
While Pondering Alexander
Pope’s “Ode to Solitude”

Grateful am I in solitude
while reading Pope’s inspiring ode,
a time for pause—an interlude
____________in my abode.

I’m whisked into the distant past
that once again becomes all new;
his words, his lines like shadows cast
____________as poets do.

His quill, my pen—all one the same,
his chosen words re-echoing
as there burns peace within the flame
____________that I too sing.

Blessed are those who write in rhyme,
a truth all poets knew or know—
those presently or in a time
____________so long ago.

So here I write to have my say
befriended by a poet’s glow
upon my porch this quiet day,
____________my soul to know.



Lucia Haase has several books of poetry published and was recently included in a poetry anthology titled Symphonies of the Wild Hearted available on Amazon.com.  She also recently had poetry accepted by several publications including Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, The Long Islander, Nostalgia Press, The Raven’s Perch, and POEM publication. She lives in Spring Valley, Illinois.

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15 Responses

  1. Paul Freeman

    I must admit, I wasn’t as familiar with Alexander Pope’s “Ode to Solitude” as perhaps I should have been, so I read it first.

    An excellent reply, Lucia. Thanks for the read.

  2. Cynthia Erlandson

    Beautiful in itself, with skillful echoing Pope’s musical form. I especially like the rhymes in your first verse.

  3. Roy E. Peterson

    I was like Paul Freeman in that “Ode to Solitude was vaguely familiar having been read sometime in my distant past. You made it a beautiful backdrop for your excellent contemplative poem. I enjoyed writing and the thoughts disclosed.

  4. Margaret Coats

    “Upon my porch this quiet day” is the line I think is closest to Pope’s own down-to-earth descriptive vocabulary. You’ve moved into a more reflective mode, Lucia, to offer the master a very beautiful tribute in his own form. True honor from the creative mind and pen of the disciple!

  5. C.B. Anderson

    Nice thoughts, Lucia, and I hope to see more in the future, as a complement to my own. What’s better than a distilled version of my own imperfect thoughts? You get it, you got it, and you have gotten it. Who could ask for anything more?


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