Sing me a sonnet of spring’s first sweet kiss.
Let me gaze at splendid colors around.
warm sun touching my cheeks; the cold remiss.
those angelic sounds of spring now abound.
The morning songbirds sing loud flying high,
honks of northbound geese waving in the mist.
the buzz of the bees all about the sky
The bedroom curtains gently dance and twist
whisper to me lines of a Summer’s rhyme.
Sing me a last sweet winter serenade;
of things my memory shall keep in time
renewal of nature for which we prayed
await our toast to this sonnet with wine
springs first sweet kiss, we relax in the shade.


Ken Allan Dronsfield is a disabled veteran, poet and fabulist originally from New Hampshire, now residing on the plains of  Oklahoma. His work can be found in magazines, journals, reviews and anthologies. His two poetry books, “The Cellaring” a collection of 80 poems of light horror, paranormal, weird and wonderful work and his newest book, “A Taint of Pity”, Life Poems Written with a Cracked Inflection, are available through He is a three time Pushcart Prize and twice Best of the Net Nominee for 2016-2017. Ken loves writing, thunderstorms, walking in the woods at night and spending time with his cats Willa and Yumpy. 

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