April 2013

The snow has thawed; it’s Spring again
Crickets sing to the beat of rain
The sky is dark, the air is warm
Again, the bugs begin to swarm
Although the world is wet and dark
We welcome back the springtime lark
The rain beats down, replace the snow
April will make our flowers grow.



My flock, they wear coats white and warm;
At night they do not fear the chill.
I huddle down and wait for morn,
I keep strict watch atop the hill.

My flock, they eat until they’re full,
They never thirst, or miss a meal.
I eat my bread, though stale and dull
It is enough, if not ideal.

My flock give clothes off from their backs,
With selfless grace, they don’t complain.
I’ve taught them well just how to act,
For giving causes them no pain.

My flock, all of their needs are met,
They play and mate, learn and forget.
My flock do not know I exist,
But for them, I’ve died and lived.


Brandon Briggs, 19, is currently majoring in English Language and Literature at Gordon College.

Featured Image: “Spring” by Frederick Walker

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