Haiku of Righteous Thought

Inspired by Dafa

Karma turned virtue
Evil eliminated
Virtue travels home

Foe falls defeated
Demon laughter quieted
Perpetual peace

Heaven earth conjoin
Restoring eternity
Missions completed


The Hazy Way of Shades of Grey

When caught in the haze
Inside shades of grey
Navigate the way
Compass night or day
Find the source of light
Discern wrong from right
Down in the valley
Or up on the heights

When lost in the midst
Adrift in the mist
Grasping open hands
Swinging fists that miss
Venomous snakes hiss
Placing on the dish
The apple of eye
Temptation of bliss

This bliss never lasts
Eating breaks the fast
Stomach turns and churns
Teeth crash and gnash
Hungry actions rash
Sparks desire’s burn
Lessons unlearned
Life falls in a flash


Featured Image: “In Harmony” by Xiaoping Chen. Description from Falunart.org: This painting depicts a young woman doing the fifth exercise of Falun Gong, “Way of Strengthening Divine Powers.” The clear water and blue sky reflect her tranquility and give a feeling of her union with heaven while she meditates.

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