
If the room
is the tomb
then the elephant
is irrelevant.



From my heart was shown
how very much I loved her—
could she not have known?


I have found my voice.
I do not rejoiceI fear
I have lost your ear.


Haiku remind me
of tasty little morsels
popcorn poetry.



Joe Tessitore is a retired New York City resident and poet.



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10 Responses

  1. Joe Tessitore

    We fight this cold, uncivil war.
    Whatever for? Whatever for?

    An elephant has indeed entered the room since I submitted these, and to talk about anything else but impeachment seems to me to be truly foolish.

    I wonder if any of you are as angry and as heartbroken about it as I am, and if any of you believe that there’s light at the end of this tunnel we now find ourselves in?

  2. Anna J. Arredondo


    This is the light-hearted (I hope not entirely foolish) response to your post that popped into my head before reading your own very sober comment.
    Regarding “Irrelevant”: true indeed. But —

    If the setting
    Were a wedding,
    The pachyderm
    Might make you squirm.

  3. C.B. Anderson

    Joe, you owe a debt to Ogden Nash. He wrote a bit of light verse in which he rhymed “elephant” with “irrelevant.” If I’m not mistaken, in that same poem he rhymed “rhinoceros” with “preposterous.””

    • Joe Tessitore

      I wish I would’ve thought of that last one.
      I once thought I came up with “Can butter fly?” and a fourteen-year-old told me “Not so much.”


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