Lay your hand in mine dear,
___Lay your hand in mine;
If you will lay your hand in mine
We shall like eager, fruitful vines
Then I’ll be yours
___And you’ll be mine.

Place your lips to mine dear,
___Place your lips to mine;
If you will place your lips to mine
We two shall taste the healthy wine
___Of Love’s moonshine:
Then I’ll be yours
___And you’ll be mine.

Shine your eyes on mine dear,
___Shine your eyes on mine;
If you will shine your eyes on mine
We shall our orbit’s course align
___In love sublime:
Then I’ll be yours
___And you’ll be mine:

So, shine your eyes on mine dear,
___And place your lips to mine;
If you will ring your hand in mine
We two alike a fruitful vine
___Shall twine our love in vows divine:
Then I’ll be yours
___And you’ll be mine.


Michael Curtis has 40 years of experience in architecture, sculpture, and painting. He has taught and lectured at universities, colleges, and museums including The Institute of Classical Architecture, The National Gallery of Art, et cetera. His pictures and statues are housed in over 400 private and public collections including The Library of Congress, The Supreme Court, et alibi; his verse has been published in over 20 journals. Mr. Curtis consults on scholarly, cultural, and artistic projects, currently: Curator, Plinth & Portal; Co-Director, The Anacostia Project; Vice-President, Liberty Fund, D.C.; Lead Designer on the 58 square mile city of AEGEA.

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6 Responses

  1. Author M. S. Dogara - Nigeria

    An observant wit with limitless imagination. Well-done Mr Michael Curtis.

  2. James A. Tweedie

    A sweet poem with amusing wordplay: ring (wedding/engagement or pun on wring) and hands; eyes and orbs and, of course, wine and moonshine. Multiple meanings which all add up to, “I love you.”

  3. David Watt

    I find this to be a cleverly constructed poem, with witty wordplay, and strongly expressive of love.


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