—because the media ignored it. Ukraine even used Nazi-linked militias like Azov to wage war on these civilians. These groups wore SS symbols, celebrated Nazi war criminals, and committed atrocities. And yet, the West armed them, trained them, and lied about their existence. Zelenskyy: A Western Intelligence Puppet? In 2013, the left-wing Covert Action magazine published an explosive revelation about Zelenskyy that should shock anyone who still believes the mainstream narrative. In October 2020, long before Russia’s military operation, Zelenskyy secretly met with Sir Richard Moore, the head of MI6. Not the British Prime Minister. The head of British intelligence. Diplomatically, that makes no sense. But if Zelenskyy was an MI6 asset, it makes perfect sense. According to Andriy Mishin, a former employee of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, this meeting signified that Zelenskyy was a professional intelligence agent and that Moore was his direct handler, telling him what to do. Since 2020, he has surrounded himself with British—not Ukrainian—security guards. When Zelenskyy visited the Vatican in May 2023, he snubbed Pope Francis and instead spent his time with British Bishop Paul Gallagher. His handler, Sir Richard Moore, was also present. Are we really supposed to believe this is all coincidence? And if Zelenskyy is an intelligence asset, then his entire presidency—his entire persona—is an illusion crafted for Western audiences. And that brings us to his rise to power. Hollywood Presidency: How Zelenskyy Was Manufactured Before he was president, Zelenskyy was a comedian—a TV actor in a scripted Ukrainian drama called Servant of the People, where he played a humble teacher who miraculously becomes president. It was pure political fiction. And then, suddenly, it became real life. His campaign was managed by Western PR specialists—including an Obama speechwriter—and heavily financed by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, one of the most corrupt men in Ukraine. Kolomoisky, conveniently, owned Ukraine’s largest oil and gas company and bank. And when Zelenskyy took power, his first priority wasn’t fighting corruption—it was ensuring Western financial houses like BlackRock took over Ukraine’s economy. We now know that Zelenskyy funneled millions of dollars into offshore accounts—money that could have gone to his people. He allegedly used it to buy: * A $34 million mansion in Miami * A seaside home for his parents in Israel * A $3.8 million luxury apartment in London This is the man the media calls a hero. And once he was installed, his real job began: provoking war with Russia on behalf of the West. The War the West Wanted By 2022, NATO had armed Ukraine to the teeth, and Kiev had massed forces near the Donbass. Russia had a choice—let the ethnic Russian people in Donbass face an ethnic cleansing, and then let NATO turn Ukraine into a de facto launchpad for war, or step in. They stepped in. The media screamed that it was an “unprovoked invasion.” But it was provoked. NATO expansion, the 2014 coup, eight years of war on Donbass—this war was manufactured in Washington and, if the allegations around Zelenskyy being a MI6 asset are right, also in London. Time to Wake Up Zelenskyy can yell all he wants in the White House, but his game is up. Ukraine was never an independent player in this war—it was a pawn. A pawn used by Deep State actors in Washington to weaken Russia. And now that the war is lost, that pawn is being abandoned. So when Trump tells Zelenskyy “you don’t have the cards,” he’s not just talking about negotiations—he’s exposing the truth. And why would Trump do this if Zelenskyy is a Western puppet or, worse still, intelligence asset? Because that would mean he’s a puppet or agent of the Deep State—the same Deep State who have tried to destroy Trump since he was first elected in 2016. Perhaps President Trump wants payback, perhaps he wants justice, or perhaps he just wants peace and an end to this pointless war. The war in Ukraine didn’t need to happen. It was deliberately provoked. And it’s time for the world to wake up to that reality. Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation. Take care, George Christensen Nation First, by George Christensen is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 1, 2025 Thank God for the truth. Even if just one man says it, it echoes through the heavens. Reply
Mike Bryant March 2, 2025 RFK Jr. (Democrat) explains the Ukraine puzzle… https://x.com/nichole05507742/status/1895955442897207515?s=61 Does this sound like Democracy? Is this the type of world YOU want to live in? Anyone pushing for war in Ukraine is terribly uninformed/misinformed or making money from death and destruction. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi March 2, 2025 Robert Kennedy is exactly correct. He has expressed the truth that dare not speak its name. Mike, I watched the photo and TV ops on the BBC that followed the summit meeting of E.U. leaders and Starmer with Zelensky. This was the “Let’s save face and do some damage control” session that Zelensky wanted after having his clock cleaned by Trump and Vance. There was a huge picture of Zelensky, smiling like a cat who had just eaten the canary, and surrounded by a pack of fatuous, clueless Europeans who were pledging support for him and for his refusal of a cease-fire. And that Labourite moron Starmer was actually talking about sending U.K. “peacekeepers” to the Ukraine, and hoping that other NATO members would do the same. Are these people insane? Do they know that if NATO soldiers are killed in a combat zone it could very well mean that all of NATO might be drawn into a major war? I’ll tell you who DOES know it — all of those armaments companies that Kennedy mentions in his speech. And they are just drooling at the prospect of such a bloodbath. Those stupid, smiling faces at Starmer’s photo op could have been a tableau vivant of Europe in 1914, when everyone was madly enthused with the prospect of a world war, all because of some daft dispute in the Balkans. Reply