By Damian Robin

‘Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free,
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?
Wider still, and wider, shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet!’

Lyrics by A. C. Benson from the ‘Coronation Ode’,
first performed in 1902.      Music, Edward Elgar.


The UK
Prime Minister may
be mighty but has lost his way.
is an honest man
working as a politician —
firmly, he
steers his policy
through detail and diplomacy.

But China
has an agenda
of CCP propaganda.
is scared; he sees non-
events; gives tempered credence, on
the money
side, to the CC
P (Chinese Communist Party);

for he fears
its volume; his ears
are wigged by killing down the years;
by tanks in
Tiananmen, organ
stealing, covered-up extinction,
things his spies
tell him — how the sky’s
no limit in CCP eyes.

He said “Hi,”
smiled at the Dalai
Lama. … The Party scolded … “Why
— when we told
you don’t — did you bold-
ly talk to him?” It bought and sold,
dealt UK
business out of play.
(Back then, CCP trade held sway.)

Now Camer-
on needs to take care
with CCP promise and scare —
will he break
the window to make
a CCP business handshake?
get their nod?
he can’t gently prod
their higher side, they have no God.

It’s awkward
doing what he should
for his (free) country, making good;
for he feels
weakened, can’t bag deals
in the way he wants and so seals
shrink wrappers
on murders, tortures,
bad work standards, and gagged lawyers.

Xi Jinping
batons down Beijing,
stands by his throne through smog and bling.
Head of Par-
ty, head of state, tar-
get of glory, and hate; by far,
Xi’s primal
conflict’s internal,
inside China, unoffic’al.

When Tianjin
blew up, Xi looked in
at The Party and Jiang Zemin.
When democ-
racy morphed and flock-
ed with young demonstrators, rock-
ing Hong Kong,
old Jiang, all along,
tried to show Xi as cruel and wrong.

He’s tried to
wrong-foot Xi and glue
his insteps in the old-guard shoe.
Put plainly,
Jiang is a Party
man and The Party is empty-
ing — more than
two hundred mill’yon
have left since Tui Dang began;

with false names
or offic’al names
citizens leave The Party’s games;
leave all three
parts of CCP:
Pioneers, League, and full Party;
drop daily
salutes to Party
flag, to Party rules, and Party.

knows the Red Beast’s on
course for pre-destined extinction;
with his mask
to keep face, his task
is to bite the bullet and ask:
“How can you
or your team win-through
with such Human Rights tagged to you?”;

and open
up about Falun
Dafa’s / Falun Gong’s mad sixteen
year suppress-
ion, (where empty flesh
is burned and organs exchanged, fresh —
where psychi-
atric drugs and de-
vi’us ways try to warp purity);

where more than
one hundred mill’yon
Falun Gong cultivators can
be said to
suffer in a true
genocide, a mad attempt to
wipe out Fa-
lun Gong whose goals are
clear while the CCP’s are tar;

should gift his govern-
ment the heart to reject this sin;
a firm mind,
wide and bright, not blind-
ed to Falun Gong’s human kind
calmly try-
ing to revive high
moral being — match earth with sky;

say to Xi
and The dead Party:
“We note your awkward secrecy;
we ask you,
across tables, two
times a year, to break a way through
this impasse
on Falun Gong mass
killing; but you blank us; shrug, ‘Pass.’

“Please drop your
un-winnable war.
You don’t know what you’re killing for.
Jiang Zemin
pushed his bad opin-
yon; made the Polit Bureau sin.
They did not
want one sploshed blood spot
of Falun Gong; nor his mad plot.

“His thick e-
vil soaks up money,
sucks down China’s economy,
plugs the font
of industry’s quant-
ities, pulls help from those with want,
syphons manned
power, drains demand,
scuppers remod’ling Middle Land.

“Can’t you let
these prisoners get
some freedom? — then you can forget
fear of be-
ing found out — for we,
the world’s other leaders, can see,
in close shot,
the Falun Gong slot,
the rut that’s made that means you’ll rot.

“Yes, some make
money through the lake
of blood gurgling up when they take
out organs —
live, working organs
whose donors had longer life spans
than those who received
the gifts and are, short term, revived.

“You sell stuffed
cloth animals puffed
up by pris’ners of conscience roughed
up by jail-
ers pumping up sale-
s by overworking to fail-
ure the slave
class they’ve made who crave
rest and drop in the time they save.

“You disown
the near past that’s grown
beyond control. Who will atone?
Someone car-
lesly says, ‘Other
pris’ners make a quick turnover.
Other Fa-
lun Gong are not far
away.’ Who will say where they are?

“Once Sujian-
tun Hospital ran
a thorough programme of organ
but now the cutting
edges of transplant tailoring
have moved. Arm-
y hospitals farm
humans and state surgeons do harm.

“And there’s your
low-paid workers’ poor
conditions; health and safety law;
your too-fast
dams and quarry blast-
s; your repression’s running cost-
s … mess you
try to clean up through
removing those you’re opposed to.

“Soon that dyn-
asty will be gone;
it will have nothing; will be gone,
so, please, will
you open, not kill
questions and time to hide your drill
full of con-
sealment; full of con;
destined for dark oblivion.”

could move matters on,
tell Xi, “The Party’s almost gone;
it’s power-
base has boiled to air
as there’s hardly anyone there.
You’d do well
to climb out that well,
climb out the poisoned Party well.”

Such words could
change the news for good,
un-key China from depths of mud —
dissolve dark-
ness with flinty spark-
s, speak wide worlds, make China’s mark
distinct and
clear of underhand
Party-infected contra-brand.

can say, one to one
with China’s Number One,
how clearly
he understands Xi
will leave a lasting legacy
and hopes it
shows a deep remit:
China’s 5,000 year spirit.

The Party
is not China, pe-
‘ple are not The Party, they’re free.
The Party
is not China, Xi
is Party leader but he’s free —
to take on
Party extinction,
free China from its vast dung’on.

Free to o-
pen jails, row on row
of pris’ners of conscience; to show
he is un-
afraid of the un-
true shout that he alone has done
the worse wrong
against Falun Gong
whose genocide is hard and long.

Free to lead
Middle Land to feed
with more than smog-filled mouths of greed.
Free to gree-
t Gods and Daos re-
making a new Tang dynasty.
Free to be
President from free
elections in his own country.

For it’s Xi
who can work things cle-
ar, can drop The evil Party;
can shine in
hist’ry, a Yeltsin/
Gorbochev, help hope to begin,
kindness thrive,
tolerance survive,
help the heart of truth heave alive.

Mister Cam-
eron, though I am
a small quote you can trash as spam,
I ask you:
persevere, hold to
with Falun Gong, help Xi pull through;
You must know
your rewards will grow,
and those of your nation also.



[Quotes from the above poem are italics]

… Xi Jin Ping……… has accepted an invitation from Her Majesty the Queen to pay a State Visit to the UK from 20th to 23rd October 2015.
Will stay at Buckingham Palace

and so seals shrink wrappers on murders, tortures,
bad work standards, and gagged lawyers.

Falun Dafa’s / Falun Gong’s
mad sixteen year suppression,

(where empty flesh is burned and organs exchanged, fresh —
where psychiatric drugs and evil are poured onto purity);

where more than one hundred mill’yon Falun Gong cultivators
can be said to suffer in a true genocide,

Falun Gong — also called Falun Dafa —  Exercises

Brief introduction to Teachings and practice of Falun Gong also called Falun Dafa


list of articles on Minghui …

Yes, some make money through the lake of blood gurgling up
when they take out organs — live, working organs
whose donors had longer life spans projected
than those who received the gifts and are, short term, revived.

forced organ harvesting in China
Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH)
list of articles on Minghui …

An Open Letter to President Xi Jinping

open letter to Xi from Friends of Falun Gong
Seattle, USA: Xi Jinping’s Visit Met with Call to Prosecute Chief Culprit in Persecution of Falun Gong
London, UK: Series of Activities Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong in China

slavery and forced manufacturing
list of articles on Minghui …

women above ghosts’ heads
小鬼頭上的女人 The Women of Masanjia Labour Camp

He said “Hi,” smiled at the Dalai Lama. … The Party scolded …
“Why — when we told you don’t — did you boldly talk to him?”
It bought and sold, dealt UK business out of play.
(Back then, CCP trade held sway.)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to visit Oxford, Cambridge and London during 14 – 22 September UK tour

business deals

Head of Party, head of state, target of glory, and hate;
by far, Xi’s primal conflict’s internal, inside China, unoffic’al.

Xi Jinping is the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, the president of the People’s Republic of China, and the chairman of the Central Military Commission

Jiang Zemin pushed his bad opinion; made the Polit Bureau sin.
They did not want one sploshed blood spot
of Falun Gong; nor his mad plot.
experiences of people suing Jiang

can shine in hist’ry, a Yeltsin/Gorbochev

Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia and Mikhail Gorbachev the leader of the Soviet Union (USSR) during the dissolution of the Soviet Communist Party at the end of 1991




Damian Robin works for an international newspaper and lives in England with his wife and two of his three grown-up children.

Featured Image: British PM David Cameron in Beijing. (AFP)

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