
The Summer’s ushered in to close Spring’s tale;
New chapters are revealed in nature’s story.
The seasons’ story arc will without fail
Express great beauty, speaking of God’s glory.
There’s differences of flowers, side by side,
Unique in color and their time of birth 
With vibrant blooms that echo far and wide 
Midst all of nature blessed upon this earth.
There’s essences of hidden growth we know
And yet unseen: a mind’s unwritten word.
Each chapter is another message told
And one must wait to see… even the bird
That soars from yard to bloom, from bush to tree
Awaits the wonders of the world to see.



Lucia Haase has several books of poetry published and was recently included in a poetry anthology titled Symphonies of the Wild Hearted available on Amazon.com.  She also recently had poetry accepted by several publications including Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, The Long Islander, Nostalgia Press, The Raven’s Perch, and POEM publication. She lives in Spring Valley, Illinois.

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16 Responses

  1. Cheryl Corey

    Conceptually it’s lovely, but I question some of the punctuation. On line 3, if you’re referring only to summer, it should be “season’s”, singular possessive; otherwise, “arcs” would have to be plural to agree. I believe that “Midst” is the shortened version of “amidst” and should therefore read ‘Midst. Also, “there’s” is the contraction of “there is”, which does not agree with plural “differences” or “essences”. You can get around it by changing those words to “difference” and “essence”. I don’t profess to be an expert on grammar and punctuation and would be interested in hearing other opinions. I fuss a great deal as it is over my own punctuation!

    • Margaret Coats

      As the “story arc” is that of all the seasons, making the plural “seasons” possessive is correct. So is “midst,” which as a poetical preposition can stand without an apostrophe.

      “There’s differences” and “there’s essences” indeed represent bad grammar unsuited to a good poem, although the error is often heard in colloquial speech. Your suggested corrections remove lightly stressed third syllables, and this creates metrical problems. The poet could say, “of the flowers” and “of the hidden growth,” allowing a light stress to fall on the word “of” in both lines. She has light stresses on the word “of” in lines 4 and 6, so this might be acceptable to her.

      • Cheryl Corey

        Thank you for your expertise. The learning process never ends, does it?

  2. Paul Freeman

    Highly appreciated with lockdowns coming to an end. My eyes will be more watchful for Nature’s bounty.

  3. Ryan Watch

    Thus Springtime shall conclude her tale
    While Summer takes the helm.
    She bringeth color to the pale
    Of springtime’s pastel realm.

    This was a pleasant poem to read Ms. Haase. Thank you for sharing it, because it made my day!

  4. Damian Robin

    Thank you Lucia. A lovely evocation of this time of year.

  5. Margaret Coats

    As a point-in-time poem, this is a delicate delight of transience and expectation. It is visionary, maintaining focus on the present, while leading the imagination to the full pageant of the seasons “yet unseen.”


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