Where lightness finds the passage through the dark
the thoroughfare of dimness, where we’ll soar
about the sun undone, unborn again,
but one─divine the spark! The wicket door
unfastens where the constellations form
sepulchers made of stars. Celestial reach─
become what’s yet to be, your elegy
of memoirs left beneath the weeping beech
our private pain released. O spirit’s heart
no loneliness eclipsed by shadows breathes
beneath the Zodiac where night-birds sing
and crown each shining sphere with wreathes
from fronds of maidenhair in braids of gold
where rainbows arc and nights are never cold.


Featured Image: “Starry Night” by Alex Ruiz

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3 Responses

  1. E. Ducabe Wisler

    Starry Night by Alex Ruiz

    He stands in awe outside the sanitarium,
    while gazing at the starry night—Vincent Van Gogh—
    as if he has his own Observatorium:
    large stars, huge moon, transparent clouds, a gorgeous gawk.
    This Ruiz got in seven hours in Photoshop
    by using matte paint techniques—a magical,
    fantastic spectacle, a wizard paused in Oz
    in fields of golden flowers, by towering trees,
    before a village, gray and slightly lit, at top
    a spire, pointing up, so lovely in the breeze-
    less frieze of thrilling hills and skies, a requiem
    to one who seized th’ intensities such seeing sees.


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